
954 B


Static DeHackEd information.

struct DehInfo
   readonly int    BfgCells;
   readonly int    BlueAC;
   readonly double ExplosionAlpha;
   readonly uint8  ExplosionStyle;
   readonly int    MaxHealth;
   readonly int    MaxSoulsphere;
   readonly int    NoAutofreeze;
  • BfgCells

    The amount of ammunition A_FireBfg will deplete. Default is 40.

  • BlueAC

    Multiple of 100 for BlueArmor's Armor.SaveAmount. Default is 2 for 200 armor.

  • ExplosionAlpha

    For actors with the DEHEXPLOSION flag, the alpha to set the actor to on explosion.

  • ExplosionStyle

    For actors with the DEHEXPLOSION flag, the render style to be applied on explosion.

  • MaxHealth


  • MaxSoulsphere

    The Inventory.MaxAmount for Soulsphere. Default is 200.

  • NoAutofreeze

    Overrides generic freezing deaths if not zero, making all actors act as if they had the NOICEDEATH flag.