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Enumeration Definitions
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* [Example: Enumeration definitions](#example-enumeration-definitions)
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An enumeration is a list of named numbers, which by default will be incremental
from 0. By default they decay to the type `int`, but the default decay type can
be set manually.
An enumeration definition takes the form:
enum Identifier $[ : Integer-type]$
$[Enumerator $[ , Enumerator]$... $[ , ]$]$
Optionally followed by a semicolon. `Integer-type` in this context is any valid
integral type name.
Enumerators can either be incremental (from the last enumerator or 0 if there
is none) or explicitly set with the syntax `Identifier = Expression`.
Enumerators must be followed by a comma unless it is the end of the list.
Enumerator syntax is:
Identifier $[ = Expression]$
## Example: Enumeration definitions
// Basic enumeration.
enum MyCoolEnum
A_THING, // Has value int(0) ...
BEES, // ... 1 ...
CALCIUM, // ... 2 ...
DEXTROSE, // ... and 3.
// Less trivial example.
enum MyCoolerEnum : int16
A = 500, // Has value int16(500),
B, // 501,
C = 200,
D, // 201,
E, // and 202.
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