#!/usr/bin/env ruby ## Distributed under the CC0 public domain license. ## Originally by Alison Sanderson. ## ## TOCGen: Generates inter-file TOCs. $d = Dir["*.md"] def filter_emit r res = [] for m in $d.map{|p| p.match r}.compact res << "* [#{m[1]}](#{m[0]})" end res.join ?\n end def find_toc_areas f f.to_enum(:scan, /^()(?:.|\n)*?()/i).map{$~} end def filter_toc_areas f o = String.new lof = 0 for area in find_toc_areas f of = area.offset 0 o << f[lof...of[0]] o << area[1] o << "\n\n" o << filter_emit(yield area[2]) o << "\n\n" o << area[3] lof = of[1] end o << f[lof..-1] o end def rewrite fnam f = File.read fnam o = yield f File.write fnam, o end rewrite "2-api.md" do |f| filter_toc_areas f do |a| /api-#{a}-(\w+).md/ end end ## EOF