
42 lines
992 B

# Constant Definitions
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* [Example: Constant definitions](#example-constant-definitions)
* [Static array definitions](#static-array-definitions)
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Constants are simple named values. They are created with the syntax:
const Identifier = Expression ;
Constants are not assignable. Their type is inferred from their value, so if
you wish for them to have a specific type, you must cast the value to that
## Example: Constant definitions
// Making a regular integer constant.
const MY_COOL_NUMBER = 777;
// Making an integer constant from a double.
const MY_COOL_NUMBER_FROM_BEYOND = int(777.7777);
# Static array definitions
Similar to constants, static arrays are named values, but for an array. They
are created with the syntax:
static const Type Variable-name = { $[Expression $[ , Expression]$...]$ } ;
Static arrays cannot be multi-dimensional, unlike normal fixed-size arrays.
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