# CVar A **C**onsole **Var**iable, either defined in `CVARINFO` or by the engine. **Not serializable. Do not use as a member unless marked as `transient`.** All Get and Set operations will work regardless of the real type of the CVar, as they aren't "strongly" typed. ``` struct CVar { static CVar FindCVar(name n); static CVar GetCVar(name n, PlayerInfo player = null); bool GetBool(); double GetFloat(); int GetInt(); string GetString(); void SetBool(bool v); void SetFloat(double v); void SetInt(int v); void SetString(string v); int GetRealType(); int ResetToDefault(); } ``` ### `FindCVar` Returns a server CVar by name, or `null` if none is found. ### `GetCVar` Returns a user or server CVar by name, with `player` as the user if applicable, or `null` if none is found. ### `GetBool` Returns a boolean representing the value of the CVar, or `false` if it cannot be represented. ### `GetFloat` Returns a float representing the value of the CVar, or `0.0` if it cannot be represented. ### `GetInt` Returns an integer representing the value of the CVar, or `0` if it cannot be represented. ### `GetString` Returns a string representing the value of the CVar. CVars can always be represented as strings. ### `SetBool`, `SetFloat`, `SetInt`, `SetString` Sets the representation of the CVar to `v`. May only be used on mod-defined CVars. ### `GetRealType` Returns the type of the CVar as it was defined, which may be one of the following: | Name | | ---- | | `CVar.CVAR_BOOL` | | `CVar.CVAR_COLOR` | | `CVar.CVAR_FLOAT` | | `CVar.CVAR_INT` | | `CVar.CVAR_STRING` | ### `ResetToDefault` Resets the CVar to its default value and returns 0. The purpose of the return is unknown. May only be used on mod-defined CVars.