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// Copyright © 2016 Project Golan
// See "LICENSE" for more information.
// Memoing capabilities.
// .memo
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Sharkbite.Irc;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3.Modules
// Mod_Memo
public class Mod_Memo : IBotModule
// MemoFlags
enum MemoFlags
OnSeen = 1 << 0
// MemoInfo
private struct MemoInfo
public String content;
public String sender;
public DateTime time;
public MemoFlags flags;
// MemoDict
private class MemoDict : Dictionary<String, List<MemoInfo>> {}
MemoDict memos = new MemoDict();
// Mod_Memo constructor
public Mod_Memo(Bot bot_) :
if(File.Exists("/srv/irc/vrobot3/data/memos." + bot.n_groupname + ".json"))
memos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MemoDict>(File.ReadAllText("/srv/irc/vrobot3/data/memos." +
bot.n_groupname + ".json"));
commands["memo"] = new BotCommandStructure{ cmd = Cmd_Memo,
help = "Sends a message to someone later. Activates when they say something. || " +
"Syntax: .memo person message || " +
"Example: .memo SomeDude wow u suck at videogames"
commands["memoseen"] = new BotCommandStructure{ cmd = Cmd_MemoSeen,
help = "Sends a message to someone later. Activates when they do anything. || " +
"Syntax: .memoseen person message || " +
"Example: .memoseen SomeDude wow u suck at videogames"
commands["memocount"] = new BotCommandStructure{ cmd = Cmd_MemoCount, flags = BotCommandFlags.AdminOnly,
help = "Gets the amount of memos for this session. || " +
"Syntax: @memocount"
events.OnMessage += Evt_OnMessage;
events.OnDisconnected += Evt_OnDisconnected;
events.OnSeen += Evt_OnSeen;
// Cmd_MemoCount
public void Cmd_MemoCount(UserInfo usr, String channel, String msg)
bot.Reply(usr, channel, memos.Count.ToString());
// Cmd_Memo
public void Cmd_Memo(UserInfo usr, String channel, String msg)
String[] args = Utils.GetArguments(msg, commands["memo"].help, 2, 2, ' ');
args[0] = args[0].Replace(",", "");
AddMemo(args[0], new MemoInfo {
content = args[1],
sender = usr.Nick,
time = DateTime.Now
bot.Reply(usr, channel, String.Format("Message for {0} will be sent next time they say something.", args[0]));
// Cmd_MemoSeen
public void Cmd_MemoSeen(UserInfo usr, String channel, String msg)
String[] args = Utils.GetArguments(msg, commands["memoseen"].help, 2, 2, ' ');
args[0] = args[0].Replace(",", "");
AddMemo(args[0], new MemoInfo {
content = args[1],
sender = usr.Nick,
time = DateTime.Now,
flags = MemoFlags.OnSeen
bot.Reply(usr, channel, String.Format("Message for {0} will be sent next time I see them.", args[0]));
// AddMemo
private void AddMemo(String name, MemoInfo memo)
name = name.ToLower();
memos[name] = new List<MemoInfo>();
// OutputMemos
private void OutputMemos(String channel, String realnick, bool onseen)
String nick = realnick.ToLower();
var arr = memos[nick];
for(int i = arr.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
MemoInfo memo = arr[i];
if(!memo.flags.HasFlag(MemoFlags.OnSeen) && onseen)
String outp = String.Empty;
outp += String.Format("[Memo from {0}, {1}]", memo.sender, Utils.FuzzyRelativeDate(memo.time));
// Wrap if it's probably going to be too long.
if(memo.content.Length > 350)
bot.Message(channel, outp + ":");
outp = String.Empty;
outp += String.Format(" {0}: {1}", realnick, memo.content);
bot.Message(channel, outp);
if(arr.Count == 0)
// Evt_OnMessage
public void Evt_OnMessage(UserInfo usr, String channel, String msg, bool iscmd)
OutputMemos(channel, usr.Nick, false);
// Evt_OnSeen
public void Evt_OnSeen(UserInfo usr, String channel)
OutputMemos(channel, usr.Nick, true);
// Evt_OnDisconnected
public void Evt_OnDisconnected()
// WriteMemos
private void WriteMemos()
File.WriteAllText("/srv/irc/vrobot3/data/memos." + bot.n_groupname + ".json",