Förgrening 0

Bot::Client: Rename classes and move to separate namespace

Bot::Client: Remove audio commands
Delete Mod_Audio
Create Mod_DiscordLogger
Marrub 2016-11-20 12:13:26 -05:00
förälder 41c1a365a7
incheckning d09924cb27
8 ändrade filer med 320 tillägg och 405 borttagningar

Visa fil

@ -24,38 +24,24 @@ using CommandFuncDict =
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
// BotCommand
// Delegate type for bot commands.
public delegate void BotCommand(User usr, Channel channel, String msg);
// CommandDict
// Dictionary of bot commands.
public class CommandDict : Dictionary<String, BotCommandStructure> {}
// Bot
public partial class Bot
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, String> lastLine;
private readonly IBotClient client;
private readonly Client.IChatClient client;
public List<IBotModule> modules { get; private set; }
public CommandFuncDict cmdfuncs { get; private set; }
public readonly BotInfo info;
public bool isInAudioChannel => client.isInAudioChannel();
public BotClientInfo clientInfo => client.info;
public Client.ClientInfo clientInfo => client.info;
public Client.IChatClient getClient() => client;
// Bot constructor
public Bot(BotInfo info)
this.info = info;
@ -65,8 +51,8 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
case "IRC": this.client = new BotClientIRC(this); break;
case "Discord": this.client = new BotClientDiscord(this); break;
case "IRC": this.client = new Client.ClientIRC(this); break;
case "Discord": this.client = new Client.ClientDiscord(this); break;
default: throw new BotConfigurationException("Invalid server type.");
@ -84,9 +70,6 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
cmdfuncs.Add(kvp.Key, Tuple.Create(mod, kvp.Value));
// client
public void connect() => client.connect();
public void action(Channel channel, String msg) =>
@ -109,12 +92,6 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
public void reply(User usr, ulong id, String msg) =>
message(id, usr.name + ": " + msg);
public void partAudioChannel() => client.partAudioChannel();
public Task playAudioFile(String file) => client.playAudioFile(file);
// disconnect
public void disconnect()
@ -122,24 +99,6 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
// joinAudioChannel
public async Task<bool> joinAudioChannel(User user)
var channel = client.getAudioChannel(user);
if(channel != null)
await client.joinAudioChannel(channel);
return true;
return false;
// checkModPermissions
public bool checkModPermissions(Channel channel, Type mod)
String[] enables;

Visa fil

@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
return false;
if(attribute is BotModuleIRCAttribute &&
!(client is BotClientIRC))
!(client is Client.ClientIRC))
return false;
if(attribute is BotModuleDiscordAttribute &&
!(client is BotClientDiscord))
!(client is Client.ClientDiscord))
return false;
if(attribute is BotModuleRequiresAudioAttribute &&

Visa fil

@ -13,12 +13,9 @@
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3.Client
// BotClientInfo
public class BotClientInfo
public class ClientInfo
public bool hasAudio;
public bool hasColors;
@ -27,17 +24,14 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
public bool shortMessages;
// IBotClient
public abstract class IBotClient
public abstract class IChatClient
protected Bot bot;
public BotClientInfo info { get; protected set; }
public ClientInfo info { get; protected set; }
protected IBotClient(Bot bot)
protected IChatClient(Bot bot)
this.info = new BotClientInfo();
this.info = new ClientInfo();
this.bot = bot;
@ -58,16 +52,6 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
// user
public abstract bool userPermitted(User usr, BotRole role);
// audio
public virtual ChannelAudio getAudioChannel(User usr) =>
new ChannelAudio();
public virtual async Task joinAudioChannel(ChannelAudio channel) =>
await Task.FromResult(0);
public virtual void partAudioChannel() {}
public virtual bool isInAudioChannel() => false;
public virtual async Task playAudioFile(String file) =>
await Task.FromResult(0);

Visa fil

@ -15,24 +15,15 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Discord.Audio;
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3.Client
// BotClientDiscord
public class BotClientDiscord : IBotClient
public class ClientDiscord : IChatClient
private Discord.DiscordClient client;
private Discord.Audio.IAudioClient audioClient;
private Discord.Server server;
public Discord.DiscordClient client;
public Discord.Server server;
// BotClientDiscord constructor
public BotClientDiscord(Bot bot) :
public ClientDiscord(Bot bot) : base(bot)
this.client = new Discord.DiscordClient();
@ -61,24 +52,16 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
bot.onMessage(usr, channel, evt.Message.Text);
this.client.UsingAudio(x => x.Mode = AudioMode.Outgoing);
// getUser
private Discord.User getUser(User usr)
public Discord.User getUser(User usr)
if(server == null)
server = client.GetServer(ulong.Parse(bot.info.serverAddr));
return server.GetUser(ulong.Parse(usr.hostname));
// checkRole
private bool checkRole(User usr, String[] strings)
public bool checkRole(User usr, String[] strings)
var duser = getUser(usr);
@ -102,9 +85,6 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
return false;
// connect
public override void connect()
Console.WriteLine("{0}: Creating connection.", bot.info.serverName);
@ -115,42 +95,26 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
// disconnect
public override void disconnect()
if(client != null)
client = null;
// sendAction
public override void sendAction(Channel channel, String msg) =>
"_" + Discord.Format.Escape(msg) + "_");
"_" + Discord.Format.Escape(msg ?? String.Empty) + "_");
// sendMessage
public override void sendMessage(Channel channel, String msg) =>
client.GetChannel(channel.id)?.SendMessage(Discord.Format.Escape(msg ?? String.Empty));
// sendMessageRaw
public override void sendMessageRaw(Channel channel, String msg) =>
"```" + Discord.Format.Escape(msg ?? String.Empty) + "```");
// getChannel
public override Channel getChannel(ulong id)
var dchannel = client.GetChannel(id);
@ -160,104 +124,10 @@ namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
return channel;
// userPermitted
public override bool userPermitted(User usr, BotRole role) =>
role == BotRole.User ||
(role == BotRole.HalfAdmin && checkRole(usr, bot.info.roles.halfadmin)) ||
(role == BotRole.Admin && checkRole(usr, bot.info.roles.admin));
// getAudioChannel
public override ChannelAudio getAudioChannel(User usr)
var dchannel = getUser(usr).VoiceChannel;
if(dchannel == null) return null;
var channel = new ChannelAudio{};
channel.id = dchannel.Id;
channel.name = dchannel.Name;
return channel;
// joinAudioChannel
public override async Task joinAudioChannel(ChannelAudio channel)
if(channel == null)
var dchannel = client.GetChannel(channel.id);
audioClient = await dchannel.JoinAudio();
await audioClient.Join(dchannel);
// partAudioChannel
public override void partAudioChannel()
audioClient = null;
// isInAudioChannel
public override bool isInAudioChannel() =>
audioClient?.State == Discord.ConnectionState.Connected;
// playAudioFile
public override async Task playAudioFile(String file)
if(!isInAudioChannel()) return;
var proc = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo{
FileName = "ffmpeg",
Arguments = $"-i {file} -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 " +
"-loglevel quiet pipe:1",
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = false,
CreateNoWindow = true
var buf = new byte[3840 * 32];
var ostream = audioClient.OutputStream;
var istream = proc?.StandardOutput.BaseStream;
int count;
while(proc?.HasExited == false &&
(count = await istream.ReadAsync(buf, 0, buf.Length)) != 0)
await ostream.WriteAsync(buf, 0, count);
Console.WriteLine("{0}: Canceled audio stream.",

Visa fil

@ -12,18 +12,11 @@
using System;
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3.Client
// BotClientIRC
public class BotClientIRC : IBotClient
public class ClientIRC : IChatClient
// BotClientIRC constructor
public BotClientIRC(Bot bot) :
public ClientIRC(Bot bot) : base(bot)
this.info.hasAudio = false;
this.info.hasColors = true;

Visa fil

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
// Copyright © 2016 Project Golan
// See "LICENSE" for more information.
// Audio-based commands.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3.Modules
// Mod_Audio
[BotModuleRequiresAudio, BotModuleDisabled]
public class Mod_Audio : IBotModule
// QueueItem
class QueueItem
private Utils.URI uri;
public QueueItem(Utils.URI uri)
this.uri = uri;
public override String ToString() => String.Empty;
// Queue
class Queue
private TimeSpan curTime;
private List<QueueItem> items;
private int pos;
public Queue()
this.curTime = new TimeSpan();
this.items = new List<QueueItem>();
this.pos = 0;
public bool addItem(Utils.URI uri)
var item = new QueueItem(uri);
return true;
private readonly String[] validMethods =
{ "http", "https", "ftp", "ftps" };
private Queue queue = new Queue();
// Mod_Audio constructor
public Mod_Audio(Bot bot_) :
commands["queue"] = new BotCommandStructure{
cmd = cmdQueue,
help = "Add an item (or items) to the audio queue.\n" +
"Syntax: .queue uri...\n" +
"Example: .queue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13pL0TiOiHM"
commands["play"] = new BotCommandStructure{
cmd = cmdPlay,
help = "Set the currently playing item in the queue. " +
"If a URL is given, queues and plays that.\n" +
"Syntax: .play [number|uri]\n" +
"Example: .play 5\n" +
"Example: .play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13pL0TiOiHM"
commands["lsqueue"] = new BotCommandStructure{
cmd = cmdListQueue,
help = "Lists queue items.\n" +
"Syntax: .lsqueue"
commands["summon"] = new BotCommandStructure{
cmd = cmdSummon,
help = "Makes the bot join your audio channel.\n" +
"Syntax: .summon"
commands["vanquish"] = new BotCommandStructure{
cmd = cmdVanquish,
help = "Makes the bot leave their audio channel.\n" +
"Syntax: %vanquish",
role = BotRole.HalfAdmin
// summon
private async Task<bool> summon(User usr, Channel channel)
return true;
if(!await bot.joinAudioChannel(usr))
bot.reply(usr, channel,
"Couldn't find audio channel. " +
"If you are already in an audio channel, please reconnect to " +
"it and try again.");
return false;
return true;
// cmdQueue
public void cmdQueue(User usr, Channel channel, String msg)
var uris = Utils.URI.Matches(msg);
if(uris == null)
throw new CommandArgumentException("no valid URIs");
int loadPass = 0;
foreach(var uri_ in uris)
var uri = uri_;
if(uri.method == String.Empty)
uri.method = "http";
if(validMethods.Contains(uri.method) &&
bot.reply(usr, channel,
$"Added {loadPass} item{loadPass != 1 ? "s" : ""} to the queue.");
// cmdPlay
public void cmdPlay(User usr, Channel channel, String msg)
// cmdListQueue
public void cmdListQueue(User usr, Channel channel, String msg)
// cmdSummon
public void cmdSummon(User usr, Channel channel, String msg) =>
summon(usr, channel);
// cmdVanquish
public void cmdVanquish(User usr, Channel channel, String msg) =>

Visa fil

@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
// Copyright © 2016 Project Golan
// See "LICENSE" for more information.
// Logging.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
delegate void HaxFn(String name, String vname);
namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3.Modules
public class Mod_DiscordLogger : IBotModule
public Mod_DiscordLogger(Bot bot) : base(bot)
var client = bot.getClient() as Client.ClientDiscord;
client.client.ChannelCreated +=
async (_, e) =>
await logMsg(e.Server, "Channel created", getChannel(e.Channel)));
client.client.ChannelDestroyed +=
async (_, e) =>
await logMsg(e.Server, "Channel destroyed", getChannel(e.Channel)));
client.client.ChannelUpdated +=
catchFunc<Discord.ChannelUpdatedEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
var delta = getChannelDelta(e.Before, e.After);
if(delta != String.Empty)
await logMsg(e.Server, "Channel updated", delta);
client.client.MessageDeleted +=
catchFunc<Discord.MessageEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
await verMsg(e.Server, "Message deleted", getMessage(e.Message));
client.client.MessageUpdated +=
catchFunc<Discord.MessageUpdatedEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
var delta = getMessageDelta(e.Before, e.After);
if(delta != String.Empty)
await verMsg(e.Server, "Message edited", delta);
client.client.UserBanned +=
catchFunc<Discord.UserEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
await logMsg(e.Server, "User banned", getUser(e.User)));
client.client.UserUnbanned +=
catchFunc<Discord.UserEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
await logMsg(e.Server, "User unbanned", getUser(e.User)));
client.client.UserJoined +=
catchFunc<Discord.UserEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
await logMsg(e.Server, "User joined", getUser(e.User)));
client.client.UserLeft +=
catchFunc<Discord.UserEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
await logMsg(e.Server, "User removed", getUser(e.User)));
client.client.UserUpdated +=
catchFunc<Discord.UserUpdatedEventArgs>(async (_, e) =>
var delta = getUserDelta(e.Before, e.After);
if(delta != String.Empty)
await verMsg(e.Server, "User updated", delta);
private EventHandler<T> catchFunc<T>(EventHandler<T> fn)
return (object sender, T evt) =>
{fn(sender, evt);}
private String yesno(bool arg) => arg ? "Yes" : "No";
private String getTime(DateTime time)
var offs = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(time);
return $"{time.ToShortDateString()} {time.ToLongTimeString()} " +
private String discordEscape(String str) =>
Discord.Format.Escape(str ?? String.Empty);
private String getChannel(Discord.Channel channel) =>
$"`Name :` {discordEscape(channel.Name)}\n" +
$"`Topic :` {discordEscape(channel.Topic)}\n" +
$"`Id :` `{channel.Id}`\n" +
$"`Position :` `{channel.Position}`\n" +
$"`Type :` {channel.Type.ToString()}";
private String getUser(Discord.User user) =>
$"`Username :` {discordEscape(user.Name)}\n" +
$"`Nickname :` {discordEscape(user.Nickname)}\n" +
$"`Id :` `{user.Id}`\n" +
$"`Is Bot :` {yesno(user.IsBot)}\n" +
$"`Joined At :` {getTime(user.JoinedAt)}";
private String getMessage(Discord.Message msg) =>
$"`Time Sent :` {getTime(msg.Timestamp)}\n" +
$"`Channel :` {discordEscape(msg.Channel.Name)}\n" +
$"`Id :` `{msg.Id}`\n" +
$"`Content :` {msg.Text}\n" +
$"\nUser info:\n{getUser(msg.User)}";
private String getMessageDelta(Discord.Message bfr, Discord.Message aft)
if(bfr.Text == aft.Text) return String.Empty;
return $"`Time Sent :` {getTime(aft.Timestamp)}\n" +
$"`Channel :` {discordEscape(aft.Channel.Name)}\n" +
$"`Id :` `{aft.Id}`\n" +
$"`Old Content :` {bfr.Text}\n" +
$"`New Content :` {aft.Text}\n" +
$"\nUser info:\n{getUser(aft.User)}";
private String getPermDelta(Discord.ServerPermissions bfr,
Discord.ServerPermissions aft)
var outp = String.Empty;
if(bfr.RawValue != aft.RawValue)
outp += $"`Old Value :` `{bfr.RawValue}`\n";
outp += $"`New Value :` `{aft.RawValue}`\n";
HaxFn fn = (String name, String vname) => {
var a = (bool)typeof(Discord.ServerPermissions)
var b = (bool)typeof(Discord.ServerPermissions)
if(a != b)
outp += $"`{name}:` {yesno(b)}\n";
fn("Create Invite", "CreateInstantInvite");
fn("Ban Users ", "BanMembers");
fn("Kick Users ", "KickMembers");
fn("Edit Channels", "ManageChannels");
fn("Edit Server ", "ManageServer");
fn("Join Channels", "ReadMessages");
fn("Send Messages", "SendMessages");
fn("Send TTS ", "SendTTSMessages");
fn("Edit Messages", "ManageMessages");
fn("Embed Links ", "EmbedLinks");
fn("Attach Files ", "AttachFiles");
fn("Ping Everyone", "MentionEveryone");
fn("Join Voice ", "Connect");
fn("Speak ", "Speak");
fn("Mute Users ", "MuteMembers");
fn("Deafen Users ", "DeafenMembers");
fn("Move Users ", "MoveMembers");
fn("Use VA ", "UseVoiceActivation");
fn("Change Nick ", "ChangeNickname");
fn("Edit Nicks ", "ManageNicknames");
fn("Edit Roles ", "ManageRoles");
return outp;
private String getChannelDelta(Discord.Channel bfr, Discord.Channel aft)
var outp1 = String.Empty;
var outp2 = String.Empty;
if(bfr.Name != aft.Name)
outp1 += "Name changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Name :` {discordEscape(bfr.Name)}\n";
outp2 += $"`New Name :` {discordEscape(aft.Name)}\n";
if(bfr.Id != aft.Id)
outp1 += "Id changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Id :` `{bfr.Id}`\n";
outp2 += $"`New Id :` `{aft.Id}`\n";
if(bfr.Topic != aft.Topic)
outp1 += "Topic changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Topic :` {discordEscape(bfr.Topic)}\n";
outp2 += $"`New Topic :` {discordEscape(aft.Topic)}\n";
if(bfr.Position != aft.Position)
outp1 += "Position changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Position :` `{bfr.Position}`\n";
outp2 += $"`New Position :` `{aft.Position}`\n";
if(outp1 != String.Empty)
outp2 += $"\nChannel info:\n{getChannel(aft)}\n";
return outp1 + outp2.Trim();
private String getUserDelta(Discord.User bfr, Discord.User aft)
var outp1 = String.Empty;
var outp2 = String.Empty;
var perm = getPermDelta(bfr.ServerPermissions, aft.ServerPermissions);
if(bfr.Name != aft.Name)
outp1 += "Username changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Username :` {discordEscape(bfr.Name)}\n";
outp2 += $"`New Username :` {discordEscape(aft.Name)}\n";
if(bfr.Nickname != aft.Nickname)
outp1 += "Nickname changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Nickname :` {discordEscape(bfr.Nickname)}\n";
outp2 += $"`New Nickname :` {discordEscape(aft.Nickname)}\n";
if(bfr.AvatarId != aft.AvatarId)
outp1 += "Avatar changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Avatar Id:` `{bfr.AvatarId}`\n";
outp2 += $"`New Avatar Id:` `{aft.AvatarId}`\n";
outp2 += $"`Old AvatarUrl:` `{bfr.AvatarUrl}`\n";
outp2 += $"`New AvatarUrl:` `{aft.AvatarUrl}`\n";
if(bfr.Discriminator != aft.Discriminator)
outp1 += "Unique Id changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Unique Id:` `{bfr.Discriminator}`\n";
outp2 += $"`New Unique Id:` `{aft.Discriminator}`\n";
if(bfr.Id != aft.Id)
outp1 += "Id changed.\n";
outp2 += $"`Old Id :` `{bfr.Id}`\n";
outp2 += $"`New Id :` `{aft.Id}`\n";
outp1 += "Permissions changed.\n";
outp2 += perm;
if(outp1 != String.Empty)
outp2 += $"\nUser info:\n{getUser(aft)}\n";
return outp1 + outp2.Trim();
private async Task sndMsg(Discord.Server server, String name,
String type, String msg)
if(server.Id.ToString() != bot.info.serverAddr) return;
var log = server.FindChannels(name).FirstOrDefault();
if(log == null) return;
var time = getTime(DateTime.Now);
if(msg.Length > 1800)
await log.SendMessage($"{type} at {time}\n[Omitted, too long]");
await log.SendMessage($"{type} at {time}\n{msg}");
private async Task logMsg(Discord.Server server, String type, String msg)
=> await sndMsg(server, "log", type, msg);
private async Task verMsg(Discord.Server server, String type, String msg)
=> await sndMsg(server, "log-v", type, msg);

Visa fil

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
<Compile Include="Source/Client/Discord.cs" />
<Compile Include="Source/Client/IRC.cs" />
<Compile Include="Source/Modules/Mod_Admin.cs" />
<Compile Include="Source/Modules/Mod_Audio.cs" />
<Compile Include="Source/Modules/Mod_DiscordLogger.cs" />
<Compile Include="Source/Modules/Mod_Fun.cs" />
<Compile Include="Source/Modules/Mod_Utils.cs" />
<Compile Include="Source/Modules/Mod_Idgames.cs" />