more crap for tycho

an 2019-03-02 20:49:35 -05:00
parent b9e1a3d3f6
commit a7fb392c5e
4 changed files with 64 additions and 141 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
use crate::stoneage::*;
use maraiah::durandal::image::*;
pub fn draw_map_none(d: &impl DrawArea)
pub fn draw_map_none<D, I>(d: &D, im: &I)
where D: DrawArea<NativeImage = I>,
I: CacheImage
// TODO: draw middle image
d.clear(Color16::new(0, 0, 0));
d.image((d.w() / 2 - im.w() / 2, d.h() / 2 - im.h() / 2), im);
// draw top border (these are separate so the bottom draws over the top)
d.rect(Rect{x: 0, y: 0, w: d.w(), h: 18}, CR_DARK_RED);
// draw top text
d.text((4, 14), CR_RED, "Map Required To Proceed");
// draw bottom border
d.rect(Rect{x: 0, y: d.h() - 18, w: d.w(), h: 18}, CR_DARK_RED);
// draw bottom text
d.text((4, d.h() - 4), CR_RED, "CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems Inc.");

View File

@ -4,12 +4,9 @@ mod stoneage;
use crate::hiddenprotocol::*;
use crate::noroom::*;
use crate::stoneage::*;
//use gdk::prelude::*;
use gio::prelude::*;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use maraiah::durandal::err::*;
use maraiah::durandal::image::*;
fn hide_on_delete(win: &gtk::Window, _: &gdk::Event) -> Inhibit
@ -24,6 +21,8 @@ fn mk_draw_area(b: &gtk::Builder)
let ax: gtk::Adjustment = get_obj(b, "adj-map-horz");
let ay: gtk::Adjustment = get_obj(b, "adj-map-vert");
let im = load_img("/net/greyserv/maraiah/tycho/tycho1");
area.connect_draw(move |area, cr| {
let w = f64::from(area.get_allocated_width());
let h = f64::from(area.get_allocated_height());
@ -36,95 +35,47 @@ fn mk_draw_area(b: &gtk::Builder)
let d = CairoDrawArea::new(cr.clone(), w, h);
d.clear(Color16::new(0, 0, 0));
draw_map_none(&d, &im);
fn mk_win_map_tools(b: &gtk::Builder)
fn run_app(app: &gtk::Application)
let win: gtk::Window = get_obj(b, "win-map-tools");
let b = &gtk::Builder::new_from_resource("/net/greyserv/maraiah/tycho/ui");
let app_ = app.clone();
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-quit");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| app_.quit());
fn mk_win_map_view(b: &gtk::Builder)
let win: gtk::Window = get_obj(b, "win-map-view");
fn mk_win_about(b: &gtk::Builder)
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-about");
let win: gtk::AboutDialog = get_obj(b, "win-about");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| {; win.hide();});
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-show-map-view");
let win: gtk::Window = get_obj(b, "win-map-view");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| win.show_all());
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-show-map-tools");
let win: gtk::Window = get_obj(b, "win-map-tools");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| win.show_all());
let win: gtk::AboutDialog = get_obj(b, "win-about");
fn mk_win_main(b: &gtk::Builder, app: &gtk::Application)
let win: gtk::Window = get_obj(b, "win-main");
fn mk_btn_quit(b: &gtk::Builder, app: gtk::Application)
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-quit");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| app.quit());
fn mk_btn_about(b: &gtk::Builder)
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-about");
let win: gtk::AboutDialog = get_obj(b, "win-about");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| {;
fn mk_btn_show_map_view(b: &gtk::Builder)
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-show-map-view");
let win: gtk::Window = get_obj(b, "win-map-view");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| win.show_all());
fn mk_btn_show_map_tools(b: &gtk::Builder)
let btn: gtk::MenuItem = get_obj(b, "btn-show-map-tools");
let win: gtk::Window = get_obj(b, "win-map-tools");
btn.connect_activate(move |_| win.show_all());
fn run_app(app: &gtk::Application)
// one fallible call, which should never fail anyhow
let b = gtk::Builder::new_from_resource("/net/greyserv/maraiah/tycho/ui");
mk_btn_quit(&b, app.clone());
mk_win_main(&b, app);
fn load_img(path: &'static str) -> gdk_pixbuf::Pixbuf

View File

@ -8,18 +8,26 @@ fn flt_color(cr: impl Color) -> (f64, f64, f64)
(flt_color(cr.r()), flt_color(cr.g()), flt_color(cr.b()))
impl CacheImage for gdk_pixbuf::Pixbuf
fn w(&self) -> Coord {self.get_width() as Coord}
fn h(&self) -> Coord {self.get_height() as Coord}
impl CairoDrawArea
pub const fn new(ctx: cairo::Context, w: f64, h: f64) -> Self
CairoDrawArea{ctx, w: w as u32, h: h as u32}
CairoDrawArea{ctx, w: w as Coord, h: h as Coord}
impl DrawArea for CairoDrawArea
fn w(&self) -> u32 {self.w}
fn h(&self) -> u32 {self.h}
type NativeImage = gdk_pixbuf::Pixbuf;
fn w(&self) -> Coord {self.w}
fn h(&self) -> Coord {self.h}
fn clear(&self, cr: impl Color)
@ -53,13 +61,20 @@ impl DrawArea for CairoDrawArea
self.ctx.move_to(f64::from(pos.0), f64::from(pos.1));
fn image(&self, pos: Point, im: &Self::NativeImage)
use gdk::prelude::*;
self.ctx.set_source_pixbuf(im, f64::from(pos.0), f64::from(pos.1));
pub struct CairoDrawArea
ctx: cairo::Context,
w: u32,
h: u32,
w: Coord,
h: Coord,
// EOF

View File

@ -1,73 +1,31 @@
use maraiah::durandal::image::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rect {pub x: u32, pub y: u32, pub w: u32, pub h: u32}
pub type Point = (u32, u32);
pub trait CacheImage
fn w(&self) -> Coord;
fn h(&self) -> Coord;
pub trait DrawArea
fn w(&self) -> u32;
fn h(&self) -> u32;
type NativeImage: CacheImage;
fn w(&self) -> Coord;
fn h(&self) -> Coord;
fn clear(&self, cr: impl Color);
fn rect(&self, rect: Rect, cr: impl Color);
fn text(&self, pos: Point, cr: impl Color, text: &str);
fn image(&self, pos: Point, im: &Self::NativeImage);
pub trait Resource
fn as_dir(&self) -> Option<&ResDir> {None}
fn as_file(&self) -> Option<&ResFile> {None}
pub type Coord = i32;
pub type Point = (Coord, Coord);
impl ResDir
pub fn new() -> ResDir
ResDir{hash: HashMap::new()}
pub fn insert(&mut self, name: &str, res: Box<dyn Resource>)
self.hash.insert(name.to_string(), res);
pub fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Box<dyn Resource>>
impl Resource for ResDir
fn as_dir(&self) -> Option<&ResDir> {Some(self)}
impl Resource for ResFile
fn as_file(&self) -> Option<&ResFile> {Some(self)}
pub struct ResDir
hash: HashMap<String, Box<dyn Resource>>,
struct ResFile
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rect {pub x: Coord, pub y: Coord, pub w: Coord, pub h: Coord}
pub const CR_RED: Color16 = Color16::new(0xFFFF, 0, 0);
pub const CR_DARK_RED: Color16 = Color16::new(0x4700, 0, 0);
fn resources()
let mut top = ResDir::new();
top.insert(":basic_sub:resource", Box::new(ResFile{}));
// EOF