[[!meta title="Watashibune no Musume"]] [[!sidebar content=""" [[!template id=iboxsong name="渡し舟の娘" compose="Shibayan" lyric="℃iel" vocal="℃iel" video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrFHVpPN4B8"]] """]] # Japanese 小舟ゆらら揺られて行く 岸辺には曼珠沙華 きらきら光る水面に 吸い込まれそう 麗らかな常世 小舟ゆらら進んで行く 眠気誘う揺れに うとうと舵は気まぐれ 彼岸はまだね 小舟ゆらら下って行く 向こう岸は遥か まだまだ旅は続くよ 鼻歌交じり せせらぎも歌う 小舟ゆらら進んで行く 心地良い小波 うとうと瞼が重い 昼寝したいな 怒られるかもね だけど眠たいな # English The rickety boat rocks through the river Upon the shore are red spider lillies The sparkling, beautiful water, Looks like it'll draw me into The beautiful world of the dead The rickety boat goes further down Its swaying tempts me to go to sleep I doze right off, the rudder goes on its whim Higan's still further anyway The rickety boat goes down the river The shore is still far off Still, it goes, the trip continues on I hum a tune and The river sings along The rickety boat goes further down The river ripples pleasently I doze right off, my eyelids are quite heavy I'd really like a nap She might get real angry, But I really wanna sleep...