finish up module refactoring

an 2019-04-12 00:04:39 -04:00
parent 11ebd77e6a
commit 8c9415b867
31 changed files with 950 additions and 892 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
/// ```
/// use maraiah::{c_enum, durandal::err::ReprError};
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// c_enum! {
/// #[derive(Debug)]
@ -52,14 +53,14 @@ macro_rules! c_enum
impl std::convert::TryFrom<$ti> for $t
type Error = ReprError;
type Error = $crate::durandal::err::ReprError;
/// Returns, if representable, the variant of `Self` from `n`.
fn try_from(n: $ti) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
match n {
$($va => Ok($t::$en),)+
n => Err(ReprError::new(n))
n => Err(Self::Error::new(n))
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ macro_rules! c_enum
mod test
use crate::durandal::err::ReprError;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
c_enum! {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use maraiah::{durandal::{err::*, file::*, image::*, sound::*},
marathon::{machdr, ppm, shp, snd, tga, wad, wav}};
marathon::{machdr, map, ppm, shp, snd, tga, wav}};
use std::{fs, io, slice::from_ref};
fn make_tga(_opt: &Options, fname: &str, im: &impl Image) -> ResultS<()>
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fn make_wav(fname: &str, snd: &impl Sound) -> ResultS<()>
fn process_wad(opt: &Options, b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<()>
let wad = wad::read_wad(b)?;
let wad = map::read(b)?;
if opt.wad_wrt_all {
make_yaml(opt, &wad)?;
@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ fn process_wad(opt: &Options, b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<()>
fn dump_bitmaps(opt: &Options, c: &shp::Collection, i: usize) -> ResultS<()>
fn dump_bitmaps(opt: &Options, c: &shp::coll::Collection, i: usize)
-> ResultS<()>
if !opt.shp_bmp {
return Ok(());
@ -56,18 +57,18 @@ fn dump_bitmaps(opt: &Options, c: &shp::Collection, i: usize) -> ResultS<()>
if opt.shp_bmp_all {
for (k, tab) in c.tabs.iter().enumerate() {
let fname = format!("{}/shape{}_{}_{}.tga", opt.out_dir, i, j, k);
make_tga(opt, &fname, &shp::ImageShp::new(bmp, &tab))?;
make_tga(opt, &fname, &shp::bmap::ImageShp::new(bmp, &tab))?;
} else {
let fname = format!("{}/shape{}_{}.tga", opt.out_dir, i, j);
make_tga(opt, &fname, &shp::ImageShp::new(bmp, &c.tabs[0]))?;
make_tga(opt, &fname, &shp::bmap::ImageShp::new(bmp, &c.tabs[0]))?;
fn write_shp_objs(opt: &Options, cl: &shp::Collection) -> ResultS<()>
fn write_shp_objs(opt: &Options, cl: &shp::coll::Collection) -> ResultS<()>
if opt.shp_tab {make_yaml(opt, &cl.tabs)?;}
if opt.shp_frm {make_yaml(opt, &cl.frms)?;}
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ fn write_shp_objs(opt: &Options, cl: &shp::Collection) -> ResultS<()>
fn process_shp(opt: &Options, b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<()>
for (i, cl) in shp::read_shapes(b)?.iter().enumerate() {
for (i, cl) in shp::read(b)?.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(cl) = &cl.0 {
dump_bitmaps(opt, cl, i)?;
write_shp_objs(opt, cl)?;
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ fn dump_sounds(opt: &Options, st: &snd::SoundTable, c: usize) -> ResultS<()>
fn process_snd(opt: &Options, b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<()>
for (c, st) in snd::read_sounds(b)?.iter().enumerate() {
for (c, st) in snd::read(b)?.iter().enumerate() {
dump_sounds(opt, st, c)?;

View File

@ -3,14 +3,12 @@
pub mod defl;
pub mod machdr;
pub mod map;
pub mod phy;
pub mod pict;
pub mod ppm;
pub mod shp;
pub mod snd;
pub mod text;
pub mod tga;
pub mod wad;
pub mod wav;
pub mod xfer;

View File

@ -1,25 +1,101 @@
//! Structures used by Marathon's Map format.
//! Marathon Map format handling.
pub mod ambi;
pub mod attk;
pub mod bonk;
pub mod chnk;
pub mod damg;
pub mod entr;
pub mod epnt;
pub mod fxpx;
pub mod iidx;
pub mod lins;
pub mod lite;
pub mod ltfn;
pub mod medi;
pub mod minf;
pub mod mnpx;
pub mod note;
pub mod objs;
pub mod plac;
pub mod plat;
pub mod pnts;
pub mod poly;
pub mod prpx;
pub mod pxpx;
pub mod sids;
pub mod stex;
pub mod term;
pub mod trig;
pub mod trmf;
pub mod trmg;
pub mod wppx;
use crate::{durandal::err::*, marathon::text::mac_roman_cstr};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// Reads a Map file.
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Wad>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 128, start: 0, data {
let ver_wad = u16[0] enum Ver;
let ver_dat = u16[2];
let name = mac_roman_cstr[4; 64] no_try;
let siz_app = u16[78] usize;
let siz_wcnk = u16[80] usize;
let siz_went = u16[82] usize;
let old_dat = ver_dat == 0;
let old_wad = match ver_wad {
Ver::Base => true,
_ => false,
let siz_ent = if old_wad {8 } else {10};
let siz_cnk = if old_wad {12} else {16};
if !old_wad && siz_ent != siz_went {
bail!("invalid entry size");
if !old_wad && siz_cnk != siz_wcnk {
bail!("invalid chunk size");
let entries = entr::read(b, old_wad, old_dat, siz_app, siz_ent, siz_cnk)?;
Ok(Wad{name, siz_app, entries})
/// A Map file containing entries.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Wad
/// The original name of this file.
pub name: String,
/// The size of each `Entry`'s `appdata` field.
pub siz_app: usize,
/// All of the entries in this `Wad`.
pub entries: entr::EntryMap,
c_enum! {
/// The version of a `Wad`.
enum Ver: u16
Base = 0,
Dir = 1,
Over = 2,
Inf = 4,
/// The number of game ticks per second.
pub const TICKS_PER_SECOND: u16 = 30;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
//! Wad file chunk type.
use crate::{durandal::{bin::*, err::*, image}, marathon::{map, pict}};
/// Reads all chunks in an entry.
pub fn read(b: &[u8], old: bool, siz_cnk: usize) -> ResultS<Vec<Chunk>>
let mut chunks = Vec::new();
let mut p = 0;
let read_chunk_minf = if old {map::minf::read_old} else {map::minf::read};
let read_chunk_sids = if old {map::sids::read_old} else {map::sids::read};
let read_chunk_poly = if old {map::poly::read_old} else {map::poly::read};
let read_chunk_lite = if old {map::lite::read_old} else {map::lite::read};
while p < b.len() {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: siz_cnk, start: p, data {
let iden = Ident[0];
let size = u32[8] usize;
let beg = p + siz_cnk;
let end = beg + size;
let data = ok!(b.get(beg..end), "not enough data")?;
chunks.push(match &iden.0 {
b"PICT" => Chunk::Pict(pict::load_pict(data)?),
b"Minf" => Chunk::Minf(read_chunk_minf(data)?),
b"iidx" => Chunk::Iidx(rd_array(data, map::iidx::read)?),
b"EPNT" => Chunk::Epnt(rd_array(data, map::epnt::read)?),
b"PNTS" => Chunk::Pnts(rd_array(data, map::pnts::read)?),
b"LINS" => Chunk::Lins(rd_array(data, map::lins::read)?),
b"SIDS" => Chunk::Sids(rd_array(data, read_chunk_sids)?),
b"POLY" => Chunk::Poly(rd_array(data, read_chunk_poly)?),
b"OBJS" => Chunk::Objs(rd_array(data, map::objs::read)?),
b"LITE" => Chunk::Lite(rd_array(data, read_chunk_lite)?),
b"plac" => Chunk::Plac(rd_array(data, map::plac::read)?),
b"ambi" => Chunk::Ambi(rd_array(data, map::ambi::read)?),
b"bonk" => Chunk::Bonk(rd_array(data, map::bonk::read)?),
b"medi" => Chunk::Medi(rd_array(data, map::medi::read)?),
b"plat" => Chunk::Plat(rd_array(data, map::plat::read)?),
b"NOTE" => Chunk::Note(rd_array(data, map::note::read)?),
b"term" => Chunk::Term(rd_array(data, map::term::read)?),
b"FXpx" => Chunk::Fxpx(rd_array(data, map::fxpx::read)?),
b"MNpx" => Chunk::Mnpx(rd_array(data, map::mnpx::read)?),
b"PRpx" => Chunk::Prpx(rd_array(data, map::prpx::read)?),
b"PXpx" => Chunk::Pxpx(rd_array(data, map::pxpx::read)?),
b"WPpx" => Chunk::Wppx(rd_array(data, map::wppx::read)?),
_ => Chunk::Data{iden, data: data.to_vec()},
p = end;
/// Any kind of chunk in an `Entry`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Chunk
/** A `PICT` chunk. */ Pict(image::Image8),
/** A `Minf` chunk. */ Minf(map::minf::Minf),
/** An `iidx` chunk. */ Iidx(Vec<u16>),
/** An `EPNT` chunk. */ Epnt(Vec<map::epnt::Endpoint>),
/** A `PNTS` chunk. */ Pnts(Vec<map::pnts::Point>),
/** A `LINS` chunk. */ Lins(Vec<map::lins::Line>),
/** A `SIDS` chunk. */ Sids(Vec<map::sids::Side>),
/** A `POLY` chunk. */ Poly(Vec<map::poly::Polygon>),
/** A `LITE` chunk. */ Lite(Vec<map::lite::Light>),
/** An `OBJS` chunk. */ Objs(Vec<map::objs::Object>),
/** A `plac` chunk. */ Plac(Vec<map::plac::ObjectFreq>),
/** An `ambi` chunk. */ Ambi(Vec<map::ambi::SoundAmbi>),
/** A `bonk` chunk. */ Bonk(Vec<map::bonk::SoundRand>),
/** A `medi` chunk. */ Medi(Vec<map::medi::Media>),
/** A `plat` chunk. */ Plat(Vec<map::plat::Platform>),
/** A `NOTE` chunk. */ Note(Vec<map::note::Note>),
/** A `term` chunk. */ Term(Vec<map::term::Terminal>),
/** A `FXpx` chunk. */ Fxpx(Vec<map::fxpx::Effect>),
/** A `MNpx` chunk. */ Mnpx(Vec<map::mnpx::Monster>),
/** A `PRpx` chunk. */ Prpx(Vec<map::prpx::Projectile>),
/** A `PXpx` chunk. */ Pxpx(Vec<map::pxpx::Physics>),
/** A `WPpx` chunk. */ Wppx(Vec<map::wppx::Weapon>),
/// Any other type of chunk, which may have arbitrary data in it.
Data{/** The name of the chunk. */ iden: Ident,
/** The data. */ data: Vec<u8>},
// EOF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
//! Wad file entry type.
use crate::durandal::{bin::usize_from_u32, err::*};
use super::chnk;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
/// Reads all entries in a `Wad`.
pub fn read(b: &[u8],
old_wad: bool,
old_dat: bool,
siz_app: usize,
siz_ent: usize,
siz_cnk: usize)
-> ResultS<EntryMap>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 128, start: 0, data {
let dirofs = u32[72] usize;
let numents = u16[76] usize;
let mut entries = EntryMap::new();
let mut p = dirofs;
for i in 0..numents {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: siz_ent, start: p, data {
let offset = u32[0] usize;
let size = u32[4] usize;
let index = u16[8];
let index = if old_wad {i as u16} else {index};
let chunks = chnk::read(&b[offset..offset + size], old_dat, siz_cnk)?;
let appdata = b[p..p + siz_app].to_vec();
entries.insert(index, Entry{chunks, appdata});
p += siz_ent + siz_app;
/// An entry containing chunks and application-specific data.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Entry
/// All of the chunks in this `Entry`.
pub chunks: Vec<chnk::Chunk>,
/// The application specific data for this Entry.
pub appdata: Vec<u8>,
/// A map of indexed entries.
pub type EntryMap = BTreeMap<u16, Entry>;
// EOF

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
//! Structures used by Marathon's Physics format.
pub mod attk;
pub mod damg;
pub mod fxpx;
pub mod mnpx;
pub mod prpx;
pub mod pxpx;
pub mod trig;
pub mod wppx;
// EOF

View File

@ -1,203 +1,28 @@
//! Marathon Shapes format handling.
use crate::{durandal::{bin::*, err::*, fixed::*, image::*},
marathon::{text::*, xfer::TransferMode}};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
pub mod bmap;
pub mod clut;
pub mod coll;
pub mod fram;
pub mod sequ;
// Reads a color from a color table into `clut`.
fn read_color(b: &[u8], clut: &mut [ColorShp]) -> ResultS<()>
use crate::durandal::{bin::usize_from_u32, err::*};
/// Reads a collection at an offset provided by the Shapes header.
pub fn read_coll_at_offset(b: &[u8], ofs: u32, len: usize)
-> ResultS<Option<coll::Collection>>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 8, start: 0, data {
let flag = u8[0];
let ind = u8[1];
let r = u16[2];
let g = u16[4];
let b = u16[6];
let cr = ok!(clut.get_mut(usize::from(ind)), "bad index")?;
*cr = match flag {
128 => ColorShp::Lit {r, g, b},
0 => ColorShp::Opaque{r, g, b},
_ => {
return Err(err_msg("invalid flag in color"));
// Reads all color tables.
fn color_tables(b: &[u8],
tab_ofs: usize,
tab_num: usize,
clr_num: usize)
-> ResultS<Vec<Vec<ColorShp>>>
let end = tab_num * clr_num * 8;
let b = ok!(b.get(tab_ofs..tab_ofs + end), "bad offset")?;
let mut v = vec![vec![ColorShp::Translucent; clr_num]; tab_num];
let mut p = 0;
for clut in v.iter_mut().take(tab_num) {
for _ in 0..clr_num {
read_color(ok!(b.get(p..p + 8), "not enough data")?, clut)?;
p += 8;
/// Reads a `Bitmap`.
pub fn read_bitmap(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Bitmap>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 26, start: 0, data {
let width = u16[0] usize;
let height = u16[2] usize;
let compr = u16[4];
let flags = u16[6] flag BmpFlags;
let depth = u16[8];
let compr = compr == u16::max_value();
let alpha = flags.contains(BmpFlags::TRANSPARENT);
let cmajr = flags.contains(BmpFlags::COLUMN_MAJOR);
if depth != 8 {
bail!("invalid bit depth (should always be 8)");
let mut bmp = Bitmap::new(width, height, alpha, cmajr);
let mut p = 30 + if cmajr {4 * width} else {4 * height};
let scanlines = if cmajr {width} else {height};
let pitch = if cmajr {height} else {width};
if compr {
// compressed scanlines (transparency RLE)
for _ in 0..scanlines {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 4, start: p, data {
let fst = u16[0] usize;
let lst = u16[2] usize;
let end = lst - fst;
p += 4;
if lst < fst || fst > pitch || lst > pitch {
bail!("invalid compressed scanline");
for _ in 0..fst {;
}!(b.get(p..p + end), "not enough data")?);
for _ in lst..pitch {;
p += end;
if ofs != u32::max_value() {
let ofs = usize_from_u32(ofs);
let dat = ok!(b.get(ofs..ofs + len), "bad offset")?;
} else {
// simple copy!(b.get(p..p + width * height), "not enough data")?);
/// Reads a `Frame`.
pub fn read_frame(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Frame>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 36, start: 0, data {
let flags = u16[0] flag FrameFlags;
let min_lt = Fixed[2];
let bmp_ind = u16[6] usize;
let wrl_l = Unit[16];
let wrl_r = Unit[18];
let wrl_t = Unit[20];
let wrl_b = Unit[22];
let wrl_x = Unit[24];
let wrl_y = Unit[26];
Ok(Frame{flags, min_lt, bmp_ind, wrl_l, wrl_r, wrl_t, wrl_b, wrl_x, wrl_y})
/// Reads a `Sequence`.
pub fn read_sequence(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Sequence>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 88, start: 0, data {
let name = u8[4; 34];
let v_type = u16[38] enum ViewType;
let frames = u16[40];
let ticks = u16[42];
let key = u16[44];
let xfer = u16[46] enum TransferMode;
let xfer_pd = u16[48];
let snd_beg = OptU16[50];
let snd_key = OptU16[52];
let snd_end = OptU16[54];
let loop_f = u16[58];
let name = mac_roman_conv(ok!(pascal_str(name), "bad string")?);
Ok(Sequence{name, v_type, frames, ticks, key, xfer, xfer_pd, snd_beg,
snd_key, snd_end, loop_f})
/// Reads a `Collection`.
pub fn read_collection(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Collection>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 544, start: 0, data {
let version = u16[0];
let cl_type = u16[2] enum CollectionType;
let clr_num = u16[6] usize;
let tab_num = u16[8] usize;
let tab_ofs = u32[10] usize;
let seq_num = u16[14] usize;
let seq_ofs = u32[16] usize;
let frm_num = u16[20] usize;
let frm_ofs = u32[22] usize;
let bmp_num = u16[26] usize;
let bmp_ofs = u32[28] usize;
if version != 3 {
bail!("invalid collection definition");
let tabs = color_tables(b, tab_ofs, tab_num, clr_num)?;
let bmps = rd_ofstable(b, bmp_ofs, bmp_num, read_bitmap)?;
let frms = rd_ofstable(b, frm_ofs, frm_num, read_frame)?;
let seqs = rd_ofstable(b, seq_ofs, seq_num, read_sequence)?;
Ok(Collection{ctyp: cl_type, tabs, bmps, frms, seqs})
/// Read all of the collections in a Shapes file.
pub fn read_shapes(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<CollectionDef>>
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<CollectionDef>>
let mut cl = Vec::with_capacity(32);
let mut p = 0;
@ -205,28 +30,17 @@ pub fn read_shapes(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<CollectionDef>>
for _ in 0..32 {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 32, start: p, data {
let lo_ofs = u32[4] usize;
let lo_ofs = u32[4];
let lo_len = u32[8] usize;
let hi_ofs = u32[12] usize;
let hi_ofs = u32[12];
let hi_len = u32[16] usize;
let c_lo = if lo_ofs == usize_from_u32(u32::max_value()) {
} else {
let dat = ok!(b.get(lo_ofs..lo_ofs + lo_len), "bad offset")?;
let lo = read_coll_at_offset(b, lo_ofs, lo_len)?;
let hi = read_coll_at_offset(b, hi_ofs, hi_len)?;
let c_hi = if hi_ofs == usize_from_u32(u32::max_value()) {
} else {
let dat = ok!(b.get(hi_ofs..hi_ofs + hi_len), "bad offset")?;
cl.push((c_lo, c_hi));
cl.push((lo, hi));
p += 32;
@ -234,274 +48,7 @@ pub fn read_shapes(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<CollectionDef>>
impl Bitmap
/// Creates an empty bitmap.
pub fn new(w: usize, h: usize, alpha: bool, cmajr: bool) -> Self
Self{w, h, alpha, cmajr, cr: Vec::with_capacity(w * h)}
impl<'a, 'b> ImageShp<'a, 'b>
/// Creates an `ImageShp` with the given bitmap.
pub fn new(bmp: &'a Bitmap, clut: &'b [ColorShp]) -> Self
Self{bmp, clut}
impl Image for ImageShp<'_, '_>
type Output = ColorShp;
fn w(&self) -> usize {self.bmp.w}
fn h(&self) -> usize {self.bmp.h}
fn index(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> &Self::Output
static TRANSLUCENT_COLOR: ColorShp = ColorShp::Translucent;
let cr = usize::from(if self.bmp.cmajr {[y + x * self.bmp.h]
} else {[x + y * self.bmp.w]
if self.bmp.alpha && cr == 0 {
} else {
impl Color for ColorShp
fn r(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{r, ..} |
ColorShp::Lit {r, ..} => r,
fn g(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{g, ..} |
ColorShp::Lit {g, ..} => g,
fn b(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{b, ..} |
ColorShp::Lit {b, ..} => b,
fn a(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{..} |
ColorShp::Lit {..} => u16::max_value(),
/// A color in an `ImageShp`'s color table.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ColorShp
/// A completely translucent color.
/// An opaque color which may be shaded.
Opaque{/** The red component. */ r: u16,
/** The green component. */ g: u16,
/** The blue component. */ b: u16},
/// An opaque color which may not be shaded.
Lit{/** The red component. */ r: u16,
/** The green component. */ g: u16,
/** The blue component. */ b: u16},
/// An unpacked Shape bitmap.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Bitmap
w: usize,
h: usize,
cr: Vec<u8>,
alpha: bool,
cmajr: bool,
/// An image from a Shape. This mainly just exists so that `Bitmap` can use the
/// `Image` trait.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ImageShp<'a, 'b>
bmp: &'a Bitmap,
clut: &'b [ColorShp],
/// A frame, also known as a low level shape.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Frame
/// The flags for this frame.
pub flags: FrameFlags,
/// The minimum light level for this frame.
pub min_lt: Fixed,
/// The index of the bitmap this frame uses.
pub bmp_ind: usize,
/// The left translation for this frame.
pub wrl_l: Unit,
/// The right translation for this frame.
pub wrl_r: Unit,
/// The top translation for this frame.
pub wrl_t: Unit,
/// The bottom translation for this frame.
pub wrl_b: Unit,
/// The X translation for this frame.
pub wrl_x: Unit,
/// The Y translation for this frame.
pub wrl_y: Unit,
/// A sequence, also known as a high level shape.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Sequence
/// The display name for this sequence.
pub name: String,
/// The view type for each frame in this sequence.
pub v_type: ViewType,
/// The number of frames in this sequence.
pub frames: u16,
/// The number of ticks each frame in this sequence takes.
pub ticks: u16,
/// The key frame index for this sequence.
pub key: u16,
/// The transfer mode to play over this sequence.
pub xfer: TransferMode,
/// The period in game ticks the transfer mode plays over.
pub xfer_pd: u16,
/// The sound to play at the beginning of this sequence.
pub snd_beg: OptU16,
/// The sound to play at the key frame of this sequence.
pub snd_key: OptU16,
/// The sound to play at the end of this sequence.
pub snd_end: OptU16,
/// Which frame to loop on.
pub loop_f: u16,
/// A collection of color tables, bitmaps, frames and sequences.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Collection
/// The type of collection this is.
pub ctyp: CollectionType,
/// All of the color tables in this collection.
pub tabs: Vec<Vec<ColorShp>>,
/// All of the bitmaps in this collection.
pub bmps: Vec<Bitmap>,
/// All of the frames in this collection.
pub frms: Vec<Frame>,
/// All of the sequences in this collection.
pub seqs: Vec<Sequence>,
/// A collection, which may have low- and high-definition variations, or none.
pub type CollectionDef = (Option<Collection>, Option<Collection>);
bitflags! {
struct BmpFlags: u16
const TRANSPARENT = 1 << 14;
const COLUMN_MAJOR = 1 << 15;
bitflags! {
/// Flags for `Frame`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct FrameFlags: u16
/// The player's torso will obscure the player's legs.
const OBSCURE = 1 << 13;
/// The bitmap will be flipped on the vertical axis.
const FLIP_Y = 1 << 14;
/// The bitmap will be flipped on the horizontal axis.
const FLIP_X = 1 << 15;
c_enum! {
/// The type of a collection.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub enum CollectionType: u16
Unused = 0,
Wall = 1,
Object = 2,
Interface = 3,
Scenery = 4,
c_enum! {
/// The type of or number of views for a sequence.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub enum ViewType: u16
Anim = 1,
Anim8from2 = 2,
Anim4from3 = 3,
Anim4 = 4,
Anim8from5 = 5,
Anim8 = 8,
Anim5from3 = 9,
Still = 10,
Anim5 = 11,
pub type CollectionDef = (Option<coll::Collection>, Option<coll::Collection>);
// EOF

source/marathon/shp/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
//! Shapes file bitmap type.
use crate::durandal::{err::*, image::Image};
use super::clut;
use bitflags::bitflags;
/// Reads a `Bitmap`.
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Bitmap>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 26, start: 0, data {
let width = u16[0] usize;
let height = u16[2] usize;
let compr = u16[4];
let flags = u16[6] flag BmpFlags;
let depth = u16[8];
let compr = compr == u16::max_value();
let alpha = flags.contains(BmpFlags::TRANSPARENT);
let cmajr = flags.contains(BmpFlags::COLUMN_MAJOR);
if depth != 8 {
bail!("invalid bit depth (should always be 8)");
let mut bmp = Bitmap::new(width, height, alpha, cmajr);
let mut p = 30 + if cmajr {4 * width} else {4 * height};
let scanlines = if cmajr {width} else {height};
let pitch = if cmajr {height} else {width};
if compr {
// compressed scanlines (transparency RLE)
for _ in 0..scanlines {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 4, start: p, data {
let fst = u16[0] usize;
let lst = u16[2] usize;
let end = lst - fst;
p += 4;
if lst < fst || fst > pitch || lst > pitch {
bail!("invalid compressed scanline");
for _ in 0..fst {;
}!(b.get(p..p + end), "not enough data")?);
for _ in lst..pitch {;
p += end;
} else {
// simple copy!(b.get(p..p + width * height), "not enough data")?);
impl Bitmap
/// Creates an empty bitmap.
pub fn new(w: usize, h: usize, alpha: bool, cmajr: bool) -> Self
Self{w, h, alpha, cmajr, cr: Vec::with_capacity(w * h)}
impl<'a, 'b> ImageShp<'a, 'b>
/// Creates an `ImageShp` with the given bitmap.
pub fn new(bmp: &'a Bitmap, clut: &'b [clut::ColorShp]) -> Self
Self{bmp, clut}
impl Image for ImageShp<'_, '_>
type Output = clut::ColorShp;
fn w(&self) -> usize {self.bmp.w}
fn h(&self) -> usize {self.bmp.h}
fn index(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> &Self::Output
static TRANSLUCENT_COLOR: clut::ColorShp = clut::ColorShp::Translucent;
let cr = usize::from(if self.bmp.cmajr {[y + x * self.bmp.h]
} else {[x + y * self.bmp.w]
if self.bmp.alpha && cr == 0 {
} else {
/// An unpacked Shape bitmap.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Bitmap
w: usize,
h: usize,
cr: Vec<u8>,
alpha: bool,
cmajr: bool,
/// An image from a Shape. This mainly just exists so that `Bitmap` can use the
/// `Image` trait.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ImageShp<'a, 'b>
bmp: &'a Bitmap,
clut: &'b [clut::ColorShp],
bitflags! {
struct BmpFlags: u16
const TRANSPARENT = 1 << 14;
const COLUMN_MAJOR = 1 << 15;
// EOF

source/marathon/shp/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
//! Shapes file color lookup tables.
use crate::durandal::{err::*, image::Color};
/// Reads a color from a color table into `clut`.
pub fn read_color(b: &[u8], clut: &mut [ColorShp]) -> ResultS<()>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 8, start: 0, data {
let flag = u8[0];
let ind = u8[1];
let r = u16[2];
let g = u16[4];
let b = u16[6];
let cr = ok!(clut.get_mut(usize::from(ind)), "bad index")?;
*cr = match flag {
128 => ColorShp::Lit {r, g, b},
0 => ColorShp::Opaque{r, g, b},
_ => {
return Err(err_msg("invalid flag in color"));
/// Reads color tables from `b`.
pub fn read(b: &[u8], tab_ofs: usize, tab_num: usize, clr_num: usize)
-> ResultS<Vec<Clut>>
let end = tab_num * clr_num * 8;
let b = ok!(b.get(tab_ofs..tab_ofs + end), "bad offset")?;
let mut v = vec![vec![ColorShp::Translucent; clr_num]; tab_num];
let mut p = 0;
for clut in v.iter_mut().take(tab_num) {
for _ in 0..clr_num {
read_color(ok!(b.get(p..p + 8), "not enough data")?, clut)?;
p += 8;
impl Color for ColorShp
fn r(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{r, ..} |
ColorShp::Lit {r, ..} => r,
fn g(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{g, ..} |
ColorShp::Lit {g, ..} => g,
fn b(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{b, ..} |
ColorShp::Lit {b, ..} => b,
fn a(&self) -> u16
match *self {
ColorShp::Translucent => 0,
ColorShp::Opaque{..} |
ColorShp::Lit {..} => u16::max_value(),
/// A color in a `Clut`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ColorShp
/// A completely translucent color.
/// An opaque color which may be shaded.
Opaque{/** The red component. */ r: u16,
/** The green component. */ g: u16,
/** The blue component. */ b: u16},
/// An opaque color which may not be shaded.
Lit{/** The red component. */ r: u16,
/** The green component. */ g: u16,
/** The blue component. */ b: u16},
/// A color collection.
pub type Clut = Vec<ColorShp>;
// EOF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
//! Shapes file collection type.
use crate::durandal::{bin::{rd_ofstable, usize_from_u32}, err::*};
use super::{bmap, clut, fram, sequ};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// Reads a `Collection`.
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Collection>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 544, start: 0, data {
let version = u16[0];
let cl_type = u16[2] enum CollectionType;
let clr_num = u16[6] usize;
let tab_num = u16[8] usize;
let tab_ofs = u32[10] usize;
let seq_num = u16[14] usize;
let seq_ofs = u32[16] usize;
let frm_num = u16[20] usize;
let frm_ofs = u32[22] usize;
let bmp_num = u16[26] usize;
let bmp_ofs = u32[28] usize;
if version != 3 {
bail!("invalid collection definition");
let tabs = clut::read(b, tab_ofs, tab_num, clr_num)?;
let bmps = rd_ofstable(b, bmp_ofs, bmp_num, bmap::read)?;
let frms = rd_ofstable(b, frm_ofs, frm_num, fram::read)?;
let seqs = rd_ofstable(b, seq_ofs, seq_num, sequ::read)?;
Ok(Collection{ctyp: cl_type, tabs, bmps, frms, seqs})
/// A collection of color tables, bitmaps, frames and sequences.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Collection
/// The type of collection this is.
pub ctyp: CollectionType,
/// All of the color tables in this collection.
pub tabs: Vec<clut::Clut>,
/// All of the bitmaps in this collection.
pub bmps: Vec<bmap::Bitmap>,
/// All of the frames in this collection.
pub frms: Vec<fram::Frame>,
/// All of the sequences in this collection.
pub seqs: Vec<sequ::Sequence>,
c_enum! {
/// The type of a collection.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub enum CollectionType: u16
Unused = 0,
Wall = 1,
Object = 2,
Interface = 3,
Scenery = 4,
// EOF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
//! Shapes file frame type.
use crate::durandal::{err::*, fixed::*};
use bitflags::bitflags;
/// Reads a `Frame`.
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Frame>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 36, start: 0, data {
let flags = u16[0] flag FrameFlags;
let min_lt = Fixed[2];
let bmp_ind = u16[6] usize;
let wrl_l = Unit[16];
let wrl_r = Unit[18];
let wrl_t = Unit[20];
let wrl_b = Unit[22];
let wrl_x = Unit[24];
let wrl_y = Unit[26];
Ok(Frame{flags, min_lt, bmp_ind, wrl_l, wrl_r, wrl_t, wrl_b, wrl_x, wrl_y})
/// A frame, also known as a low level shape.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Frame
/// The flags for this frame.
pub flags: FrameFlags,
/// The minimum light level for this frame.
pub min_lt: Fixed,
/// The index of the bitmap this frame uses.
pub bmp_ind: usize,
/// The left translation for this frame.
pub wrl_l: Unit,
/// The right translation for this frame.
pub wrl_r: Unit,
/// The top translation for this frame.
pub wrl_t: Unit,
/// The bottom translation for this frame.
pub wrl_b: Unit,
/// The X translation for this frame.
pub wrl_x: Unit,
/// The Y translation for this frame.
pub wrl_y: Unit,
bitflags! {
/// Flags for `Frame`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct FrameFlags: u16
/// The player's torso will obscure the player's legs.
const OBSCURE = 1 << 13;
/// The bitmap will be flipped on the vertical axis.
const FLIP_Y = 1 << 14;
/// The bitmap will be flipped on the horizontal axis.
const FLIP_X = 1 << 15;
// EOF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
//! Shapes file sequence type.
use crate::{durandal::{bin::OptU16, err::*},
marathon::{text::{mac_roman_conv, pascal_str},
use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// Reads a `Sequence`.
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Sequence>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 88, start: 0, data {
let name = u8[4; 34];
let v_type = u16[38] enum ViewType;
let frames = u16[40];
let ticks = u16[42];
let key = u16[44];
let xfer = u16[46] enum TransferMode;
let xfer_pd = u16[48];
let snd_beg = OptU16[50];
let snd_key = OptU16[52];
let snd_end = OptU16[54];
let loop_f = u16[58];
let name = mac_roman_conv(ok!(pascal_str(name), "bad string")?);
Ok(Sequence{name, v_type, frames, ticks, key, xfer, xfer_pd, snd_beg,
snd_key, snd_end, loop_f})
/// A sequence, also known as a high level shape.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Sequence
/// The display name for this sequence.
pub name: String,
/// The view type for each frame in this sequence.
pub v_type: ViewType,
/// The number of frames in this sequence.
pub frames: u16,
/// The number of ticks each frame in this sequence takes.
pub ticks: u16,
/// The key frame index for this sequence.
pub key: u16,
/// The transfer mode to play over this sequence.
pub xfer: TransferMode,
/// The period in game ticks the transfer mode plays over.
pub xfer_pd: u16,
/// The sound to play at the beginning of this sequence.
pub snd_beg: OptU16,
/// The sound to play at the key frame of this sequence.
pub snd_key: OptU16,
/// The sound to play at the end of this sequence.
pub snd_end: OptU16,
/// Which frame to loop on.
pub loop_f: u16,
c_enum! {
/// The type of or number of views for a sequence.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub enum ViewType: u16
Anim = 1,
Anim8from2 = 2,
Anim4from3 = 3,
Anim4 = 4,
Anim8from5 = 5,
Anim8 = 8,
Anim5from3 = 9,
Still = 10,
Anim5 = 11,
// EOF

View File

@ -1,91 +1,13 @@
//! Marathon Sounds format handling.
use crate::durandal::{bin::*, err::*, fixed::*, sound::*};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, convert::TryFrom};
pub mod defs;
pub mod snds;
/// Reads a sound.
pub fn read_sound(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Sound16>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 21, start: 0, data {
let len = u32[4] usize;
let rate = u16[8];
let lp_beg = u32[12] usize;
let lp_end = u32[16] usize;
let magic = u8[20];
match magic {
0 => {
let stream = &b[22..22 + len];
Ok(Sound16::new_from_8(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, stream))
0xFF => {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 42, start: 22, data {
let len = u32[0] usize;
let bps = u16[26];
match bps {
16 => {
let stream = &b[63..63 + len * 2];
Ok(Sound16::new_from_16(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, stream))
8 => {
let stream = &b[63..63 + len];
Ok(Sound16::new_from_8(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, stream))
_ => bail!("bad bits per sample"),
_ => bail!("invalid magic number"),
/// Reads a sound definition.
pub fn read_sound_def(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Option<(Vec<usize>, u16, SoundDef)>>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 64, start: 0, data {
let index = u16[0];
let volume = u16[2] enum Volume;
let flags = u16[4] flag SoundFlags;
let chance = u16[6];
let pitch_lo = Fixed[8];
let pitch_hi = Fixed[12];
let n_sounds = u16[16] usize;
let grp_ofs = u32[20] usize;
if index == u16::max_value() {
return Ok(None);
if n_sounds > 5 {
bail!("too many sounds");
let mut ofs = Vec::with_capacity(n_sounds);
let mut p = 36;
for _ in 0..n_sounds {
ofs.push(grp_ofs + usize_from_u32(u32b(&b[p..])));
p += 4;
let sounds = Vec::with_capacity(n_sounds);
Ok(Some((ofs, index,
SoundDef{volume, flags, chance, pitch_lo, pitch_hi, sounds})))
use crate::durandal::{bin::Ident, err::*};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
/// Reads all sounds from a Sound file.
pub fn read_sounds(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<SoundTable>>
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<SoundTable>>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 260, start: 0, data {
@ -104,12 +26,12 @@ pub fn read_sounds(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<SoundTable>>
let mut p = 260;
for _ in 0..src_num {
let mut st = BTreeMap::new();
let mut st = SoundTable::new();
for _ in 0..snd_num {
if let Some((ofs, idx, mut def)) = read_sound_def(&b[p..p + 64])? {
if let Some((ofs, idx, mut def)) = defs::read(&b[p..p + 64])? {
for &ofs in &ofs {
st.insert(idx, def);
@ -124,64 +46,7 @@ pub fn read_sounds(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<SoundTable>>
/// A sound definition containing one, many or no sounds.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct SoundDef
/// The volume type for this sound.
pub volume: Volume,
/// The flags for this sound.
pub flags: SoundFlags,
/// The chance out of `u16::max_value()` that this sound will not play.
pub chance: u16,
/// The low random pitch bound.
pub pitch_lo: Fixed,
/// The high random pitch bound.
pub pitch_hi: Fixed,
/// All of the sounds in this collection.
pub sounds: Vec<Sound16>,
/// A table of sound definitions.
pub type SoundTable = BTreeMap<u16, SoundDef>;
bitflags! {
/// Flags for `SoundDef`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct SoundFlags: u16
/// The sound will not restart when trying to play over itself.
const NO_RESTART = 1;
/// The sound will not switch channels when trying to play over itself.
const NO_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 1 << 1;
/// The pitch variance will be halved.
const LESS_PITCH_CHANGE = 1 << 2;
/// The pitch variance will be nullified.
const NO_PITCH_CHANGE = 1 << 3;
/// The sound will play even when completely obstructed by walls.
const NO_OBSTRUCTION = 1 << 4;
/// The sound will play even when completely obstructed by media.
const NO_MEDIA_OBSTRUCT = 1 << 5;
/// The sound will have special stereo effects.
const AMBIENT = 1 << 6;
c_enum! {
/// The type of volume this sound has.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub enum Volume: u16
Quiet = 0,
Normal = 1,
Loud = 2,
pub type SoundTable = BTreeMap<u16, defs::SoundDef>;
// EOF

source/marathon/snd/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
//! Sounds format definition type.
use crate::durandal::{bin::{u32b, usize_from_u32},
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use bitflags::bitflags;
/// Reads a sound definition.
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Option<(Vec<usize>, u16, SoundDef)>>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 64, start: 0, data {
let index = u16[0];
let volume = u16[2] enum Volume;
let flags = u16[4] flag SoundFlags;
let chance = u16[6];
let pitch_lo = Fixed[8];
let pitch_hi = Fixed[12];
let n_sounds = u16[16] usize;
let grp_ofs = u32[20] usize;
if index == u16::max_value() {
return Ok(None);
if n_sounds > 5 {
bail!("too many sounds");
let mut ofs = Vec::with_capacity(n_sounds);
let mut p = 36;
for _ in 0..n_sounds {
ofs.push(grp_ofs + usize_from_u32(u32b(&b[p..])));
p += 4;
let sounds = Vec::with_capacity(n_sounds);
Ok(Some((ofs, index,
SoundDef{volume, flags, chance, pitch_lo, pitch_hi, sounds})))
/// A sound definition containing one, many or no sounds.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct SoundDef
/// The volume type for this sound.
pub volume: Volume,
/// The flags for this sound.
pub flags: SoundFlags,
/// The chance out of `u16::max_value()` that this sound will not play.
pub chance: u16,
/// The low random pitch bound.
pub pitch_lo: Fixed,
/// The high random pitch bound.
pub pitch_hi: Fixed,
/// All of the sounds in this collection.
pub sounds: Vec<Sound16>,
bitflags! {
/// Flags for `SoundDef`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub struct SoundFlags: u16
/// The sound will not restart when trying to play over itself.
const NO_RESTART = 1;
/// The sound will not switch channels when trying to play over itself.
const NO_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 1 << 1;
/// The pitch variance will be halved.
const LESS_PITCH_CHANGE = 1 << 2;
/// The pitch variance will be nullified.
const NO_PITCH_CHANGE = 1 << 3;
/// The sound will play even when completely obstructed by walls.
const NO_OBSTRUCTION = 1 << 4;
/// The sound will play even when completely obstructed by media.
const NO_MEDIA_OBSTRUCT = 1 << 5;
/// The sound will have special stereo effects.
const AMBIENT = 1 << 6;
c_enum! {
/// The type of volume this sound has.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
pub enum Volume: u16
Quiet = 0,
Normal = 1,
Loud = 2,
// EOF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
//! Sounds file audio type.
use crate::durandal::{bin::usize_from_u32, err::*, sound::Sound16};
/// Reads a sound.
pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Sound16>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 21, start: 0, data {
let len = u32[4] usize;
let rate = u16[8];
let lp_beg = u32[12] usize;
let lp_end = u32[16] usize;
let magic = u8[20];
match magic {
0 => {
let stream = &b[22..22 + len];
Ok(Sound16::new_from_8(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, stream))
0xFF => {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 42, start: 22, data {
let len = u32[0] usize;
let bps = u16[26];
match bps {
16 => {
let stream = &b[63..63 + len * 2];
Ok(Sound16::new_from_16(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, stream))
8 => {
let stream = &b[63..63 + len];
Ok(Sound16::new_from_8(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, stream))
_ => bail!("bad bits per sample"),
_ => bail!("invalid magic number"),
// EOF

View File

@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
//! Marathon Wad format handling.
use crate::{durandal::{bin::*, err::*, image},
marathon::{map, phy, pict, text::mac_roman_cstr}};
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, convert::TryFrom};
/// Reads all chunks in an entry.
pub fn read_chunks(b: &[u8], old: bool, siz_cnk: usize) -> ResultS<Vec<Chunk>>
let mut chunks = Vec::new();
let mut p = 0;
let read_chunk_minf = if old {map::minf::read_old} else {map::minf::read};
let read_chunk_sids = if old {map::sids::read_old} else {map::sids::read};
let read_chunk_poly = if old {map::poly::read_old} else {map::poly::read};
let read_chunk_lite = if old {map::lite::read_old} else {map::lite::read};
while p < b.len() {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: siz_cnk, start: p, data {
let iden = Ident[0];
let size = u32[8] usize;
let beg = p + siz_cnk;
let end = beg + size;
let data = &b[beg..end];
chunks.push(match &iden.0 {
b"PICT" => Chunk::Pict(pict::load_pict(data)?),
b"Minf" => Chunk::Minf(read_chunk_minf(data)?),
b"iidx" => Chunk::Iidx(rd_array(data, map::iidx::read)?),
b"EPNT" => Chunk::Epnt(rd_array(data, map::epnt::read)?),
b"PNTS" => Chunk::Pnts(rd_array(data, map::pnts::read)?),
b"LINS" => Chunk::Lins(rd_array(data, map::lins::read)?),
b"SIDS" => Chunk::Sids(rd_array(data, read_chunk_sids)?),
b"POLY" => Chunk::Poly(rd_array(data, read_chunk_poly)?),
b"OBJS" => Chunk::Objs(rd_array(data, map::objs::read)?),
b"LITE" => Chunk::Lite(rd_array(data, read_chunk_lite)?),
b"plac" => Chunk::Plac(rd_array(data, map::plac::read)?),
b"ambi" => Chunk::Ambi(rd_array(data, map::ambi::read)?),
b"bonk" => Chunk::Bonk(rd_array(data, map::bonk::read)?),
b"medi" => Chunk::Medi(rd_array(data, map::medi::read)?),
b"plat" => Chunk::Plat(rd_array(data, map::plat::read)?),
b"NOTE" => Chunk::Note(rd_array(data, map::note::read)?),
b"term" => Chunk::Term(rd_array(data, map::term::read)?),
b"FXpx" => Chunk::Fxpx(rd_array(data, phy::fxpx::read)?),
b"MNpx" => Chunk::Mnpx(rd_array(data, phy::mnpx::read)?),
b"PRpx" => Chunk::Prpx(rd_array(data, phy::prpx::read)?),
b"PXpx" => Chunk::Pxpx(rd_array(data, phy::pxpx::read)?),
b"WPpx" => Chunk::Wppx(rd_array(data, phy::wppx::read)?),
_ => Chunk::Data{iden, data: data.to_vec()},
p = end;
/// Reads all entries in a `Wad`.
pub fn read_entries(b: &[u8],
old_wad: bool,
old_dat: bool,
siz_app: usize,
siz_ent: usize,
siz_cnk: usize)
-> ResultS<BTreeMap<u16, Entry>>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 128, start: 0, data {
let dirofs = u32[72] usize;
let numents = u16[76] usize;
let mut entries = BTreeMap::new();
let mut p = dirofs;
for i in 0..numents {
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: siz_ent, start: p, data {
let offset = u32[0] usize;
let size = u32[4] usize;
let index = u16[8];
let index = if old_wad {i as u16} else {index};
let chunks = read_chunks(&b[offset..offset + size], old_dat, siz_cnk)?;
let appdata = b[p..p + siz_app].to_vec();
entries.insert(index, Entry{chunks, appdata});
p += siz_ent + siz_app;
/// Reads a Map file.
pub fn read_wad(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Wad>
read_data! {
endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 128, start: 0, data {
let ver_wad = u16[0] enum Ver;
let ver_dat = u16[2];
let name = mac_roman_cstr[4; 64] no_try;
let siz_app = u16[78] usize;
let siz_wcnk = u16[80] usize;
let siz_went = u16[82] usize;
let old_dat = ver_dat == 0;
let old_wad = match ver_wad {
Ver::Base => true,
_ => false,
let siz_ent = if old_wad {8 } else {10};
let siz_cnk = if old_wad {12} else {16};
if !old_wad && siz_ent != siz_went {
bail!("invalid entry size");
if !old_wad && siz_cnk != siz_wcnk {
bail!("invalid chunk size");
let entries = read_entries(b, old_wad, old_dat, siz_app, siz_ent, siz_cnk)?;
Ok(Wad{name, siz_app, entries})
/// Any kind of chunk in an `Entry`.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Chunk
/** A `PICT` chunk. */ Pict(image::Image8),
/** A `Minf` chunk. */ Minf(map::minf::Minf),
/** An `iidx` chunk. */ Iidx(Vec<u16>),
/** An `EPNT` chunk. */ Epnt(Vec<map::epnt::Endpoint>),
/** A `PNTS` chunk. */ Pnts(Vec<map::pnts::Point>),
/** A `LINS` chunk. */ Lins(Vec<map::lins::Line>),
/** A `SIDS` chunk. */ Sids(Vec<map::sids::Side>),
/** A `POLY` chunk. */ Poly(Vec<map::poly::Polygon>),
/** A `LITE` chunk. */ Lite(Vec<map::lite::Light>),
/** An `OBJS` chunk. */ Objs(Vec<map::objs::Object>),
/** A `plac` chunk. */ Plac(Vec<map::plac::ObjectFreq>),
/** An `ambi` chunk. */ Ambi(Vec<map::ambi::SoundAmbi>),
/** A `bonk` chunk. */ Bonk(Vec<map::bonk::SoundRand>),
/** A `medi` chunk. */ Medi(Vec<map::medi::Media>),
/** A `plat` chunk. */ Plat(Vec<map::plat::Platform>),
/** A `NOTE` chunk. */ Note(Vec<map::note::Note>),
/** A `term` chunk. */ Term(Vec<map::term::Terminal>),
/** A `FXpx` chunk. */ Fxpx(Vec<phy::fxpx::Effect>),
/** A `MNpx` chunk. */ Mnpx(Vec<phy::mnpx::Monster>),
/** A `PRpx` chunk. */ Prpx(Vec<phy::prpx::Projectile>),
/** A `PXpx` chunk. */ Pxpx(Vec<phy::pxpx::Physics>),
/** A `WPpx` chunk. */ Wppx(Vec<phy::wppx::Weapon>),
/// Any other type of chunk, which may have arbitrary data in it.
Data{/** The name of the chunk. */ iden: Ident,
/** The data. */ data: Vec<u8>},
/// An entry containing chunks and application-specific data.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Entry
/// All of the chunks in this `Entry`.
pub chunks: Vec<Chunk>,
/// The application specific data for this Entry.
pub appdata: Vec<u8>,
/// A Map file containing entries.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Wad
/// The original name of this file.
pub name: String,
/// The size of each `Entry`'s `appdata` field.
pub siz_app: usize,
/// All of the entries in this `Wad`.
pub entries: BTreeMap<u16, Entry>,
c_enum! {
/// The version of a `Wad`.
enum Ver: u16
Base = 0,
Dir = 1,
Over = 2,
Inf = 4,
// EOF

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
//! Transfer Mode type.
use crate::durandal::err::*;
impl Default for TransferMode
fn default() -> Self {TransferMode::Normal}

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ mod block;
pub use block::*;
use super::{color, draw::*};
use crate::{durandal::image::*, marathon::{machdr, wad}};
use crate::{durandal::image::*, marathon::{machdr, map}};
impl MapEditor
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ impl MapEditor
// TODO: handle errors gracefully
let b = &b[machdr::try_mac_header(b)..];
let wad = wad::read_wad(b).unwrap();
let wad = map::read(b).unwrap();
let ent = wad.entries.iter().nth(0).unwrap().1;
let info = ent.chunks.iter().find_map(|cnk| {
match cnk {
wad::Chunk::Minf(info) => Some(info),
map::chnk::Chunk::Minf(info) => Some(info),
_ => None,

View File

@ -87,4 +87,23 @@ fn map_must_not_panic()
fn phy_must_not_process()
for inp in &RANDOM {
bin::rd_array(inp, map::fxpx::read).err().unwrap();
bin::rd_array(inp, map::mnpx::read).err().unwrap();
bin::rd_array(inp, map::prpx::read).err().unwrap();
bin::rd_array(inp, map::wppx::read).err().unwrap();
fn phy_must_not_panic()
for inp in &RANDOM {
drop(bin::rd_array(inp, map::pxpx::read));
// EOF

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
use maraiah::{durandal::bin, marathon::phy};
fn phy_must_not_process()
for inp in &RANDOM {
bin::rd_array(inp, phy::fxpx::read).err().unwrap();
bin::rd_array(inp, phy::mnpx::read).err().unwrap();
bin::rd_array(inp, phy::prpx::read).err().unwrap();
bin::rd_array(inp, phy::wppx::read).err().unwrap();
fn phy_must_not_panic()
for inp in &RANDOM {
drop(bin::rd_array(inp, phy::pxpx::read));
// EOF

View File

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ include!("data/");
fn shp_must_not_process()
for inp in &RANDOM {

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ include!("data/");
fn snd_must_not_process()
for inp in &RANDOM {