Compare commits


7 Commits

20 changed files with 1213 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export KRITA_NO_STYLE_OVERRIDE=1
# misc
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin:$PATH
export DOOMWADDIR=/mnt/d/Stuff/GamesPC/IWads
export DOOMWADDIR=/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads
export EDITOR=vim
# run user startup jobs

View File

@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
" vim: syntax=vim:
<<<<<<< HEAD:vim/vconf
" settings for workstations - servers need not apply ;)
let _agw.colors=[
\ 'badwolf',
\ 'base16-ashes',
\ 'base16-atelier-cave',
\ 'base16-atelier-forest',
\ 'base16-atelier-heath',
\ 'base16-circus',
\ 'base16-dracula',
\ 'base16-material-palenight',
\ 'base16-monokai',
\ 'base16-onedark',
\ 'base16-porple',
\ 'base16-unikitty-dark',
let _agw.cr_scheme=-1
let _agw.cr_scheme=0
>>>>>>> master:computers/lane/vconf
let _agw.g_columns=80
let _agw.g_rows=24
let _agw.tab_wid=3

View File

@ -3,21 +3,23 @@ kmozillahelper

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
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<disable_plugin path="$default$/Plugins/Enhanced HUD"/>

games/eternity.cfg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
;eternity.cfg format:
;[min-max(default)] description of variable
;* at end indicates variable is settable in wads
;variable value
[0-14(0)] the default player colour (green, indigo, brown, red...)
colour 10
[("player")] the default player name
name "Marrub"
[1-5(3)] selects default skill 1=TYTD 2=NTR 3=HMP 4=UV 5=NM
default_skill 3
[-1-1(-1)] code to select digital sound; -1 is SDL sound, 0 is no sound, 1 is PC speaker emulation
sound_card -1
[-1-0(-1)] code to select music device; -1 is SDL_mixer, 0 is no music
music_card -1
[-1-?(-1)] SDL joystick device number, -1 to disable
joystick_num -1
[0-32767(7849)] SDL MMSYSTEM joystick sensitivity
i_joysticksens 7849
[0-1(0)] precache sounds at startup
s_precache 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to enable variable pitch in sound effects (from id's original code) *
pitched_sounds 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable translucency for some things *
translucency 1
[0-100(66)] set percentage of foreground/background translucency mix *
tran_filter_pct 66
[?-?(32)] number of dead bodies in view supported (negative value = no limit)
max_player_corpse 32
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable flashing HOM indicator
flashing_hom 0
[0-2(2)] 1=take special steps ensuring demo sync, 2=only during recordings
demo_insurance 0
[0-1(0)] 1 to enable recoil from weapon fire *
weapon_recoil 0
[0-4(0)] 0 - normal, 1 - classic, 2 - 11k, 3 - bouncing!, 4 - burst *
bfgtype 0
[0-3(0)] 0 - none, 1 - cross, 2 - angle *
crosshair 2
[0-1(0)] 0 - no highlighting, 1 - aim highlighting enabled *
crosshair_hilite 1
[0-1(0)] show scores in deathmatch *
show_scores 1
[0-1(0)] 0 - right handed, 1 - left handed *
lefthanded 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to allow in-slot weapon cycling (e.g. SSG to SG)
weapon_hotkey_cycling 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable player bobbing (view moving up/down slightly) *
player_bobbing 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable monsters remembering enemies after killing others *
monsters_remember 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable monsters fighting against each other when provoked *
monster_infighting 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to enable monsters backing away from targets *
monster_backing 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable monsters to intelligently avoid hazards *
monster_avoid_hazards 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to enable monsters to move up/down steep stairs *
monkeys 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable monsters to be affected by friction *
monster_friction 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable monsters to help dying friends *
help_friends 1
[0-3(0)] number of single-player helpers *
player_helpers 0
[0-999(128)] distance friends stay away *
friend_distance 128
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable dogs to jump *
dog_jumping 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable monster roaring when last enemy is remembered *
p_lastenemyroar 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to mark unknown thingtype locations
p_markunknowns 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable flying in the direction you are looking *
p_pitchedflight 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to disable use of color on status bar *
sts_always_red 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to make percent signs on status bar always gray *
sts_pct_always_gray 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to disable doubled card and skull key display on status bar *
sts_traditional_keys 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to keep keyboard LEDs turned off
leds_always_off 0
[0-?(5)] adjust horizontal (x) mouse sensitivity
mouse_sensitivity_horiz 30.0000
[0-?(5)] adjust vertical (y) mouse sensitivity
mouse_sensitivity_vert 0.00000
[0-3(0)] 0 for no mouse accel, 1 for linear, 2 for choco-doom, 3 for custom
mouse_accel 0
[0-1(1)] use vanilla mouse sensitivity values
vanilla_sensitivity 0
[0-?(10)] threshold at which to apply mouse acceleration (custom acceleration mode only)
mouse_accel_threshold 10
[0-?(2)] amount of mouse acceleration to apply (custom acceleration mode only)
mouse_accel_value 2.00000
[0-1(0)] 0 for normal mouse, 1 for no vertical movement
mouse_novert 0
[0-1(0)] average mouse input when turning player
smooth_turning 0
[0-15(8)] adjust sound effects volume
sfx_volume 8
[0-15(8)] adjust music volume
music_volume 8
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable message display
show_messages 1
[0-2(0)] 0 for default, 1 for left-aligned, 2 for centered
message_alignment 1
[0-9(6)] messages colour
mess_colour 2
[0-1(0)] 1 to enable autorun
autorun 0
[0-1(0)] 1 to walk with shift when autorun is enabled
runiswalk 0
[0-8(7)] initial play screen size
screensize 8
[0-4(0)] screen brightness (gamma correction)
usegamma 1
[("")] WAD file preloaded at program startup
wadfile_1 "/mnt/s/games/doom/pwads/"
[("")] WAD file preloaded at program startup
wadfile_2 ""
[("")] DEH/BEX file preloaded at program startup
dehfile_1 ""
[("")] DEH/BEX file preloaded at program startup
dehfile_2 ""
[("")] Console script executed at program startup
cscript_1 ""
[("")] Console script executed at program startup
cscript_2 ""
[-1-1(-1)] use start map instead of menu *
use_startmap -1
[0-1(1)] Zombie players can exit levels *
comp_zombie 1
[0-1(1)] Powerup cheats are not infinite duration *
comp_infcheat 1
[0-1(1)] Build stairs exactly the same way that Doom does *
comp_stairs 1
[0-1(0)] Monsters can telefrag on MAP30 *
comp_telefrag 1
[0-1(1)] Some objects never move over tall ledges *
comp_dropoff 1
[0-1(0)] Objects don't fall off ledges under their own weight *
comp_falloff 1
[0-1(0)] Monsters randomly walk off of moving lifts *
comp_staylift 1
[0-1(0)] Monsters get stuck on doortracks *
comp_doorstuck 1
[0-1(0)] Monsters don't give up pursuit of targets *
comp_pursuit 1
[0-1(1)] Arch-Vile resurrects invincible ghosts *
comp_vile 1
[0-1(0)] Pain Elemental limited to 20 lost souls *
comp_pain 1
[0-1(1)] Lost souls get stuck behind walls *
comp_skull 1
[0-1(0)] Blazing doors make double closing sounds *
comp_blazing 0
[0-1(0)] Tagged doors don't trigger special lighting *
comp_doorlight 1
[0-1(1)] God mode isn't absolute *
comp_god 1
[0-1(1)] Sky is unaffected by invulnerability *
comp_skymap 1
[0-1(0)] Use exactly Doom's floor motion behavior *
comp_floors 1
[0-1(0)] Use exactly Doom's linedef trigger model *
comp_model 1
[0-1(0)] Linedef effects work with sector tag = 0 *
comp_zerotags 0
[0-1(1)] Terrain effects not activated on floor contact *
comp_terrain 0
[0-1(0)] Creatures with no spawnpoint respawn at (0,0) *
comp_respawnfix 1
[0-1(1)] Players do not take falling damage *
comp_fallingdmg 1
[0-1(0)] Lost souls do not bounce on floors *
comp_soul 1
[0-1(0)] Things not fully clipped with respect to z coord *
comp_overunder 1
[0-1(0)] DOOM thingtypes use inaccurate height information *
comp_theights 1
[0-1(0)] Tracer shots cannot hit the floor or ceiling *
comp_planeshoot 0
[0-1(0)] One-time line specials are cleared on failure *
comp_special 0
[0-1(0)] Silent spawns at W/SW/S-facing DM spots *
comp_ninja 1
[0-1(1)] Disable air control for jumping *
comp_aircontrol 1
[0-255(255)] key to pause the game
key_pause 255
[0-255(116)] key to enter a chat message
key_chat 116
[0-255(103)] key to chat with player 1
key_chatplayer1 103
[0-255(105)] key to chat with player 2
key_chatplayer2 105
[0-255(98)] key to chat with player 3
key_chatplayer3 98
[0-255(114)] key to chat with player 4
key_chatplayer4 114
[0-1(0)] set to 1 to always mouselook
automlook 0
[0-1(0)] set to 1 to invert mouse during mouselooking
invert_mouse 1
[0-1(0)] set to 1 to invert gamepad looking
invert_padlook 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable use of mouse
use_mouse 1
[-1-2(1)] 1st mouse button to enable for double-click use action (-1 = disable)
mouseb_dblc1 1
[-1-2(2)] 2nd mouse button to enable for double-click use action (-1 = disable)
mouseb_dblc2 2
[("No")] chat string associated with 0 key *
chatmacro0 "No"
[("I'm ready to kick butt!")] chat string associated with 1 key *
chatmacro1 "I'm ready to kick butt!"
[("I'm OK.")] chat string associated with 2 key *
chatmacro2 "I'm OK."
[("I'm not looking too good!")] chat string associated with 3 key *
chatmacro3 "I'm not looking too good!"
[("Help!")] chat string associated with 4 key *
chatmacro4 "Help!"
[("You suck!")] chat string associated with 5 key *
chatmacro5 "You suck!"
[("Next time, scumbag...")] chat string associated with 6 key *
chatmacro6 "Next time, scumbag..."
[("Come here!")] chat string associated with 7 key *
chatmacro7 "Come here!"
[("I'll take care of it.")] chat string associated with 8 key *
chatmacro8 "I'll take care of it."
[("Yes")] chat string associated with 9 key *
chatmacro9 "Yes"
[0-255(247)] color used as background for automap *
mapcolor_back 247
[0-255(104)] color used for automap grid lines *
mapcolor_grid 104
[0-255(181)] color used for one side walls on automap *
mapcolor_wall 133
[0-255(166)] color used for lines floor height changes across *
mapcolor_fchg 166
[0-255(231)] color used for lines ceiling height changes across *
mapcolor_cchg 215
[0-255(231)] color used for lines denoting closed doors, objects *
mapcolor_clsd 215
[0-255(175)] color used for red key sprites *
mapcolor_rkey 175
[0-255(204)] color used for blue key sprites *
mapcolor_bkey 204
[0-255(231)] color used for yellow key sprites *
mapcolor_ykey 231
[0-255(175)] color used for closed red doors *
mapcolor_rdor 175
[0-255(204)] color used for closed blue doors *
mapcolor_bdor 204
[0-255(231)] color used for closed yellow doors *
mapcolor_ydor 231
[0-255(119)] color used for teleporter lines *
mapcolor_tele 119
[0-255(176)] color used for lines around secret sectors *
mapcolor_secr 128
[0-255(0)] color used for exit lines *
mapcolor_exit 0
[0-255(96)] color used for lines not seen without computer map *
mapcolor_unsn 96
[0-255(88)] color used for lines with no height changes *
mapcolor_flat 88
[0-255(112)] color used as things *
mapcolor_sprt 112
[0-255(208)] color used for dot crosshair denoting center of map *
mapcolor_hair 208
[0-255(208)] color used for the single player arrow *
mapcolor_sngl 208
[0-255(112)] color used for the green player arrow *
mapcolor_ply1 112
[0-255(88)] color used for the gray player arrow *
mapcolor_ply2 88
[0-255(64)] color used for the brown player arrow *
mapcolor_ply3 64
[0-255(176)] color used for the red player arrow *
mapcolor_ply4 176
[0-255(252)] color used for friends *
mapcolor_frnd 252
[0-255(109)] color for lines not in the player's portal area *
mapcolor_prtl 109
[0-1(1)] 1 to overlay different linked portal areas in the automap *
mapportal_overlay 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to show automap pointer coordinates in non-follow mode *
map_point_coord 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to not show secret sectors till after entered *
map_secret_after 1
[1-16(1)] number of lines in review display *
hud_msg_lines 3
[0-1(1)] 1 enables message review list scrolling upward *
hud_msg_scrollup 0
[0-?(4000)] Duration of normal Doom messages (ms)
message_timer 4000
[-1-1(-1)] Select HUD overlay (-1 = default, 0 = modern, 1 = boom
hud_overlayid 0
[0-4(2)] fullscreen hud layout *
hud_overlaylayout 1
[0-1(1)] fullscreen hud enabled *
hud_enabled 1
[0-1(0)] hide kills/items/secrets info on fullscreen hud *
hud_hidestatus 0
[0-1(1)] display current level time on automap *
hu_showtime 1
[0-1(1)] display player/pointer coordinates on automap *
hu_showcoords 1
[0-9(6)] color of automap level time widget *
hu_timecolor 6
[0-9(6)] color of automap level name widget *
hu_levelnamecolor 6
[0-9(6)] color of automap coordinates widget *
hu_coordscolor 6
[0-200(25)] amount of health for red to yellow transition *
health_red 25
[0-200(50)] amount of health for yellow to green transition *
health_yellow 50
[0-200(100)] amount of health for green to blue transition *
health_green 100
[0-200(25)] amount of armor for red to yellow transition *
armor_red 25
[0-200(50)] amount of armor for yellow to green transition *
armor_yellow 50
[0-200(100)] amount of armor for green to blue transition *
armor_green 100
[0-1(1)] reflect armor class using blue or green color *
armor_byclass 1
[0-100(25)] percent of ammo for red to yellow transition *
ammo_red 25
[0-100(50)] percent of ammo for yellow to green transition *
ammo_yellow 50
[0-100(100)] fullscreen HUD translucency level *
st_fsalpha 100
[1-200(10)] console speed, pixels/tic
c_speed 20
[0-200(100)] console height, pixels
c_height 140
[0-1(0)] obituaries on/off *
obituaries 1
[0-9(0)] obituaries colour
obcolour 0
[0-1(0)] toggle particle effects on or off *
draw_particles 1
[0-2(1)] particle translucency (0 = none, 1 = smooth, 2 = general) *
particle_trans 2
[0-2(0)] use sprites, particles, or both for blood (sprites = 0) *
blood_particles 2
[0-2(0)] use sprites, particles, or both for bullet puffs (sprites = 0) *
bullet_particles 0
[0-1(0)] draw particle rocket trails *
rocket_trails 1
[0-1(0)] draw particle grenade trails *
grenade_trails 1
[0-1(0)] draw particle bfg cloud *
bfg_cloud 1
[0-1(0)] draw particle rocket explosions *
pevent_rexpl 1
[0-1(0)] draw particle bfg explosions *
pevent_bfgexpl 1
[0-1(0)] stretch short sky textures for mlook *
stretchsky 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to show ENDOOM at exit *
showendoom 0
[35-3500(350)] Amount of time to display ENDOOM when shown
endoomdelay 350
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable autoaiming *
autoaim 1
[-31-100(15)] preferred height of chasecam above/below player viewheight
chasecam_height 15
[1-100(33)] percentage of distance to target chasecam moves per gametic
chasecam_speed 33
[10-1024(112)] preferred distance from chasecam to player
chasecam_dist 112
[0-1(0)] 1 to allow players to look up/down *
allowmlook 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to make menu toggle action back up one level (like zdoom)
menu_toggleisback 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to enable use of full classic menu emulation *
mn_classic_menus 0
[("default")] menu background *
mn_background "FWATER1"
[(".")] user's default wad directory
wad_directory "/mnt/d/PWads"
[0-1(1)] 0 = normal, 1 = optimized quad cache
r_columnengine 1
[0-0(0)] 0 = high precision, 1 = low precision
r_spanengine 0
[0-2(1)] Doom object translucency style (0 = none, 1 = Boom, 2 = new) *
r_tlstyle 1
[0-2(0)] 0 = off, 1 = emulate like Chocolate Doom, 2 = emulate like PrBoom+
spechits_emulation 0
[0-1(0)] emulate undefined EV_DoDonut behavior
donut_emulation 0
[0-2(1)] 0 = never wait on screen wipes, 1 = always wait, 2 = wait when playing demos
wipewait 1
[0-2(1)] 0 = none, 1 = melt, 2 = fade *
wipetype 1
[1-6(1)] preamp volume factor for SPC music *
snd_spcpreamp 1
[1-31(8)] bass boost for SPC music (logarithmic scale, 8 = normal) *
snd_spcbassboost 8
[-1-0(-1)] device used for MIDI playback *
snd_mididevice 0
[0-4(2)] TODO: adlmidi_bank description
snd_oplemulator 2
[1-8(2)] TODO: adlmidi_numcards description *
snd_numchips 8
[0-74(72)] TODO: adlmidi_bank description *
snd_bank 72

games/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
bind tab "use"
bind tab "console_tab"
bind enter "inventory_use"
bind enter "menu_confirm"
bind enter "console_enter"
bind escape "menu_toggle"
bind - "map_zoomout"
bind - "screensize -"
bind 0 "nextweapon"
bind 0 "map_gobig"
bind 1 "weapon1"
bind 2 "weapon2"
bind 3 "weapon3"
bind 4 "weapon4"
bind 5 "weapon5"
bind 6 "weapon6"
bind 7 "weapon7"
bind 8 "weapon8"
bind 9 "weapon9"
bind = "map_zoomin"
bind = "screensize +"
bind [ "inventory_left"
bind \ "inventory_drop"
bind ] "inventory_right"
bind tilde "console_toggle"
bind c "map_clear"
bind d "backward"
bind e "forward"
bind f "moveright"
bind f "map_follow"
bind f "frags"
bind g "user2"
bind g "map_grid"
bind h "user3"
bind j "user4"
bind m "map_toggle"
bind p "vilehit"
bind q "joindemo"
bind r "reload"
bind s "moveleft"
bind t "zoom"
bind y "user1"
bind backspace "menu_previous"
bind backspace "console_backspace"
bind ctrl "attack"
bind leftarrow "left"
bind leftarrow "menu_left"
bind leftarrow "map_left"
bind uparrow "menu_up"
bind uparrow "map_up"
bind uparrow "console_up"
bind rightarrow "right"
bind rightarrow "menu_right"
bind rightarrow "map_right"
bind downarrow "menu_down"
bind downarrow "map_down"
bind downarrow "console_down"
bind shift "speed"
bind alt "strafe"
bind f1 "menu_help"
bind f2 "mn_savegame"
bind f3 "mn_loadgame"
bind f4 "mn_sound"
bind f5 "quicksave"
bind f7 "quickload"
bind f9 "spectate_prev"
bind f10 "spectate_next"
bind printscreen "screenshot"
bind home "flycenter"
bind home "menu_setup"
bind pgup "lookup"
bind pgup "menu_pageup"
bind pgup "console_pageup"
bind end "center"
bind pgdn "lookdown"
bind pgdn "menu_pagedown"
bind pgdn "console_pagedown"
bind insert "flyup"
bind f11 "spectate_self"
bind f12 "mn_quit"
bind mouse1 "attack"
bind mouse2 "altattack"
bind wheelup "weaponup"
bind wheeldown "weapondown"
bind delete "flydown"

games/eternity_system.cfg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
;eternity.cfg format:
;[min-max(default)] description of variable
;* at end indicates variable is settable in wads
;variable value
[0-1(1)] 1 to show help strings about each variable in config file
config_help 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to use user/doom/eternity.cfg for all DOOM gamemodes
use_doom_config 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to scan common locations for IWADs
d_scaniwads 0
[("")] IWAD path for DOOM Shareware
iwad_doom_shareware ""
[("")] IWAD path for DOOM Registered
iwad_doom ""
[("")] IWAD path for The Ultimate DOOM
iwad_ultimate_doom "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/doom.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for DOOM 2
iwad_doom2 "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/doom2.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for DOOM 2, BFG Edition
iwad_bfgdoom2 ""
[("")] IWAD path for Final DOOM: TNT - Evilution
iwad_tnt "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/tnt.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment
iwad_plutonia "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/plutonia.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for HACX - Twitch 'n Kill (v1.2 or later)
iwad_hacx "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/hacx.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for Heretic Shareware
iwad_heretic_shareware ""
[("")] IWAD path for Heretic Registered
iwad_heretic ""
[("")] IWAD path for Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
iwad_heretic_sosr "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/heretic.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for Freedoom (Doom 2 gamemission)
iwad_freedoom "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/freedoom2.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for Freedoom (Ultimate Doom gamemission)
iwad_freedoomu "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/freedoom1.wad"
[("")] IWAD path for FreeDM (Freedoom Deathmatch IWAD)
iwad_freedm ""
[("")] IWAD path for Rekkr (Ultimate Doom gamemission)
iwad_rekkr ""
[-1-15(-1)] Number of last IWAD chosen from the IWAD picker
iwad_choice 2
[("")] Directory containing Master Levels wad files
master_levels_dir "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/master"
[("")] Path to 'No Rest for the Living'
w_norestpath "/mnt/s/games/doom/iwads/nerve.wad"
[0-1(0)] Start up ETERNITY in text mode
textmode_startup 1
[10-1000(100)] Percentage of normal speed (35 fps) realtic clock runs at
realtic_clock_rate 100
[1-32(32)] number of sound effects handled simultaneously
snd_channels 32
[0-1(0)] Force reversal of stereo audio channels: 0 = normal, 1 = reverse
force_flip_pan 0
[0-?(880)] High end of low pass band
s_lowfreq 880.000
[0-?(5000)] Low end of high pass band
s_highfreq 5000.00
[0-1(0.93896)] Preamplification factor
s_eqpreamp 0.938960
[0-3(1.2)] Low pass gain
s_lowgain 1.20000
[0-3(1)] Midrange gain
s_midgain 1.00000
[0-3(0.8)] High pass gain
s_highgain 0.800000
[0-16(4)] Volume of environmental sound sequences
s_enviro_volume 4
[0-1(1)] use hi-def music if available
s_hidefmusic 1
[0-3(3)] screenshot format (0=BMP,1=PCX,2=TGA,3=PNG)
screenshot_pcx 3
[0-1(1)] 1 to use gamma correction in screenshots
screenshot_gamma 1
[-1-1(-1)] Select video backend (-1 = default, 0 = SDL Default, 1 = SDL GL2D)
i_videodriverid 1
[("640x480w")] Description of video mode parameters (WWWWxHHHH[flags])
i_videomode "1280x720w"
[0-1(0)] Letterbox video modes with aspect ratios narrower than 4:3
i_letterbox 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable wait for vsync to avoid display tearing
use_vsync 0
[0-7(0)] Favorite aspect ratio for selection in menus
mn_favaspectratio 0
[0-1(0)] Favorite screen type for selection in menus
mn_favscreentype 0
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable use of GL extensions in general
gl_use_extensions 1
[0-1(0)] 1 to enable use of GL ARB pixelbuffer object extension
gl_arb_pixelbuffer 1
[16-32(32)] GL backend screen bitdepth (16, 24, or 32)
gl_colordepth 32
[0-1(0)] GL2D texture filtering type (0 = GL_LINEAR, 1 = GL_NEAREST)
gl_filter_type 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to refresh as fast as possible (uses high CPU)
d_fastrefresh 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to activate frame interpolation (smooth rendering)
d_interpolate 1
[0-1(1)] 1 to enable force feedback through gamepads where supported
i_forcefeedback 1
[0-?(0)] Display number that the window appears on
displaynum 0
[0-1(0)] Always wait for input at exit
wait_at_exit 0
[0-1(1)] Toggle mouse input grabbing
grabmouse 1
[1024-8192(2048)] SDL_mixer audio buffer size
audio_buffers 2048

games/lutris/lutris.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
migration_version = 5
dont-support-lutris = True
width = 798
height = 597
maximized = False
dark_theme = True
runners_manager_width = 800
runners_manager_height = 800
show_advanced_options = False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fullscreen: true
scaler: none
system: {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
lsi_steam: true
system: {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
system: {}
d9vk: true
dxvk: true
esync: true
version: Proton 4.2

games/lutris/system.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
game_path: /mnt/s/games

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Core:
SPU delay penalty: 3
SPU loop detection: true
Max SPURS Threads: 6
SPU Block Size: Giga
SPU Block Size: Safe
Accurate GETLLAR: false
Accurate PUTLLUC: false
SPU Verification: true
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ VFS:
Disk cache maximum size (MB): 5120
Renderer: Vulkan
Resolution: 720x480
Resolution: 1280x720
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Frame limit: 60
MSAA: Auto
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Video:
Adapter: ""
Adapter: AMD RADV POLARIS11 (LLVM 8.0.1)
Adapter: AMD RADV POLARIS11 (LLVM 9.0.0)
Force FIFO present mode: false
Force primitive restart flag: false
Performance Overlay:
@ -141,9 +141,11 @@ Miscellaneous:
Automatically start games after boot: true
Exit RPCS3 when process finishes: false
Start games in fullscreen mode: false
Prevent display sleep while running games: true
Show FPS counter in window title: true
Show trophy popups: true
Show shader compilation hint: true
Use native user interface: true
GDB Server:
Port: 2345
Log: {}

View File

@ -1,32 +1,41 @@
applications/XCompose ~/.XCompose
applications/Xresources ~/.Xresources
applications/autoexec.cfg ~/.quakespasm/id1/autoexec.cfg
applications/fish ~/.config/fish/
applications/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
applications/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
applications/konsole.profile ~/.local/share/konsole/Profile.profile
applications/mupen64plus.cfg ~/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg
applications/ncmpcpp-bind ~/.ncmpcpp/bindings
applications/ncmpcpp-conf ~/.ncmpcpp/config
applications/projectM ~/.projectM/config.inp
applications/pulseaudio ~/.config/pulse/
applications/ranger.conf ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
applications/ripgrep ~/.config/ripgreprc
applications/rpcs3.yml ~/.config/rpcs3/config.yml
applications/sharenix.json ~/.sharenix.json
applications/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
applications/w3m ~/.w3m/config
applications/xprofile ~/.xprofile
build-system/cargo.toml ~/.cargo/config
build-system/makepkg.conf ~/.config/pacman/makepkg.conf
system/fcitx/addon ~/.config/fcitx/addon
system/fcitx/conf ~/.config/fcitx/conf
system/fcitx/config ~/.config/fcitx/config
system/fcitx/data ~/.config/fcitx/data
system/fcitx/profile ~/.config/fcitx/profile
system/services/marrub.service ~/.config/systemd/user/marrub.service
system/services/marrub.timer ~/.config/systemd/user/marrub.timer
themes/ ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes/
themes/ripcord.json ~/.local/share/Ripcord/custom_theme.json
vim/vconf ~/.vim/vconf
vim/vimrc ~/.vim/vimrc
applications/XCompose ~/.XCompose
applications/Xresources ~/.Xresources
applications/fish ~/.config/fish/
applications/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
applications/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
applications/konsole.profile ~/.local/share/konsole/Profile.profile
applications/ncmpcpp-bind ~/.ncmpcpp/bindings
applications/ncmpcpp-conf ~/.ncmpcpp/config
applications/projectM ~/.projectM/config.inp
applications/pulseaudio ~/.config/pulse/
applications/ranger.conf ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
applications/ripgrep ~/.config/ripgreprc
applications/sharenix.json ~/.sharenix.json
applications/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
applications/w3m ~/.w3m/config
applications/xprofile ~/.xprofile
build-system/cargo.toml ~/.cargo/config
build-system/makepkg.conf ~/.config/pacman/makepkg.conf
computers/(hostname)/vconf ~/.vim/vconf
games/alephone.xml ~/.alephone/Marathon Infinity Preferences
games/autoexec.cfg ~/.quakespasm/id1/autoexec.cfg
games/eternity.cfg ~/.config/eternity/user/doom/eternity.cfg
games/ ~/.config/eternity/user/doom/
games/eternity_system.cfg ~/.config/eternity/user/system.cfg
games/lutris/lutris.conf ~/.config/lutris/lutris.conf
games/lutris/runners/dosbox.yml ~/.config/lutris/runners/dosbox.yml
games/lutris/runners/steam.yml ~/.config/lutris/runners/steam.yml
games/lutris/runners/wine.yml ~/.config/lutris/runners/wine.yml
games/lutris/system.yml ~/.config/lutris/system.yml
games/mupen64plus.cfg ~/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg
games/rpcs3.yml ~/.config/rpcs3/config.yml
system/fcitx/addon ~/.config/fcitx/addon
system/fcitx/conf ~/.config/fcitx/conf
system/fcitx/config ~/.config/fcitx/config
system/fcitx/data ~/.config/fcitx/data
system/fcitx/profile ~/.config/fcitx/profile
system/services/marrub.service ~/.config/systemd/user/marrub.service
system/services/marrub.timer ~/.config/systemd/user/marrub.timer
themes/ ~/.config/ranger/colorschemes/
themes/ripcord.json ~/.local/share/Ripcord/custom_theme.json
vim/vimrc ~/.vim/vimrc

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let _agw.languages=[
\ "zscript",
let _agw.cr_scheme=-2 " color from s:colors, -1=random, -2=default
let _agw.cr_scheme=-2 " color from _agw.colors, -1=random, -2=default
let _agw.g_columns=80 " GUI columns
let _agw.g_rows=24 " GUI rows
let _agw.tab_wid=1 " Tab width

View File

@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ set _arch x86_64
set _ver 30-1.2
set _install "Linux/Fedora/Workstation-Live-x86_64-_ver_.iso"
set _mem 2G
set _vga qxl