add fira's theme

an 2020-11-23 10:46:15 -07:00
parent c06c3dc3db
commit d9fe66af1a
1 changed files with 32 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -70,19 +70,40 @@
;; theme
(use-package base16-theme
:ensure t)
:ensure t
(defvar agw-base16-fira-colors
'(:base00 "#0f0c11" ; default bg
:base01 "#1b161f" ; lighter bg
:base02 "#382c3f" ; selection bg
:base03 "#505170" ; comments
:base04 "#8d6f9f" ; dark fg
:base05 "#ffffff" ; default fg, caret, delims, ops
:base06 "#c59cdf" ; light fg
:base07 "#e1b2ff" ; light bg
:base08 "#e873af" ; vars, tags, lists, deletion
:base09 "#f367f8" ; ints, bools, constants, attribs
:base0A "#53bdb1" ; classes, bold, search bg
:base0B "#5dffae" ; strings, inherited, code, insertion
:base0C "#ff344f" ; support, regexps, escapes, quotes
:base0D "#ba8cc6" ; funcs, methods, attrib ids, headings
:base0E "#e8a8c9" ; keywords, storage, change
:base0F "#b03060")) ; deprecated, open/close tags
(deftheme agw-base16-fira)
(base16-theme-define 'agw-base16-fira agw-base16-fira-colors)
(provide-theme 'agw-base16-fira)
(provide 'agw-base16-fira-theme)
(enable-theme 'agw-base16-fira))
(use-package inkpot-theme
:ensure t)
(if (display-graphic-p)
t nil)
:after base16-theme
:ensure t
(unless (display-graphic-p)
(load-theme 'inkpot t nil))
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil
:background "#0a0a0a"
:foreground "#92ebf0")
:foreground "#92ebf0"))
;; major modes
(use-package powershell