
743 B


maraiah-tycho is a map editor written in C++ and Rust using Qt.


maraiah-tycho requires:

  • A working C++17 compiler and runtime.
  • cmake version 3.14 or greater.
  • fish for running the necessary scripts.
  • librsvg for compiling images and for the bundle script.
  • pigz to compile the images.
  • qt5, specifically the Core, GUI and Widgets libraries.
  • rustc version 1.36.0 or greater.


To compile:

  • tools/gen_images tycho
  • cargo build -p maraiah-tycho

If you wish to create a Macintosh Application Bundle, run:


This will also create an installer DMG. If you don't want to create an installer and just want the app, run:

env NO_DMG=1 tools/bundle