# Screen Functions for drawing various things to the screen. Note: There are no longer any fully paletted renderers in GZDoom as of version 3.5. Alternate palette index parameters are generally ignored now. ``` struct Screen { static vararg void DrawChar(Font font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, int character, ...); static vararg void DrawShape(textureid tex, bool animate, Shape2D s, ...); static vararg void DrawText(Font font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, string text, ...); static vararg void DrawTexture(textureid tex, bool animate, double x, double y, ...); static void Clear(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, color cr, int palcolor = -1); static void Dim(color cr, double amount, int x, int y, int w, int h); static void DrawFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h); static void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, color cr, int alpha = 255); static void DrawThickLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, double thickness, color cr, int alpha = 255); static double GetAspectRatio(); static int GetHeight(); static int GetWidth(); static color PaletteColor(int index); static vector2, vector2 VirtualToRealCoords(vector2 pos, vector2 size, vector2 vsize, bool vbottom = false, bool handleaspect = true); static void ClearClipRect(); static int, int, int, int GetClipRect(); static int, int, int, int GetViewWindow(); static void SetClipRect(int x, int y, int w, int h); } ``` - `DrawChar` TODO - `DrawShape` TODO - `DrawText` TODO - `DrawTexture` Draws texture `tex`, possibly animated by the animation ticker if `animate` is `true`, at horizontal position `x` and vertical position `y`. Various properties of this drawing process can be changed by passing extra arguments to this function. After all arguments are parsed, the "`CleanMode`" internal variable is used along with the specified virtual width/height to determine how to finally transform positions. `CleanMode` may be one of the following: | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | `DTA_Clean` | Scales all positions by `Clean*Fac`. See the documentation for those variables for more information. | | `DTA_CleanNoMove` | Scales the destination width and height by `Clean*Fac`. | | `DTA_CleanNoMove_1` | Scales the destination width and height by `Clean*Fac_1`. | | `DTA_Fullscreen` | Sets the X and Y positions to `0`. (Yes, really, this is all it does.) | | `DTA_HUDRules` | Scales all positions by the current status bar's scaling rules. | | `DTA_HUDRulesC` | Scales all positions by the current status bar's scaling rules and centers the X position. | Here is a list of tags and their respective arguments which may be used: | Name | Arguments | Description | | ---- | --------- | ----------- | | `DTA_320x200` | `bool use` | Sets `CleanMode` to `DTA_Base` and the virtual width/height to `320`/`200` if `use` is `true`. Note that 320x200 does not scale properly to the screen as it must be 320x240 to do so. | | `DTA_AlphaChannel` | `bool use` | Does nothing unless `DTA_FillColor` is used and the render style is unspecified, in which case it will set the render style to "shaded" if `use` is `true`. | | `DTA_Alpha` | `double alpha` | Sets the alpha of the drawn texture to `alpha`. | | `DTA_Bottom320x200` | `bool use` | Same as `DTA_320x200`, but also enables position transformation as if a call to `VirtualToRealCoords` with `vbottom` to `true`. Note that this is the only way to actually set this, but it may be overridden by following arguments to effectively toggle only this flag. | | `DTA_CenterBottomOffset` | `bool use` | Same as `DTA_CenterBottomOffset`, but the Y offset is aligned to the bottom instead of the center. | | `DTA_CenterOffset` | `bool use` | Overrides the texture's X and Y offsets, centering them between the texture's height and width if `use` is `true`. | | `DTA_CleanNoMove1` | `bool use` | Sets `CleanMode` to `DTA_CleanNoMove1` if `use` is `true`. | | `DTA_CleanNoMove` | `bool use` | Sets `CleanMode` to `DTA_CleanNoMove` if `use` is `true`. | | `DTA_Clean` | `bool use` | Sets `CleanMode` to `DTA_Clean` if `use` is `true`. | | `DTA_ClipBottom`, `DTA_ClipTop` | `int length` | Sets the vertical clipping for the texture. | | `DTA_ClipLeft`, `DTA_ClipRight` | `int length` | Sets the horizontal clipping for the texture. | | `DTA_ColorOverlay` | `color cr` | Multiplies `cr` with the texture. Alpha determines the intensity of this overlay. Applied before render styles. | | `DTA_Color` | `color cr` | Multiplies `cr` with the texture. Applied after render styles change the color. | | `DTA_Desaturate` | `int amount` | Desaturates the texture by `amount` (range 0-255.) | | `DTA_DestHeightF`, `DTA_DestWidthF` | `double size` | Same as `DTA_DestHeight`/`DTA_DestWidth`, but with decimal arguments. | | `DTA_DestHeight`, `DTA_DestWidth` | `int size` | Sets the resulting width or height on screen of the texture and sets `CleanMode` to `DTA_Base`. | | `DTA_FillColor` | `color cr` | Sets the render style to "stencil" if one is not specified and the fill color to `cr`. | | `DTA_FlipX`, `DTA_FlipY` | `bool use` | Flips the X or Y position if `use` is `true`. | `DTA_Fullscreen` | `bool use` | Sets `CleanMode` to `DTA_Fullscreen` and the virtual width and height to the display size of the texture. | | `DTA_HUDRules` | `int type` | Sets `CleanMode` to `DTA_HUDRulesC` if `type` is `BaseStatusBar.HUD_HorizCenter`, or `DTA_HUDRules` if it is `BaseStatusBar.HUD_Normal`. | | `DTA_KeepRatio` | `bool on` | Enables aspect ratio correction if `on` is `true`. | | `DTA_LeftOffsetF`, `DTA_TopOffsetF` | `double ofs` | Same as `DTA_LeftOffset`/`DTA_TopOffsetF`, but with decimal arguments. | | `DTA_LeftOffset`, `DTA_TopOffset` | `int ofs` | Overrides the texture's X or Y offset. | | `DTA_LegacyRenderStyle` | `int style` | Overrides the render style. Note that there is also a `DTA_RenderStyle` which cannot be used because the engine does not expose `FRenderStyle` yet. | | `DTA_Masked` | `bool on` | Turns the texture fully opaque (no alpha mask) if `on` is `false`. Default value is on. | | `DTA_SrcHeight`, `DTA_SrcWidth` | `int size` | Sets the width or height of the source image. Will cut the texture if lower than the original size. (TODO: I don't know what happens when the size is bigger.) | | `DTA_SrcX`, `DTA_SrcY` | `int pos` | Sets the X or Y on the source image to start the texture at. (TODO: I'm not sure how the texture handles wrapping.) | | `DTA_TranslationIndex` | `int index` | Remaps colors in the destination texture with translation table `index`. | | `DTA_VirtualHeightF`, `DTA_VirtualWidthF` | `double size` | Same as `DTA_VirtualHeight`/`DTA_VirtualWidth`, but with decimal arguments. | | `DTA_VirtualHeight`, `DTA_VirtualWidth` | `int size` | Sets the virtual width or height to `size`. | | `DTA_WindowLeftF`, `DTA_WindowRightF` | `double size` | Same as `DTA_WindowLeft`/`DTA_WindowRight`, but with decimal arguments. | | `DTA_WindowLeft`, `DTA_WindowRight` | `int size` | Crops `size` pixels from the left or right. | - `Clear` Draws a rectangle from `top left` to `bottom right` in screen coordinates of `cr` color. Does not support translucent colors. `palcolor` is a palette index to use as a color in paletted renderers or `-1` for automatic conversion from the given RGB color. - `Dim` Draws a rectangle at `x y` of `w h` size in screen coordinates of `cr` color. Does not support translucent colors, but `amount` may be used to specify the translucency in a range of 0-1 inclusive. - `DrawFrame` Draws a frame around a rectangle at `x y` of `w h` size in screen coordinates, using the border graphics as defined in `MAPINFO`/GameInfo. - `DrawLine` Draws a one pixel wide line from `x0 y0` to `x1 y1` in screen coordinates of color `cr` with alpha `alpha` (range 0-255.) - `DrawThickLine` Draws a `thickness` pixel wide line from `x0 y0` to `x1 y1` in screen coordinates of color `cr` with alpha `alpha` (range 0-255.) - `GetAspectRatio` Returns the aspect ratio of the screen. - `GetHeight` Returns the height of the screen. - `GetWidth` Returns the width of the screen. - `PaletteColor` Returns a `color` for a given palette index. - `VirtualToRealCoords` Converts virtual coordinates `pos` from virtual coordinate space `vsize` to screen coordinate space `size`, possibly accounting for aspect ratio differences if `handleaspect` is true. If the ratio is 5:4, `vbottom` will account for the higher-than-wide conversion by repositioning vertically. - `ClearClipRect` Clears the clipping rectangle if there is one. - `GetClipRect` Returns the clipping rectangle's `x`/`y`/`w`/`h`. - `GetViewWindow` Returns the 3D viewing window, which may be smaller than the screen size with any given `screenblocks` setting. - `SetClipRect` Sets the clipping rectangle to restrict further drawing to the region starting at `x y` of size `w h` in screen coordinates.