
48 KiB


ZScript is a new (circa 2017) scripting language that has sprung from the ceasing of ZDoom and the subsequent reprisal of GZDoom as mainline. It is similar to Java, though it has many deficiencies, oddities and other such issues. Despite this, it is still the most powerful Doom modding tool since straight up source editing, and will likely stay that way for a while until Eternity Engine inevitably becomes competition-worthy with scripting additions.

This documentation serves as an introduction to and informal specification of the ZScript language from a programmer's viewpoint. It should also be useful for non-programmers looking for specifics on the inner workings of the language and more information on the functions and properties provided to it.

ZScript runs in a virtual machine much like ACS, although because it is not compiled to bytecode and uses an object-oriented structure, the virtual machine is far more complex, and also therefore quite a bit slower. ZScript may only be read from source files by the engine, which has several benefits as well as detriments. It is the opinion of the author that this is a bad solution, but the author will refrain from going on a several-paragraph tirade about why bytecode is always better than source, even if it is an optional component.

In any case, here we are. This documentation will detail all aspects of ZScript, from the language and type system to the API and finer details. This document is distributed under the CC0 public domain license in the hope that it is useful reference and serves as a solid basis for further writings. This document was originally written by Alison Sanderson (Marrub.) Attribution is encouraged but not required.

Reading This Document

This document's syntaxes are written in a specific way to be easy to read but still close enough to a formal syntax that, for instance, someone writing a parser could do so off of this document. Here is a legend describing all syntax element spellings:

Spelling Meaning
Keyword Any keyword with spaces around it is spelled as-is.
Symbol Any symbol with spaces around it is spelled as-is, the whitespace is only for clarity and may be omitted.
Syntax A syntax element defined by this document. Spelled as according to its grammar.
Syntax... A syntax element of which there may be any amount of. Spelled as according to its grammar.
Syntax{N} A syntax element of which there may be exactly N amount of. Spelled as according to its grammar.
$[ and ]$ An optional syntax element, which may be omitted by the user.
"text" Any string literal, contents do not necessarily have to be what is inside unless explicitly stated.

Translation Unit

Full ZScript files are referred to as "translation units." This terminology comes from the C standard, and refers simply to the entirety of a ZScript source file. ZScript files are looked for in lumps named zscript with any extension. The standard extension is .txt, but .zsc and .zs are common as well. The author of this documentation prefers .zsc.

The base translation unit zscript may start with a version directive, then followed by any number of top-level definitions and #include directives. Included translation units may not have version directives.

All keywords and identifiers in ZScript are case insensitive.


A version directive may be placed at the very beginning of a ZScript file, the syntax being:

version "num"

Where num is the ZScript version to use. By default ZScript is version "2.3", the original ZScript specification. This old version is not supported by this documentation and it is highly encouraged to always use the latest version of ZScript. The minimum version supported by this documentation is 3.0.


A ZScript file can have one of several things at the top level of the file, following a version directive:

  • Class definitions
  • Structure definitions
  • Enumeration definitions
  • Constant definitions
  • Include directives

Class definitions

A class defines an object type within ZScript, and is most of what you'll be creating within the language.

All classes inherit from other classes. The base class can be set within the class header, but if it is not the class will automatically inherit from Object.

Classes are subject to Scoping. They are also implicitly reference values, and therefore can be null. Use new to instantiate a new class object.

Classes that inherit from Actor can replace other actors when spawned in maps, and can also be used freely in DECORATE. Actors have states, which will not be explained in this document as they are already well-documented on the ZDoom wiki.

A class is formed with the syntax:

class Identifier $[ : Base-class]$ $[Class-flags...]$

Base-class in this context is an Identifier.

Alternatively, the rest of the file can be used as class content. Note that with this syntax you cannot use include directives afterward:

class Identifier $[ : Base-class]$ $[Class-flags...]$ ;


If the class is defined within the same archive as the current file, then one can continue a class definition with the syntax:

extend class Identifier

In place of the class header.

Class flags

Flag Description
abstract Cannot be instantiated with new.
native Class is from the engine. Only usable internally.
play Class has Play scope.
replaces Replace-class Replaces Replace-class with this class. Only works with descendants of Actor.
ui Class has UI scope.
version ( "ver" ) Restricted to ZScript version ver or higher.

Replace-class in this context is an Identifier denoting a class which inherits Actor.

Class content

Class contents are an optional list of various things logically contained within the class, including:

  • Member declarations
  • Method definitions
  • Property definitions
  • Default blocks
  • State definitions
  • Enumeration definitions
  • Structure definitions
  • Constant definitions
  • Static array definitions

Property definitions

Property definitions are used within classes to define defaultable attributes on actors. They are not valid on classes not derived from Actor.

When registered, a property will be available in the default block as ClassName.PropertyName. Properties can be given multiple members to initialize.

Property definitions take the form property Identifier : Member $[ , Member]$... ; (where Member is an identifier naming any member in the current class.)

Properties defined in ZScript are usable from DECORATE.

Default blocks

Default blocks are used on classes derived from Actor to create an overridable list of defaults to properties, allowing for swift creation of flexible actor types.

In DECORATE, this is everything that isn't in the states block, but in ZScript, for syntax flexibility purposes, it must be enclosed in a block with default at the beginning, formed:


Default statements include either flags or properties:

Default flag

Default flags are formed either:

+ Identifier $[ ; ]$
- Identifier $[ ; ]$

The former will enable the flag on this actor, the latter will disable it.

Default property

Default properties are formed as:

Identifier $[ . Identifier]$... Expression ;

Note that all properties except for DamageFunction require Expression to be a constant expression.

State definitions

These are the same as DECORATE, but states that do not have function blocks require terminating semicolons. Double quotes around # and - are no longer required. State blocks can be subject to Action Scoping with the syntax states(Scope).

A state definition block has the syntax:

states $[ ( Scope ) ]$

State-or-label either defines a state label or a state itself, with the syntax of:

Identifier :
Char{4} Char... Number-or-random $[State-option...]$ State-func

Where Char is any ASCII character, Number-or-random is one of:

random ( Number , Number )

State-option is one of:

offset ( Number , Number )
light ( String $[ , String]$... )

And finally, State-func is one of:

Identifier ( Argument-list ) ;
{ $[Statement...]$ }

The first will attach no action function to the state. The second will attach the specified action function with the specified arguments, and the third will create an anonymous action function and attach it.

Structure definitions

A structure is an object type that does not inherit from Object and is not always (though occasionally is) a reference type, unlike classes. Structures marked as native are passed by-reference to and from the engine in an implicit pseudo-type Pointer<T>, and null can be passed in their place. Also note that this means the engine can return null structures. Non-native structures cannot be passed as arguments or returned normally.

Structures are preferred for basic compound data types that do not need to be instanced and are often used as a way of generalizing code. They cannot be returned from functions.

Structures are subject to Scoping.

A structure takes the form of:

struct Identifier $[Structure-flags...]$

Optionally followed by a semicolon.

Structure flags

Flag Description
clearscope Structure has Data scope. Default.
native Structure is from the engine. Only usable internally.
play Structure has Play scope.
ui Structure has UI scope.
version ( "ver" ) Restricted to ZScript version ver or higher.

Structure content

Structure contents are an optional list of various things logically contained within the structure, including:

  • Member declarations
  • Method definitions
  • Enumeration definitions
  • Constant definitions

Enumeration definitions

An enumeration is a list of named numbers, which by default will be incremental from 0. By default they decay to the type int, but the default decay type can be set manually.

An enumeration definition takes the form:

enum Identifier $[ : Integer-type]$
   $[Enumerator $[ , Enumerator]$... $[ , ]$]$

Optionally followed by a semicolon. Integer-type in this context is any valid integral type name.

Enumerators can either be incremental (from the last enumerator or 0 if there is none) or explicitly set with the syntax Identifier = Expression. Enumerators must be followed by a comma unless it is the end of the list.

Enumerator syntax is:

Identifier $[ = Expression]$

Constant definitions

Constants are simple named values. They are created with the syntax:

const Identifier = Expression ;

Constants are not assignable. Their type is inferred from their value, so if you wish for them to have a specific type, you must cast the value to that type.

Static array definitions

Similar to constants, static arrays are named values, but for an array. They are created with the syntax:

static const Type Variable-name = { $[Expression $[ , Expression]$...]$ } ;

Static arrays cannot be multi-dimensional, unlike normal fixed-size arrays.

Include directives

Include directives include other files to be processed by the ZScript compiler, allowing you to organize and separate code into different files. Their syntax is simple:

#include "filename"

Note that included filenames will conflict with other mods. If two mods have a file named zscript/MyCoolClasses.zsc and both include it, expecting to get different files, the engine will fail to load with a script error.

To avoid this, it is suggested to place your ZScript code under a uniquely named sub-folder.


ZScript has several categories of types: Integer types, floating-point (decimal) types, strings, vectors, names, classes, et al. There are a wide variety of ways to use these types, as well as a wide variety of places they are used.

Types determine what kind of value an object stores, how it acts within an expression, etc. All objects, constants and enumerations have a type. Argument lists use types to ensure a function is used properly.

Most basic types have methods attached to them, and both integer and floating-point type names have symbols accessible from them. See the API section for more information.


Integer types are basic integral numbers. They include:

Name Usable as argument Bits Lowest value Highest value
int Yes 32 -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647
uint Yes 32 0 4,294,967,296
int16 No 16 -32,768 32,767
uint16 No 16 0 65,535
int8 No 8 -128 127
uint8 No 8 0 255

Some types have aliases as well:

Name Aliases
sbyte int8
byte uint8
short int16
ushort uint16


Integer types have symbols attached which can be accessed by typename.name, for instance int.Max.

  • Max

    Maximum value of type.

  • Min

    Minimum value of type.

Floating-point types

Floating-point types hold exponents, generally represented as regular decimal numbers. There are two such types available to ZScript:

Name Usable as argument Notes
double Yes 64-bit floating-point number.
float Yes (64 bits) 32-bit in structures and classes, 64-bit otherwise.
float64 Yes Alias for double.
float32 No 32-bit floating-point number. Not implemented correctly, unusable.


Floating-point types have symbols attached which can be accessed by typename.name, for instance double.Infinity.

  • Dig

    Number of decimal digits in type.

  • Epsilon

    ε value of type.

  • Infinity

    ∞ value of type.

  • Mant_Dig

    Number of mantissa bits in type.

  • Max

    Maximum value of type.

  • Max_Exp

    Maximum exponent bits value of type.

  • Max_10_Exp

    Maximum exponent of type.

  • Min_Denormal

    Minimum positive subnormal value of type.

  • Min_Exp

    Minimum exponent bits value of type.

  • Min_Normal

    Minimum value of type.

  • Min_10_Exp

    Minimum exponent of type.

  • NaN

    Not-a-Number value of type.


Name Usable as argument
string Yes

The string type is a mutable, garbage-collected string reference type. Strings are not structures or classes, however there are methods attached to the type, detailed in the API section.


Name Usable as argument
name Yes

The name type is an indexed string. While their contents are the same as a string, their actual value is merely an integer which can be compared far quicker than a string. Names are used for many internal purposes such as damage type names. Strings are implicitly cast to names.


Name Usable as argument
color Yes

The color type can be converted from a string using the X11RGB lump or a hex color in the format #RRGGBB, or with either color(R, G, B) or color(A, R, G, B).


Name Usable as argument
vector2 Yes
vector3 Yes

There are two vector types in ZScript, vector2 and vector3, which hold two and three members, respectively. Their members can be accessed through x, y and (for vector3,) z. vector3 can additionally get the X and Y components as a vector2 with xy.

Vectors can use many operators and even have special ones to themselves. See the Expressions and Operators section for more information.

Fixed-size arrays

Name Usable as argument
Type Array-size No

Fixed-size arrays take the form Type[size]. They hold size number of Type elements, which can be accessed with the array access operator. Multi-dimensional arrays are also supported. Note that this kind of type can also be declared in variable names themselves.

Dynamic-size arrays

Name Usable as argument
array < Type > Yes

Dynamically sized arrays take the form array<Type>, and hold an arbitrary number of Type elements, which can be accessed with the array access operator.

Dynamic-sized arrays do not have their lifetime scoped to their current block, so:

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
   array<int> a;

Will result in an array with 5 elements.

Dynamically sized arrays also cannot store other dynamically sized arrays, or user-defined struct objects.


Name Usable as argument
map < Type , Type > No

Map types take the form map<Type, Type>. They are not yet implemented.

Class type references

Name Usable as argument
class < Type > Yes
class Yes

Class type references are used to describe a concrete type rather than an object. They simply take the form class, and can be restrained to descendants of a type with the syntax class<Type>. Strings are implicitly cast to class type references.

User types

Name Usable as argument
Any class object Yes
Native struct object Yes
User-defined struct object No
@ Type Yes

Any other identifier used as a type will resolve to a user class, structure or enumeration type.

Types prefixed with @ are native pointers to objects (as opposed to objects placed directly in the structure's data.) This is not usable in user code.

A type name that is within a specific scope can be accessed by prefixing it with a .. The type .MyClass.MySubStructure will resolve to the type MySubStructure contained within MyClass.

Read-only types

Name Usable as argument
readonly < Type > Yes

A read-only type, as its name implies, may only be read from, and is effectively immutable. They take the form readonly<Type>. Do note that this is separate from the member declaration flag.

Other types

Name Usable as argument Description
bool Yes Holds one of two values: true or false.
sound Yes Holds a sound reference.
spriteid Yes Holds a sprite reference.
state Yes A reference to an actor state.
statelabel Yes The name of an actor state.
textureid Yes Holds a texture reference.
void No Alias for None. Unknown purpose, likely implementation error.
voidptr No A pointer to a real memory address. Implementation detail.

Strings will implicitly convert to sound and statelabel.

Variable name

Variable names can have an array's size on them, instead of on the type, or none. Variable names are formed as either:

Identifier Array-size

Array size

Array sizes can be multi-dimensional or automatically sized, so all of the following syntaxes are available:

[ ]
[ Expression ] $[Array-size...]$

Expressions and Operators


Much like C or most other programming languages, ZScript has object literals, including string literals, integer literals, float literals, name literals, boolean literals, and the null pointer.

String literals

String literals take the same form as in C:

"text here"

String literals have character escapes, which are formed with a backslash and a character. Character escapes include:

Spelling Output
\" A literal ".
\\ A literal \.
\ followed by newline Concatenates the next line with this one.
\a Byte 0x07 (BEL - bell, anachronism.)
\b Byte 0x08 (BS - backspace, anachronism.)
\c Byte 0x1c (TEXTCOLOR_ESCAPE.)
\f Byte 0x0c (FF - form feed, anachronism.)
\n Byte 0x0a (LF - new line.)
\t Byte 0x09 (HT - tab.)
\r Byte 0x0d (CR - return.)
\v Byte 0x0b (VT - vertical tab, anachronism.)
\? A literal ? (obsolete anachronism.)
\xnn or \Xnn Byte 0xnn.
\nnn Byte 0nnn (octal.)

To quote cppreference, "of the octal escape sequences, \0 is the most useful because it represents the terminating null character in null-terminated strings."

String literals, also like C and C++, will be concatenated when put directly next to each other. For example, this:

"text 1" "text 2"

Will be parsed as a single string literal with the text "text 1text 2".

Class type literals

Class type literals take the same form as string literals, but do note that they are not the same.

Name literals

Name literals are similar to string literals, though they use apostrophes instead of quote marks:

'text here'

They do not concatenate like string literals, and do not have character escapes.

Integer literals

Integer literals are formed similarly to C. They may take one of three forms, and be typed uint or int based on whether there is a u or U at the end or not.

The parser also supports an optional l/L suffix as in C, though it does not actually do anything, and it is advised you do not use it for potential forward compatibility purposes.

Integer literals can be in the basic base-10/decimal form:

1234567890 // int
500u       // uint

Base-16/hexadecimal form, which may use upper- or lower-case decimals and 0x prefix, depending on user preference:

0XaBcDeF0 // don't do this, please.

And, base-8/octal form, prefixed with a 0:


Float literals

Float literals, much like integer literals, are formed similarly to C, but they do not support hex-float notation. Float literals support exponent notation.

The parser supports an optional f/F suffix as in C, though it does not actually do anything, and it is advised you do not use it for potential forward compatibility purposes.

Float literals can be formed in a few ways:

0.5 //=> 0.5
.5  //=> 0.5
1.  //=> 1.0

And with exponents:

0.5e+2 //=> 50
50e-2  //=> 0.5

Boolean literals

The two boolean literals are spelled false and true, and much like C, can decay to the integer literals 0 and 1.

Null pointer

The null pointer literal is spelled null and represents an object that does not exist in memory. Like C, it is not equivalent to the integer literal 0, and is more similar to C++'s nullptr.


Expressions contain literals or other such expressions of objects, including arithmetic and various conditions.

Primary expressions

Basic expressions, also known as primary expressions, can be one of:

  • An identifier for a constant or variable.
  • The Super keyword.
  • Any object literal.
  • A vector literal.
  • An expression in parentheses.

Identifiers work as you expect, they reference a variable or constant. The Super keyword references the parent type or any member within it.

Vector literals

Vector literals are not under object literals as they are not constants in the same manner as other literals, since they contain expressions within them. As such, they are expressions, not proper value-based literals. They can be formed with:

( X , Y )     //=> vector2, where X is not a vector2
( X , Y )     //=> vector3, where X *is* a vector2
( X , Y , Z ) //=> vector3

All components must have type double, except in the second grammar where X is vector2.

Postfix expressions

Postfix expressions are affixed at the end of an expression, and are used for a large variety of things, although the actual amount of postfix expressions is small:

Form Description
A ( $[Argument-list]$ ) Function call.
Type ( A ) Type cast.
( class < Type > ) ( A ) Class type reference cast.
A [ B ] Array access.
A.B Member access.
A++ Post-increment. This increments (adds 1 to) the object after the expression is evaluated.
A-- Post-decrement. This decrements (subtracts 1 from) the object after the expression is evaluated.

Argument list

The syntax for an argument list is:

Expression $[ , Expression]$...

Function calls may name arguments which have defaults with the syntax Identifier : Expression, possibly skipping over other defaulted arguments. After the first named defaultable argument, all other arguments must be named as well.

Unary expressions

Unary expressions are affixed at the beginning of an expression. The simplest example of a unary expression is the negation operator, -, as in -500. Unary expressions include:

Form Description
- A Negation.
! A Logical negation, "not."
++ A Pre-increment. This adds 1 to the object and evaluates as the resulting value.
-- A Pre-decrement. This subtracts 1 from the object and evaluates as the resulting value.
~ A Bitwise negation. Flips all bits in an integer.
+ A Affirmation. Does not actually do anything.
alignof A Evaluates the alignment of the type of an expression. Unknown purpose.
sizeof A Evaluates the size of the type of an expression. Unknown purpose.

Binary expressions

Binary expressions operate on two expressions, and are the most common kind of expression. They are used inline like regular math syntax, i.e. 1 + 1. Binary expressions include:

Form Description
A + B Addition.
A - B Subtraction.
A * B Multiplication.
A / B Division quotient.
A % B Division remainder, also known as "modulus." Unlike C, this works on floats, too.
A ** B Exponent ("power of.")
A << B Left bitwise shift.
A >> B Right bitwise shift.
A >>> B Right unsigned bitwise shift.
A cross B Vector cross-product.
A dot B Vector dot-product.
A .. B Concatenation, creates a string from two values.
A < B true if A is less than B.
A > B true if A is greater than B.
A <= B true if A is less than or equal to B.
A >= B true if A is greater than or equal to B.
A == B true if A is equal to B.
A != B true if A is not equal to B.
A ~== B true if A is approximately equal to B. For strings this is a case-insensitive comparison, for floats and vectors this checks if the difference between the two is smaller than ε.
A && B true if A and B are both true.
A || B true if A or B is true.
A is "B" true if A's type is equal to or a descendant of B.
A <>= B Signed difference between A and B.
A & B Bitwise AND.
A ^ B Bitwise XOR.
A | B Bitwise OR.
A :: B Scope operator. Not implemented yet.

Assignment expressions

Assignment expressions are a subset of binary expressions which are never constant expressions. They assign a value to another value, as one might guess.

Form Description
A = B Assigns B to A.
A += B Assigns A + B to A.
A -= B Assigns A - B to A.
A *= B Assigns A * B to A.
A /= B Assigns A / B to A.
A %= B Assigns A % B to A.
A <<= B Assigns A << B to A.
A >>= B Assigns A >> B to A.
A >>>= B Assigns A >>> B to A.
A |= B Assigns A | B to A.
A &= B Assigns A & B to A.
A ^= B Assigns A ^ B to A.

Ternary expression

The ternary expression is formed A ? B : C, and will evaluate to B if A is true, or C if it is false.


All functions are made up of a list of statements enclosed with left and right braces, which in and of itself is a statement called a compound statement, or block.

Compound statements

A compound statement is formed as:


Note that the statement list is optional, so an empty compound statement {} is entirely valid.

Expression statements

An expression statement is the single most common type of statement in just about any programming language. In ZScript, exactly like C and C++, an expression statement is simply formed with any expression followed by a semicolon. Function calls and variable assignments are expressions, for instance, so it is quite clear why they are common.

Their syntax is:

Expression ;

Conditional statements

A conditional statement will, conditionally, choose a statement (or none) to execute. They work the same as in C and ACS:

if ( Expression ) Statement $[ else Statement]$

Switch statements

A switch statement takes an expression of integer or name type and selects a labeled statement to run. They work the same as in C and ACS:

switch ( Expression ) Statement

Loop statements

ZScript has five loop statements, for, while, until, do while and do until. for, while and do while work the same as in C, C++ and ACS, while until and do until do the inverse of while and do while.

The for loop takes a limited statement and two optional expressions: The statement for when the loop begins (which is scoped to the loop,) one expression for checking if the loop should break, and one which is executed every time the loop iterates. Its syntax is:

for ( $[Expression-or-Local-variable-statement]$ ; $[Expression]$ ; $[Expression]$ ) Statement

The while loop simply takes one expression for checking if the loop should break, equivalent to for(; a;).

The until loop is equivalent to while(!a). Their syntax are:

while ( Expression ) Statement
until ( Expression ) Statement

do while and do until will only check the expression after the first iteration is complete. The do while and do until loops are formed as such:

while ( Expression ) // unlike C, you don't need a semicolon here

until ( Expression )

Control flow statements

As in C, there are three control flow statements that manipulate where the program will execute statements next, which are available contextually. They are continue, break and return.

continue is available in loop statements and will continue to the next iteration immediately:

continue ;

break is available in loop statements and switch statements, and will break out of the containing statement early:

break ;

return is available in functions. If the function does not return any values, it may only be spelled return; and will simply exit the function early. If the function does return values, it takes a comma-separated list for each value returned:

return $[Expression $[ , Expression]$...]$ ;

Local variable statements

Local variable statements are formed in one of 2 ways. The let keyword can be used to automatically determine the type of the variable from the initializer, while the regular syntax uses an explicit type, and initialization is optional.

Variables' syntax are one of:

Variable-name = Expression

And local variable statements have the syntax of either:

let Identifier = Expression ;
Type Variable $[ , Variable]$... ;

Multi-assignment statements

Expressions or functions that return multiple values can be assigned into multiple variables with the syntax:

[ Expression $[ , Expression]$... ] = Expression ;

Note that the surrounding brackets are literal and not an optional element.

Static array statements

Static arrays can be defined normally as a statement.

Null statements

A null statement does nothing, and is formed ;. It is similar to an empty compound statement.

Member declarations

Member declarations define data within a structure or class that can be accessed directly within methods of the object (or its derived classes,) or indirectly from instances of it with the member access operator.

A member declaration is formed as so:

$[Member-declaration-flags...]$ Type Variable-name $[ , Variable-name]$... ;

Member declaration flags

Flag Description
deprecated ( "ver" ) If accessed, a script warning will occur on load if the archive version is greater than ver.
internal Member is only writable from the base resource archive (gzdoom.pk3.)
latent Does nothing. Purpose unknown.
meta Member is read-only static class data. Only really useful on actors, since these can be set via properties on them.
native Member is from the engine. Only usable internally.
play Member has Play scope.
private Member is not visible to any class but this one.
protected Member is not visible to any class but this one and any descendants of it.
readonly Member is not writable.
transient Member is not saved into save games. Required for unserializable objects and recommended for UI context objects.
ui Member has UI scope.
version ( "ver" ) Restricted to ZScript version ver or higher.

Method definitions

Method definitions define functions within a structure or class that can be accessed directly within other methods of the object (or its derived classes,) or indirectly from instances of it with the member access operator.

Methods marked as virtual may have their functionality overridden by derived classes, and in those overrides one can use the Super keyword to call the parent function.

Methods are formed as so:

$[Method-definition-flags...]$ Type $[ , Type]$... Identifier ( $[Method-argument-list]$ ) $[ const ]$

If const is placed after the function signature and before the function body, the method will not be allowed to modify any members in the object instance it's being called on.

The keyword void can be used in place of the return type (or type list) to have a method which does not have any return value. Similarly, one can place void where the argument list might be, although this is redundant as having no argument list at all is allowed.

Arguments of methods may only be of certain types due to technical limitations. See the type table for a list of which are usable and which are not.

All methods which are not static have an implicit self parameter which refers to this object, although if you wish to refer to a member of self, you do not need to reference it directly, as it is already implicitly in scope.

Method argument list

Method arguments must all have a name and type, and optionally the last arguments in the list may have a default value. The syntax is:

Type Variable-name $[ , Method-argument-list]$
Type Variable-name = Expression $[ , Method-argument-list]$

Or, the entire list may simply be void or empty.

Method definition flags

Flag Description
action ( Scope ) Same as action, but has a specified action scope. See "Action Scoping" for more information.
action Method has implicit invoker and stateinfo parameters. See below for more info.
clearscope Method has Data scope.
deprecated ( "ver" ) If accessed, a script warning will occur on load if the archive version is greater than ver.
final Virtual method cannot be further overridden from derived classes.
native Method is from the engine. Only usable internally.
override Method is overriding a base class' virtual method.
play Method has Play scope.
private Method is not visible to any class but this one.
protected Method is not visible to any class but this one and any descendants of it.
static Function is not a method, but a global function without a self pointer.
ui Method has UI scope.
vararg Method doesn't type-check arguments after .... Only usable internally.
version ( "ver" ) Restricted to ZScript version ver or higher.
virtual Method can be overridden in derived classes.
virtualscope Method has scope of the type of the object it's being called on.

Action functions

ZScript includes an extra method type for descendents of Actor called actions, which are intended to be run from actor states and give extra information to the function. Action functions change the meaning of the self parameter and pass in invoker and stateinfo parameters as well. stateinfo refers to the State which this action was called from. Here is a chart for the meanings of the self and invoker variables under each scope:

Scope self meaning invoker meaning
None The actor this function operates on, ambiguous in some contexts State owner
actor The actor The actor
item Item owner Item itself
overlay Weapon owner Weapon itself
weapon Weapon owner Weapon itself