// // Mod_Links.cs // // Link title capabilities. // using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using Sharkbite.Irc; using HtmlAgilityPack; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3 { // // Mod_Links // public sealed class Mod_Links : IBotModule { // // URI // private struct URI { public String method, host, path, query, tag, uri; } // // Delegates. private delegate void URIHandler(URI uri, String referer, ref String result); // // Ctor // public Mod_Links(Bot bot_) : base(bot_) { events.OnMessage += Evt_OnMessage; } // // Evt_OnMessage // public void Evt_OnMessage(UserInfo usr, String channel, String msg, bool iscmd) { // // Do this asynchronously, we don't want link parsing to block operation. new Thread(() => { try { if(!iscmd) TryParseURIs(channel, msg); } catch(Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: URL thread error: {1}", bot.n_groupname, exc.Message); } }).Start(); } // // GetURITitle // private Match GetURITitle(URI uri, String referer, int kb = 16) { String rstr = Utils.GetResponseString(uri.uri, 1024 * kb, referer); if(rstr == null) return null; return new Regex(@"\(?.+?)\").Match(rstr); } // // URI_Default // private void URI_Default(URI uri, String referer, ref String result) { var req = WebRequest.Create(uri.uri) as HttpWebRequest; req.Referer = referer; req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.9) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.9"; using(var response = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { var html = new HtmlDocument(); html.LoadHtml(Utils.GetResponseString(response, 16*1024)); var x_title = from item in html.DocumentNode.Descendants() where (item?.Name ?? String.Empty) == "title" || ((item?.Name ?? String.Empty) == "meta" && (item?.Attributes["id"]?.Value ?? String.Empty).EndsWith("title")) select item; if(x_title.Any()) result = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(x_title.First().InnerText.Trim(new char[]{ ' ', '\t', '\n' })); } } // // URI_Youtube // // Special fucking flower. // private void URI_Youtube(URI uri, String referer, ref String result) { var req = WebRequest.Create(uri.uri) as HttpWebRequest; req.Referer = referer; using(var response = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { var html = new HtmlDocument(); html.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); var x_title = from item in html.DocumentNode.Descendants() where (item?.Attributes["id"]?.Value ?? String.Empty) == "eow-title" select item; if(x_title.Any()) result = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(x_title.First().InnerText.Trim(new char[]{ ' ', '\t', '\n' })) + " - YouTube"; } } // // URI_Gelooru // private void URI_Gelbooru(URI uri, String referer, ref String result) { var match = GetURITitle(uri, referer, 8); // Should be OK to just get the first 8kb here. if(match?.Success == true) { String title = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups["realtitle"].Value); if(title.Contains("Image View")) result = "Image View - Gelbooru"; else result = title; } } // // URI_Hitbox // private void URI_Hitbox(URI uri, String referer, ref String result) { String name = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(uri.path.TrimStart(new char[]{'/'})); var req = WebRequest.Create("https://api.hitbox.tv/media/live/" + name + "?fast") as HttpWebRequest; req.Referer = referer; using(var response = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { var json = JObject.Parse(Utils.GetResponseString(response, 64 * 1024)); var node = json["livestream"][0]; String displayname = (String)node["media_display_name"]; String status = (String)node["media_status"]; bool live = Int32.Parse((String)node["media_is_live"] ?? "0") == 1; result = displayname; if(live) result += " (live)"; if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) result += ": " + status; result += " - hitbox"; } } // // TryParseURIs // // This function is really complicated because of exploits. Fuck exploits. // private void TryParseURIs(String channel, String msg) { try { Regex r_finduris = new Regex( @"((?[^:/?# ]+):)" + @"(//(?[^/?# ]*))" + @"(?[^?# ]*)" + @"(?\?([^# ]*))?" + @"(?#(.*))?" ); var matchbox = r_finduris.Matches(msg); if(matchbox.Count != 0) { String outp = String.Empty; for(int i = 0; i < matchbox.Count; i++) { var match = matchbox[i]; URI uri = new URI{ method = match.Groups["method"].Value, host = match.Groups["host"].Value, path = match.Groups["path"].Value, query = match.Groups["query"]?.Value ?? String.Empty, tag = match.Groups["tag"]?.Value ?? String.Empty, uri = match.Value }; // // Will the real URI please stand up? if(uri.method == "http" || uri.method == "https") { var req = WebRequest.Create(uri.uri) as HttpWebRequest; using(var resp = req.GetResponse()) if(resp.ResponseUri.Host != uri.host) { uri.method = resp.ResponseUri.Scheme; uri.host = resp.ResponseUri.Host; uri.path = resp.ResponseUri.AbsolutePath; uri.query = resp.ResponseUri.Query; uri.tag = resp.ResponseUri.Fragment; uri.uri = resp.ResponseUri.OriginalString; } } if(uri.path.Length == 0) uri.path = "/"; // // Make sure the method is OK. // Previously: // [22:19] file:///srv/www/marrub/oldmen.html // [22:19] [ OLD MEN OLD MEN OLD MEN OLD MEN OLD MEN OLD MEN OLD MEN OLD ... ] String[] validmethods = { "ftp", "ftps", "http", "https" }; if(!validmethods.Contains(uri.method)) continue; // // Try and get a decent title from the URL. URIHandler handler = URI_Default; String result = String.Empty; String referer = null; if(uri.method == "http" || uri.method == "https") { referer = uri.method + "://" + uri.host; Dictionary handlers = new Dictionary(){ { "youtube.com", URI_Youtube }, { "youtu.be", URI_Youtube }, { "gelbooru.com", URI_Gelbooru }, { "hitbox.tv", URI_Hitbox }, }; String hostst = Regex.Replace(uri.host, @"^www\.", String.Empty, RegexOptions.Multiline); if(handlers.ContainsKey(hostst)) handler = handlers[hostst]; } // // Handle grabbing the title. Just get on with it if we throw an exception. try { handler(uri, referer, ref result); } catch(Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine("URL handle exception: {0}", exc.Message); continue; } // // Sanitize. result.Trim(); for(int j = result.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { Char ch = result[j]; if((Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) && ch != ' ') || Char.IsControl(ch) || Char.IsSurrogate(ch)) result = result.Remove(j, 1); } // // If the result is 0-length, just get rid of it. if(result.Trim().Length == 0) continue; // // Throw the result into the output buffer. outp += result; // // If the output is too long, we need to shorten it and break. if(outp.Length > 400 - 3) { outp = outp.Substring(0, 400 - 3); outp += "···"; break; } // // Add separators. if(i != matchbox.Count - 1) outp += " | "; } if(outp.Length > 0) bot.Message(channel, "[ " + outp + " ]"); } } catch(Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: URL parse error: {1}", bot.n_groupname, exc.Message ?? "[unknown]"); } } } }