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2018-12-29 16:05:19 -08:00
# Sound
2018-12-29 20:04:32 -08:00
void MarkSound(sound snd);
2018-12-29 16:05:19 -08:00
void SetMusicVolume(float vol);
bool S_ChangeMusic(string name, int order = 0, bool looping = true, bool force = false);
float S_GetLength(sound id);
void S_PauseSound(bool notmusic, bool notsfx);
void S_ResumeSound(bool notsfx);
void S_Sound(sound id, int channel, float volume = 1, float attenuation = ATTN_NORM);
2018-12-29 20:04:32 -08:00
- `MarkSound`
Marks `snd` to be pre-cached (loaded into memory early.)
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- `SetMusicVolume`
Sets the volume of the music relative to the user's volume. Range is 0-1,
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- `S_ChangeMusic`
Changes the music to `name`. If `name` is `"*"`, the music will be set to
the default music for this level. Will loop if `looping` is `true`. `force`
will force the music to play even if a playlist (from the `playlist` console
command) is playing.
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`order` may mean something different based on the music format:
| Format | Meaning |
| ------ | ------- |
| Tracker music (`.mod`, `.xm`, etc.) | Specifies the order the song will start at. |
| Multi-track `.ogg`, `.flac`, etc. | Specifies the track to begin playing at. |
| Any other format | No meaning, will be ignored. |
- `S_GetLength`
Returns the length of a sound in seconds. **Potentially non-deterministic if
all users in a networked game are not using the same sounds.**
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- `S_PauseSound`
Pauses music if `notmusic` is `false` and all game sounds if `notsfx` is
`false`. Used for instance in the time stop power-up.
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- `S_ResumeSound`
Resumes playing music and, if `notsfx` is `false`, all game sounds as well.
- `S_Sound`
Plays a sound (as defined in `SNDINFO`) from the calling object if it has
world presence (is an actor or sector etc.)
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`channel` may be:
| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| `CHAN_AUTO` | Automatically assigns the sound to a free channel (if one exists.) |
| `CHAN_BODY` | For footsteps and generally anything else. |
| `CHAN_ITEM` | For item pickups. |
| `CHAN_VOICE` | For player grunts. |
| `CHAN_WEAPON` | For weapon noises. |
| `CHAN_5` | Extra sound channel. |
| `CHAN_6` | Extra sound channel. |
| `CHAN_7` | Extra sound channel. |
`channel` may also have the following flags applied with the binary OR
operator `|`:
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| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| `CHAN_LISTENERZ` | Sound ignores height entirely, playing at the listener's vertical position. |
| `CHAN_LOOP` | Continues playing the sound on loop until it is stopped manually. |
| `CHAN_MAYBE_LOCAL` | Does not play sound to other players if the silent pickup compatibility flag is enabled. |
| `CHAN_NOPAUSE` | Does not pause in menus or when `S_PauseSound` is called. |
| `CHAN_NOSTOP` | Does not start a new sound if the channel is already playing something. |
| `CHAN_UI` | Does not record sound in saved games or demos. |
Additionally, `CHAN_PICKUP` is equivalent to `CHAN_ITEM | CHAN_MAYBE_LOCAL`.
`attenuation` determines the drop-off distance of the sound. The higher the
value, the quicker it fades. Constants include:
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| Name | Value | Description |
| ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| `ATTN_IDLE` | `1.001` | Uses Doom's default sound attenuation. |
| `ATTN_NONE` | `0` | Does not drop off at all, plays throughout the whole map. |
| `ATTN_NORM` | `1` | Drops off using the `close_dist` and `clipping_dist` defined in `SNDINFO`. Default. |
| `ATTN_STATIC` | `3` | Drops off quickly, at around 512 units. |
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