WPpx loader

an 2019-02-21 18:22:40 -05:00
parent fe2f830f3e
commit 352f6f4086
3 changed files with 268 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ main menu, and physics files. Here is a listing of all chunks used within them:
| `MNpx` | Monster definitions |
| `PRpx` | Player definitions |
| `PXpx` | Array of Physics Definition |
| `WPpx` | Weapon definitions |
| `WPpx` | Array of Weapon Definition |
| `PICT` | Picture Resource |
| `clut` | Unused(?) |
@ -985,6 +985,67 @@ Effect Definition is 14 bytes.
- `Flags` is an Effect Definition Flags bit field.
### Weapon Definition ###
Weapon Definition is 134 bytes.
| Name | Type | Offset |
| ---- | ---- | ------ |
| `ItemType` | `u16` | `0` |
| `PowerupType` | `u16` | `2` |
| `WeaponClass` | `u16` | `4` |
| `Flags` | `u16` | `6` |
| `LightValue` | `fixed` | `8` |
| `LightDecay` | `u16` | `12` |
| `HeightIdle` | `fixed` | `14` |
| `AmpBob` | `fixed` | `18` |
| `HeightKick` | `fixed` | `22` |
| `HeightReload` | `fixed` | `26` |
| `WidthIdle` | `fixed` | `30` |
| `AmpHorz` | `fixed` | `34` |
| `Collection` | `u16` | `38` |
| `FrameIdle` | `u16` | `40` |
| `FrameFiring` | `u16` | `42` |
| `FrameReload` | `u16` | `44` |
| `FrameCharge` | `u16` | `48` |
| `FrameCharged` | `u16` | `50` |
| `TicksReady` | `u16` | `52` |
| `TicksLoadBeg` | `u16` | `54` |
| `TicksLoadMid` | `u16` | `56` |
| `TicksLoadEnd` | `u16` | `58` |
| `TicksPowerup` | `u16` | `60` |
| `Triggers` | `struct[2]` | `62` |
- `WeaponClass` is a Weapon Type enumeration.
- `Flags` is a Weapon Flags bit field.
### Trigger Definition ###
Trigger Definition is 36 bytes.
| Name | Type | Offset |
| ---- | ---- | ------ |
| `MagRounds` | `u16` | `0` |
| `AmmoType` | `u16` | `2` |
| `TicksRound` | `u16` | `4` |
| `TicksRecover` | `u16` | `6` |
| `TicksCharge` | `u16` | `8` |
| `Recoil` | `unit` | `10` |
| `SoundFire` | `u16` | `12` |
| `SoundClick` | `u16` | `14` |
| `SoundCharge` | `u16` | `16` |
| `SoundCasing` | `u16` | `18` |
| `SoundReload` | `u16` | `20` |
| `SoundCharged` | `u16` | `22` |
| `Projectile` | `u16` | `24` |
| TODO | `u16` | `26` |
| TODO | `i16` | `28` |
| TODO | `i16` | `30` |
| `CasingType` | `u16` | `32` |
| `BurstCount` | `u16` | `34` |
- `CasingType` is a Casing Type enumeration.
## Images ##
### Picture Resource ###
@ -1678,6 +1739,27 @@ unobstructed.
This apparently used to do something, but now does nothing, and is merely left
over for editor preset usage.
### Weapon Type ###
| Name | Value |
| ---- | ----- |
| `Melee` | `0` |
| `Normal` | `1` |
| `DualFunc` | `2` |
| `DualPistol` | `3` |
| `Multipurpose` | `4` |
### Casing Type ###
| Name | Value |
| ---- | ----- |
| `Rifle` | `0` |
| `Pistol` | `1` |
| `PistolLeft` | `2` |
| `PistolRight` | `3` |
| `SMG` | `4` |
| `None` | `65535` |
# FLAGS #######################################################################
### Endpoint Flags ###
@ -1942,4 +2024,20 @@ this actually hurts my head.
| `MakeTwinVisible` | `3` |
| `MediaEffect` | `4` |
### Weapon Flags ###
| Name | Bit |
| ---- | --- |
| `Automatic` | `0` |
| `RemoveAfterUse` | `1` |
| `InstantCasing` | `2` |
| `Overloads` | `3` |
| `RandomAmmo` | `4` |
| `TemporaryPower` | `5` |
| `ReloadOneHand` | `6` |
| `FireOutOfPhase` | `7` |
| `FireUnderMedia` | `8` |
| `TriggerSameAmmo` | `9` |
| `SecondaryFlip` | `10` |
<!-- EOF -->

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ fn dump_chunk(opt: &Options, cid: Ident, cnk: &[u8], eid: u16) -> ResultS<()>
b"term" => make_yaml(opt, &rd_array(cnk, trm::read_term)?)?,
b"PXpx" => make_yaml(opt, &rd_array(cnk, phy::read_pxpx)?)?,
b"FXpx" => make_yaml(opt, &rd_array(cnk, phy::read_fxpx)?)?,
b"WPpx" => make_yaml(opt, &rd_array(cnk, phy::read_wppx)?)?,
_ => (),

View File

@ -57,6 +57,78 @@ pub fn read_fxpx(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<(Effect, usize)>
Ok((Effect{collection, shape, pitch, flags, delay, delay_snd}, 14))
pub fn read_wppx(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<(Weapon, usize)>
read_data! {
134, BE in b =>
typ_item = u16[0];
typ_powerup = OptU16[2];
typ_weapon = u16[4];
flags = u16[6];
lit_value = Fixed[8];
lit_decay = u16[12];
hei_idle = Fixed[14];
amp_bob = Fixed[18];
hei_kick = Fixed[22];
hei_reload = Fixed[26];
wid_idle = Fixed[30];
amp_horz = Fixed[34];
collection = u16[38];
frm_idle = u16[40];
frm_firing = u16[42];
frm_reload = OptU16[44];
frm_charge = OptU16[48];
frm_charged = OptU16[50];
tic_ready = u16[52];
tic_load_beg = u16[54];
tic_load_mid = u16[56];
tic_load_end = u16[58];
tic_powerup = u16[60];
trig_pri = read_trigger[62..98];
trig_sec = read_trigger[98..134];
let typ_weapon = WeaponType::from_repr(typ_weapon)?;
let flags = flag_ok!(WeaponFlags, flags)?;
Ok((Weapon{amp_bob, amp_horz, collection, flags, frm_charge, frm_charged,
frm_firing, frm_idle, frm_reload, hei_idle, hei_kick, hei_reload,
lit_decay, lit_value, tic_load_beg, tic_load_end, tic_load_mid,
tic_powerup, tic_ready, trig_pri, trig_sec, typ_item,
typ_powerup, typ_weapon, wid_idle}, 134))
fn read_trigger(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS<Trigger>
read_data! {
36, BE in b =>
magazine = u16[0];
typ_ammo = OptU16[2];
tic_round = OptU16[4];
tic_recover = u16[6];
tic_charge = u16[8];
recoil = Unit[10];
snd_fire = OptU16[12];
snd_click = OptU16[14];
snd_charge = OptU16[16];
snd_casing = OptU16[18];
snd_reload = OptU16[20];
snd_charged = OptU16[22];
typ_proj = u16[24];
theta = u16[26];
dx = i16[28];
dz = i16[30];
typ_casing = u16[32];
burst = u16[34];
let typ_casing = CasingType::from_repr(typ_casing)?;
Ok(Trigger{burst, dx, dz, magazine, recoil, snd_casing, snd_charge,
snd_charged, snd_click, snd_fire, snd_reload, theta, tic_charge,
tic_recover, tic_round, typ_ammo, typ_casing, typ_proj})
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct Physics
@ -99,6 +171,59 @@ pub struct Effect
pub delay_snd: OptU16,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct Weapon
pub amp_bob: Fixed,
pub amp_horz: Fixed,
pub collection: u16,
pub flags: WeaponFlags,
pub frm_charge: OptU16,
pub frm_charged: OptU16,
pub frm_firing: u16,
pub frm_idle: u16,
pub frm_reload: OptU16,
pub hei_idle: Fixed,
pub hei_kick: Fixed,
pub hei_reload: Fixed,
pub lit_decay: u16,
pub lit_value: Fixed,
pub tic_load_beg: u16,
pub tic_load_end: u16,
pub tic_load_mid: u16,
pub tic_powerup: u16,
pub tic_ready: u16,
pub trig_pri: Trigger,
pub trig_sec: Trigger,
pub typ_item: u16,
pub typ_powerup: OptU16,
pub typ_weapon: WeaponType,
pub wid_idle: Fixed,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct Trigger
pub burst: u16,
pub dx: i16,
pub dz: i16,
pub magazine: u16,
pub recoil: Unit,
pub snd_casing: OptU16,
pub snd_charge: OptU16,
pub snd_charged: OptU16,
pub snd_click: OptU16,
pub snd_fire: OptU16,
pub snd_reload: OptU16,
pub theta: u16,
pub tic_charge: u16,
pub tic_recover: u16,
pub tic_round: OptU16,
pub typ_ammo: OptU16,
pub typ_casing: CasingType,
pub typ_proj: u16,
bitflags! {
pub struct EffectFlags: u16
@ -111,4 +236,47 @@ bitflags! {
bitflags! {
pub struct WeaponFlags: u16
const Automatic = 1;
const RemoveAfterUse = 1 << 1;
const InstantCasing = 1 << 2;
const Overloads = 1 << 3;
const RandomAmmo = 1 << 4;
const TemporaryPower = 1 << 5;
const ReloadOneHand = 1 << 6;
const FireOutOfPhase = 1 << 7;
const FireUnderMedia = 1 << 8;
const TriggerSameAmmo = 1 << 9;
const SecondaryFlip = 1 << 10;
c_enum! {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub enum CasingType: u16
0 => Rifle,
1 => Pistol,
2 => PistolLeft,
3 => PistolRight,
4 => SMG,
65535 => None,
c_enum! {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub enum WeaponType: u16
0 => Melee,
1 => Normal,
2 => DualFunc,
3 => DualPistol,
4 => Multipurpose,
// EOF