# StaticEventHandler Static event handlers handle events on a per-instance level. This means that they are registered when you start GZDoom, and un-register when you exit GZDoom. This is unlike `EventHandler`, which registers when a new game is started, and un-registers when it ends. Care should be taken to make sure that variables kept in a static event handler don't interact with the game directly, or it will act **non-deterministically** and cause a desync. All of the virtual functions on `StaticEventHandler` have empty implementations by default, so you only need to override the events your event handler needs to override. Differences in virtual function behaviour are listed in the `EventHandler` documentation. ``` class StaticEventHandler : Object play { clearscope static StaticEventHandler Find(class type); virtual void OnRegister(); virtual void OnUnregister(); virtual void WorldLoaded(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldUnloaded(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldThingSpawned(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldThingDied(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldThingRevived(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldThingDamaged(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldThingDestroyed(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldLinePreActivated(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldLineActivated(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldSectorDamaged(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldLineDamaged(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldLightning(WorldEvent e); virtual void WorldTick(); virtual ui void RenderOverlay(RenderEvent e); virtual void PlayerEntered(PlayerEvent e); virtual void PlayerRespawned(PlayerEvent e); virtual void PlayerDied(PlayerEvent e); virtual void PlayerDisconnected(PlayerEvent e); virtual ui bool UiProcess(UiEvent e); virtual ui void UiTick(); virtual ui void PostUiTick(); virtual ui bool InputProcess(InputEvent e); virtual ui void ConsoleProcess(ConsoleEvent e); virtual void NetworkProcess(ConsoleEvent e); virtual void CheckReplacement(ReplaceEvent e); virtual void NewGame(); void SetOrder(int order); readonly int Order; bool IsUiProcessor; bool RequireMouse; } ``` ### `Find` Finds and returns the `StaticEventHandler` type `type` if it is registered, or `null` if it does not exist. ### `OnRegister` Called when this type is registered. This is where you should set `Order`, `IsUiProcessor` and `RequireMouse`. ### `OnUnregister` Called when this type is un-registered. With `StaticEventHandler`s this is called when the engine shuts down, so it isn't particularly useful. ### `WorldLoaded` Called directly after the status bar is attached to the player and after `REOPEN` ACS scripts are called, just before the display is flushed and auto-save is done. ### `WorldUnloaded` Called directly after `UNLOADING` ACS scripts, just before the level is changed. ### `WorldThingSpawned` Called directly after an actor's `PostBeginPlay` function. ### `WorldThingDied` Called after `MorphedDeath`, inventory items have called `OwnerDied`, and the target is set to the damage source, just before `KILL` ACS scripts are called and the rest of the death handling is done. ### `WorldThingRevived` Called when an actor is revived, after everything is finished. ### `WorldThingDamaged` Called directly before `Die`, or directly after after `DamageMobj` finishes. ### `WorldThingDestroyed` Called at the beginning of an actor's `OnDestroy` function. ### `WorldLinePreActivated` Called directly after a line is tested for activation, before any other activation specials are called (such as checking for keys, executing the line special, etc.) ### `WorldLineActivated` Called directly after a line's special is executed, if it succeeded, before any other handling (such as changing a switch's texture) is completed. ### `WorldSectorDamaged` Called when a sector is damaged if it has any health groups, before any other handling is done. ### `WorldLineDamaged` Called when a line is damaged if it has any health groups, before any other handling is done. ### `WorldLightning` Called when lightning strikes, directly after the sound is played, just before `LIGHTNING` ACS scripts are called. ### `WorldTick` Called on every world tick, after interpolators are updated, world freeze is updated, sight counters are reset, particles have run their thinkers, and players have run their thinkers, just before the status bar is ticked, the level ticks, thinkers are ticked, and the level time is updated. This is not called when the game is paused, and its execution is entirely deterministic regardless of how this event handler is applied. ### `RenderOverlay` Despite the name, this is actually run on the status bar, specifically in `BaseStatusBar::DrawTopStuff`. It is run after `HudMessage`s are drawn and power-ups are drawn, just before ゴゴゴ「The Log」ゴゴゴ is drawn. You may use `Screen` functions in this function. ### `PlayerEntered` Called during level load when each player enters the game, after the camera is set but just before `RETURN` ACS scripts are called. ### `PlayerRespawned` Called when a player spawns, directly after the teleport fog is spanwed and just before `RESPAWN` ACS scripts are called. Also called similarly at the end of the `Respawn` function, for example when the `resurrect` cheat is used. ### `PlayerDied` Called after `WorldThingDied` and `GetDeathHeight`, and after the actor's thing special is activated, when the obituary has been displayed, just before `DEATH` ACS scripts have been called. ### `PlayerDisconnected` Called when a bot is removed and when a player disconnects from the game, just before `DISCONNECT` ACS scripts are called. ### `UiProcess` Called only if `IsUiProcessor` is `true`. Called when a GUI event is dispatched by the engine, for example when the UI is active and the player has pressed a key or moved the mouse. Mouse movements will only be captured if `RequireMouse` is `true`. Because this interacts directly with the OS it is not part of the game simulation, therefore has `ui` scope and must dispatch commands to the game as networked events. If the return value is `true`, the function will block any further handlers from processing this event, essentially "eating" it. If the return value is `false`, other handlers will continue to be called as normal. ### `UiTick` Despite what it may seem, this function is actually called deterministically within the game loop, just before the level is ticked and after the player's network commands are created. Albeit this, it is `ui` scope, so it should be used to process UI code. ### `PostUiTick` Similar to `UiTick`, this is also deterministic, but called after all other tickers. ### `InputProcess` The same as `UiProcess`, but this is only called when inputs are being directed to the game, rather than to the GUI. All of the same restrictions apply to this as they do to `UiProcess`, and the return value acts the same. ### `ConsoleProcess` Called when network events which have no player activator are received. ### `NetworkProcess` Called when network events which have a player activator are received. ### `CheckReplacement` Called during actor replacement, after skill replacement is done, but before any other replacement (such as actor replacements done in ZScript actor definitions.) ### `NewGame` Called on a new game, directly after level data is reset and right before the level is set up. ### `SetOrder` Sets the ordering of this event handler, which can be read from `Order`. ### `Order` The arbitrary ordering of this event handler relative to other ones. Event handlers with lower ordering numbers have their functions executed first. You can set this variable with `SetOrder`. ### `IsUiProcessor` If `true`, GUI events will be sent to this event handler through `UiProcess`. This is mainly for optimization purposes. ### `RequireMouse` If `true`, mouse events will be sent to this event handler through `InputProcess` and/or `UiProcess`. This is mainly for optimization purposes.