completed bitmap loader

an 2019-02-12 05:31:20 -05:00
parent b41525006e
commit 8c6543030c
2 changed files with 136 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -71,7 +71,16 @@ fn process_wad(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<()>
fn process_shp(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<()>
for (i, cl) in shp::testfn_replaceme(b)?.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(cl) = &cl.0 {
shp::testfn_dump_bitmaps(cl, i)?;
if let Some(cl) = &cl.1 {
shp::testfn_dump_bitmaps(cl, i + 100)?;
fn main() -> ResultS<()>

View File

@ -19,93 +19,94 @@ fn color(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<(usize, ColorShp)>
Ok((i, ColorShp::Opaque{r, g, b, l}))
fn clut_collection(b: &[u8],
clu_num: usize,
clr_num: usize)
-> ResultS<Vec<Vec<ColorShp>>>
fn tab_coll(b: &[u8],
tab_num: usize,
clr_num: usize)
-> ResultS<Vec<Vec<ColorShp>>>
let mut tables = vec![vec![ColorShp::Translucent; clr_num]; clu_num];
let mut p = 0;
let mut tabs = vec![vec![ColorShp::Translucent; clr_num]; tab_num];
let mut p = 0;
for i in 0..clu_num {
let clut = &mut tables[i];
for i in 0..tab_num {
let clut = &mut tabs[i];
for j in 0..clr_num {
for _ in 0..clr_num {
let (i, cr) = color(c_data(b, p..)?)?;
if i >= clr_num {
bail!("invalid index");
clut[i] = cr;
*ok!(clut.get_mut(i), "invalid index")? = cr;
p += 8;
fn bitmap<'a>(b: &[u8], clut: &'a [ColorShp]) -> ResultS<ImageShp<'a>>
fn bitmap(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Bitmap>
let width = c_u16b(b, 0)? as usize;
let height = c_u16b(b, 2)? as usize;
let pitch = c_u16b(b, 4)? as usize;
let compr = c_u16b(b, 4)? == u16::max_value();
let flags = c_u16b(b, 6)?;
let depth = c_u16b(b, 8)?;
let flags = ok!(BmpFlags::from_bits(flags), "bad BmpFlags")?;
let alpha = flags.contains(BmpFlags::Transparent);
let cmajr = flags.contains(BmpFlags::ColumnMajor);
if depth != 8 {
bail!("invalid bit depth (should always be 8)");
if flags.contains(BmpFlags::ColumnMajor) {
bail!("column major format not supported");
let mut bmp = Bitmap::new(width, height, alpha, cmajr);
let mut p = 30 + if cmajr {4 * width} else {4 * height};
if pitch == u16::max_value() as usize {
bail!("compressed shape bitmap not supported");
let scanlines = if cmajr {width} else {height};
let pitch = if cmajr {height} else {width};
let mut im = ImageShp::new(width, height, clut, alpha);
let mut p = 30 + if flags.contains(BmpFlags::ColumnMajor) {
4 * width
} else {
4 * height
if compr {
// compressed scanlines (transparency RLE)
for _ in 0..scanlines {
let fst = c_u16b(b, p)? as usize;
let lst = c_u16b(b, p + 2)? as usize;
for _ in 0..height {
for _ in 0..width {[p]);
p += 1;
if lst < fst || fst > pitch || lst > pitch {
bail!("invalid compressed scanline");
p += 4;
for _ in 0..fst {;
let end = lst - fst;, p..p + end)?);
for _ in lst..pitch {;
p += end;
} else {
// simple copy, p..p + width * height)?);
fn bitmap_collection<'a>(b: &[u8],
bmp_ofs: usize,
bmp_num: usize,
clut: &'a [ColorShp])
-> ResultS<Vec<ImageShp<'a>>>
fn bmp_coll(b: &[u8], bmp_ofs: usize, bmp_num: usize) -> ResultS<Vec<Bitmap>>
let mut bitmaps = Vec::with_capacity(bmp_num);
let mut p = bmp_ofs;
let mut bmps = Vec::with_capacity(bmp_num);
let mut p = bmp_ofs;
for _ in 0..bmp_num {
let ofs = c_u32b(b, p)? as usize;
let bmp = bitmap(c_data(b, ofs..)?, clut)?;
use std::{fs, io};
let out = fs::File::create(&format!("out/shape{}.tga", ofs))?;
let mut out = io::BufWriter::new(out);
write_tga(&mut out, &bmp)?;
bmps.push(bitmap(c_data(b, ofs..)?)?);
p += 4;
@ -183,8 +184,8 @@ fn collection(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Collection>
let cl_type = c_u16b(b, 2)?;
// flags = c_u16b(b, 4)?;
let clr_num = c_u16b(b, 6)? as usize;
let clu_num = c_u16b(b, 8)? as usize;
let clu_ofs = c_u32b(b, 10)? as usize;
let tab_num = c_u16b(b, 8)? as usize;
let tab_ofs = c_u32b(b, 10)? as usize;
let seq_num = c_u16b(b, 14)? as usize;
let seq_ofs = c_u32b(b, 16)? as usize;
let frm_num = c_u16b(b, 20)? as usize;
@ -192,65 +193,73 @@ fn collection(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Collection>
let bmp_num = c_u16b(b, 26)? as usize;
let bmp_ofs = c_u32b(b, 28)? as usize;
// xform = c_i16b(b, 30)?;
let size = c_u32b(b, 32)? as usize;
// size = c_u32b(b, 32)? as usize;
let cl_type = CollectionType::from_repr(cl_type)?;
if version != 3 {
bail!("invalid collection version number");
bail!("invalid collection definition");
for i in 0..frm_num {
let p = c_u32b(b, frm_ofs + 4 * i)? as usize;
frame(c_data(b, p..)?)?;
let tabs = tab_coll(c_data(b, tab_ofs..)?, tab_num, clr_num)?;
let bmps = bmp_coll(b, bmp_ofs, bmp_num)?;
// frms = frm_coll(c_data(b, frm_ofs..)?, frm_num)?;
// seqs = seq_coll(c_data(b, seq_ofs..)?, seq_num)?;
for i in 0..seq_num {
let p = c_u32b(b, seq_ofs + 4 * i)? as usize;
sequence(c_data(b, p..)?)?;
let tables = clut_collection(&b[clu_ofs..], clu_num, clr_num)?;
let bitmaps = bitmap_collection(b, bmp_ofs, bmp_num, &tables[0])?;
Ok(Collection{clr_num, tables, bitmaps: Vec::new()})
Ok(Collection{tabs, bmps /*, frms, seqs*/})
pub fn testfn_replaceme(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<()>
pub fn testfn_dump_bitmaps(c: &Collection, i: usize) -> ResultS<()>
for i in 0..32 {
let p = 32 * i;
// status = c_u16b(b, p + 0)?;
// flags = c_u16b(b, p + 2)?;
let offset_lo = c_u32b(b, p + 4)? as usize;
let length_lo = c_u32b(b, p + 8)? as usize;
let offset_hi = c_u32b(b, p + 12)? as usize;
let length_hi = c_u32b(b, p + 16)? as usize;
use std::{fs, io};
let collections =
(if offset_lo != u32::max_value() as usize {
Some(collection(c_data(b, offset_lo..offset_lo + length_lo)?)?)
} else {
if offset_hi != u32::max_value() as usize {
Some(collection(c_data(b, offset_hi..offset_hi + length_hi)?)?)
} else {
// TODO: output with all CLUTs too
for (j, bmp) in c.bmps.iter().enumerate() {
let out = fs::File::create(&format!("out/shape{}_{}.tga", i, j))?;
let mut out = io::BufWriter::new(out);
write_tga(&mut out, &ImageShp{bmp: bmp.clone(), clut: &c.tabs[0]})?;
impl ImageShp<'_>
pub fn testfn_replaceme(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Vec<CollectionDef>>
fn new(w: usize, h: usize, clut: &[ColorShp], alpha: bool) -> ImageShp
let mut cl = Vec::with_capacity(32);
let mut p = 0;
for _ in 0..32 {
// status = c_u16b(b, p + 0)?;
// flags = c_u16b(b, p + 2)?;
let lo_ofs = c_u32b(b, p + 4)? as usize;
let lo_len = c_u32b(b, p + 8)? as usize;
let hi_ofs = c_u32b(b, p + 12)? as usize;
let hi_len = c_u32b(b, p + 16)? as usize;
let c_lo = if lo_ofs != u32::max_value() as usize {
Some(collection(c_data(b, lo_ofs..lo_ofs + lo_len)?)?)
} else {
let c_hi = if hi_ofs != u32::max_value() as usize {
Some(collection(c_data(b, hi_ofs..hi_ofs + hi_len)?)?)
} else {
cl.push((c_lo, c_hi));
p += 32;
impl Bitmap
fn new(w: usize, h: usize, alpha: bool, cmajr: bool) -> Self
ImageShp{w, h, clut, alpha, cr: Vec::with_capacity(w * h)}
Self{w, h, alpha, cmajr, cr: Vec::with_capacity(w * h)}
@ -258,16 +267,20 @@ impl Image for ImageShp<'_>
type Output = ColorShp;
fn w(&self) -> usize {self.w}
fn h(&self) -> usize {self.h}
fn w(&self) -> usize {self.bmp.w}
fn h(&self) -> usize {self.bmp.h}
fn index(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> &Self::Output
static TRANSLUCENT_COLOR: ColorShp = ColorShp::Translucent;
let cr =[x + y * self.w] as usize;
let cr = if self.bmp.cmajr {[y + x * self.bmp.h] as usize
} else {[x + y * self.bmp.w] as usize
if self.alpha && cr == 0 {
if self.bmp.alpha && cr == 0 {
} else {
@ -311,7 +324,7 @@ impl Color for ColorShp
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum ColorShp
pub enum ColorShp
@ -323,24 +336,32 @@ enum ColorShp
struct ImageShp<'a>
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Bitmap
w: usize,
h: usize,
cr: Vec<u8>,
alpha: bool,
clut: &'a [ColorShp],
cmajr: bool,
struct Collection<'a>
pub struct ImageShp<'a>
clr_num: usize,
tables: Vec<Vec<ColorShp>>,
bitmaps: Vec<ImageShp<'a>>,
bmp: Bitmap,
clut: &'a [ColorShp],
pub struct Collection
pub tabs: Vec<Vec<ColorShp>>,
pub bmps: Vec<Bitmap>,
pub type CollectionDef = (Option<Collection>, Option<Collection>);
bitflags! {
pub struct BmpFlags: u16