// defs.qc: global definitions // system globals ------------------------------------------------------------| #pragma noref 1 entity self; entity other; entity world; float time; float frametime; /* force all entities to touch triggers next frame. this is needed because * non-moving things don't normally scan for triggers, and when a trigger is * created(like a teleport trigger), it needs to catch everything. decremented * each frame, so set to 2 to guarantee everything is touched */ float force_retouch; string mapname; float deathmatch; float coop; float teamplay; // propagated from level to level, used to keep track of completed episodes float serverflags; float total_secrets; float total_monsters; float found_secrets; // number of secrets found float killed_monsters; // number of monsters killed // spawnparms are used to encode information about clients across server // level changes float parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4, parm5, parm6, parm7, parm8, parm9, parm10, parm11, parm12, parm13, parm14, parm15, parm16; // global variables set by built in functions vector v_forward, v_up, v_right; // set by makevectors() // set by traceline / tracebox float trace_allsolid; float trace_startsolid; float trace_fraction; vector trace_endpos; vector trace_plane_normal; float trace_plane_dist; entity trace_ent; float trace_inopen; float trace_inwater; entity msg_entity; // destination of single entity writes // required prog functions void() main; // only for testing void() StartFrame; void() PlayerPreThink; void() PlayerPostThink; void() ClientKill; void() ClientConnect; void() PutClientInServer; // call after setting the parm1... parms void() ClientDisconnect; /* called when a client first connects to a server. sets parms so they can be * saved off for restarts */ void() SetNewParms; // call to set parms for self so they can be saved for a level transition void() SetChangeParms; void end_sys_globals; // flag for structure dumping // system fields -------------------------------------------------------------| .float modelindex; // model index in the precached list .vector absmin, absmax; // origin + mins / maxs .float ltime; // time for entity .float movetype; .float solid; .vector origin; .vector oldorigin; // only used by secret door .vector velocity; .vector angles; .vector avelocity; .vector punchangle; // temp angle adjust from damage or recoil .string classname; // spawn function .string model; .float frame; .float skin; .float effects; .vector mins, maxs; // bounding box extents reletive to origin .vector size; // maxs - mins .void() touch; .void() use; .void() think; .void() blocked; // for doors or plats, called when can't push other .float nextthink; .entity groundentity; // stats .float health; .float frags; .float weapon; // one of the IT_SHOTGUN, etc flags .string weaponmodel; .float weaponframe; .float currentammo; .float ammo_shells, ammo_nails, ammo_rockets, ammo_cells; .float items; // bit flags .float takedamage; .entity chain; .float deadflag; .vector view_ofs; // add to origin to get eye point .float button0; // fire .float button1; // use .float button2; // jump .float impulse; // user commands .float fixangle; .vector v_angle; // view / targeting angle for players .float idealpitch; // calculated pitch angle for lookup up slopes .string netname; // Will be world if not currently angry at anyone. .entity enemy; .float flags; .float colormap; .float team; .float max_health; // players maximum health is stored here .float teleport_time; // don't back up .float armortype; // save this fraction of incoming damage .float armorvalue; .float waterlevel; // 0 = not in, 1 = feet, 2 = wast, 3 = eyes .float watertype; // a contents value // A yaw angle of the intended direction, which will be turned towards at up // to 45 deg / state. If the enemy is in view and hunt_time is not active, // this will be the exact line towards the enemy. .float ideal_yaw; .float yaw_speed; .entity aiment; .entity goalentity; // a movetarget or an enemy .float spawnflags; .string target; .string targetname; // damage is accumulated through a frame. and sent as one single // message, so the super shotgun doesn't generate huge messages .float dmg_take; .float dmg_save; .entity dmg_inflictor; .entity owner; // who launched a missile .vector movedir; // mostly for doors, but also used for waterjump .string message; // trigger messages .float sounds; // either a cd track number or sound number .string noise, noise1, noise2, noise3; // contains names of wavs to play void end_sys_fields; // flag for structure dumping // builtin functions ---------------------------------------------------------| void(vector ang) makevectors = #1; // sets v_forward, etc globals void(entity e, vector o) setorigin = #2; void(entity e, string m) setmodel = #3; // set movetype and solid first void(entity e, vector min, vector max) setsize = #4; float() random = #7; // returns 0 - 1 void(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound = #8; vector(vector v) normalize = #9; [[noreturn]] void(string e) error = #10; [[noreturn]] void(string e) objerror = #11; float(vector v) vlen = #12; float(vector v) vectoyaw = #13; entity() spawn = #14; void(entity e) remove = #15; /* sets trace_* globals * nomonsters can be: * An entity will also be ignored for testing if forent == test, * forent->owner == test, or test->owner == forent * a forent of world is ignored */ void(vector v1, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent) traceline = #16; entity() checkclient = #17; // returns a client to look for entity(entity start, .string fld, string match) find = #18; string(string s) precache_sound = #19; string(string s) precache_model = #20; void(entity client, string s) stuffcmd = #21; entity(vector org, float rad) findradius = #22; void(string... s) bprint = #23; void(entity client, string... s) sprint = #24; void(string... s) dprint = #25; string(float f) ftos = #26; string(vector v) vtos = #27; void() coredump = #28; // prints all edicts void() traceon = #29; // turns statment trace on void() traceoff = #30; void(entity e) eprint = #31; // prints an entire edict float(float yaw, float dist) walkmove = #32; // returns TRUE or FALSE float() droptofloor = #34; // TRUE if landed on floor void(float style, string value) lightstyle = #35; float(float v) rint = #36; // round to nearest int float(float v) floor = #37; // largest integer <= v float(float v) ceil = #38; // smallest integer >= v float(entity e) checkbottom = #40; // true if self is on ground float(vector v) pointcontents = #41; // returns a CONTENT_* float(float f) fabs = #43; vector(entity e, float speed) aim = #44; // returns the shooting vector float(string s) cvar = #45; // return cvar.value void(string s) localcmd = #46; // put string into que entity(entity e) nextent = #47; // for looping through all ents // start a particle effect void(vector o, vector d, float color, float count) particle = #48; void() ChangeYaw = #49; // turn towards self.ideal_yaw at self.yaw_speed vector(vector v) vectoangles = #51; // direct client message generation void(float to, float f) WriteByte = #52; void(float to, float f) WriteChar = #53; void(float to, float f) WriteShort = #54; void(float to, float f) WriteLong = #55; void(float to, float f) WriteCoord = #56; void(float to, float f) WriteAngle = #57; void(float to, string s) WriteString = #58; void(float to, entity s) WriteEntity = #59; void(float step) movetogoal = #67; string(string s) precache_file = #68; // no effect except for -copy void(entity e) makestatic = #69; void(string s) changelevel = #70; void(string var, string val) cvar_set = #72; // sets cvar.value void(entity client, string... s) centerprint = #73; // sprint, but in middle void(vector pos, string samp, float vol, float atten) ambientsound = #74; string(string s) precache_model2 = #75; // registered version only string(string s) precache_sound2 = #76; // registered version only string(string s) precache_file2 = #77; // registered version only // set parm1... to the values at level start for coop respawn void(entity e) setspawnparms = #78; float(string s) checkextension = #99; // constants -----------------------------------------------------------------| const vector VEC_ORIGIN = '0 0 0'; const float BODYQUE_MAX = 16; const float AMMAX_CELLS = 100; const float AMMAX_NAILS = 200; const float AMMAX_ROCKETS = 100; const float AMMAX_SHELLS = 100; const string WEPNAME_AXE = "Axe"; const string WEPNAME_SHOTGUN = "Shotgun"; const string WEPNAME_SUPER_SHOTGUN = "Double-barrelled Shotgun"; const string WEPNAME_NAILGUN = "Nailgun"; const string WEPNAME_SUPER_NAILGUN = "Super Nailgun"; const string WEPNAME_GRENADE_LAUNCHER = "Grenade Launcher"; const string WEPNAME_ROCKET_LAUNCHER = "Rocket Launcher"; const string WEPNAME_LIGHTNING = "Thunderbolt"; enum { FALSE, TRUE }; // edict.flags enum { FL_FLY = 1, FL_SWIM = 2, FL_CLIENT = 8, // set for all client edicts FL_INWATER = 16, // for enter / leave water splash FL_MONSTER = 32, FL_GODMODE = 64, // player cheat FL_NOTARGET = 128, // player cheat FL_ITEM = 256, // extra wide size for bonus items FL_ONGROUND = 512, // standing on something FL_PARTIALGROUND = 1024, // not all corners are valid FL_WATERJUMP = 2048, // player jumping out of water FL_JUMPRELEASED = 4096, // for jump debouncing }; // edict.movetype values enum { MOVETYPE_NONE, // never moves MOVETYPE_WALK = 3, // players only MOVETYPE_STEP, // discrete, not real time unless fall MOVETYPE_FLY, MOVETYPE_TOSS, // gravity MOVETYPE_PUSH, // no clip to world, push and crush MOVETYPE_NOCLIP, MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE, // fly with extra size against monsters MOVETYPE_BOUNCE, MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE, // bounce with extra size }; // edict.solid values enum { SOLID_NOT, // no interaction with other objects SOLID_TRIGGER, // touch on edge, but not blocking SOLID_BBOX, // touch on edge, block SOLID_SLIDEBOX, // touch on edge, but not an onground SOLID_BSP, // bsp clip, touch on edge, block }; // range values enum { RANGE_MELEE, RANGE_NEAR, RANGE_MID, RANGE_FAR, }; // deadflag values enum { DEAD_NO, DEAD_DYING, DEAD_DEAD, DEAD_RESPAWNABLE, }; // takedamage values enum { DAMAGE_NO, DAMAGE_YES, DAMAGE_AIM, }; // items enum { IT_SHOTGUN = 1, IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN = 2, IT_NAILGUN = 4, IT_SUPER_NAILGUN = 8, IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER = 16, IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER = 32, IT_LIGHTNING = 64, IT_EXTRA_WEAPON = 128, IT_AXE = 4096, IT_SHELLS = 256, IT_NAILS = 512, IT_ROCKETS = 1024, IT_CELLS = 2048, IT_ARMOR1 = 8192, IT_ARMOR2 = 16384, IT_ARMOR3 = 32768, IT_SUPERHEALTH = 65536, IT_KEY1 = 131072, IT_KEY2 = 262144, IT_INVISIBILITY = 524288, IT_INVULNERABILITY = 1048576, IT_SUIT = 2097152, IT_QUAD = 4194304, }; // point content values enum { CONTENT_SKY = -6, CONTENT_LAVA, CONTENT_SLIME, CONTENT_WATER, CONTENT_SOLID, CONTENT_EMPTY, STATE_TOP, STATE_BOTTOM, STATE_UP, STATE_DOWN, }; // protocol bytes enum { SVC_TEMPENTITY = 23, SVC_KILLEDMONSTER = 27, SVC_FOUNDSECRET = 28, SVC_INTERMISSION = 30, SVC_FINALE = 31, SVC_CDTRACK = 32, SVC_SELLSCREEN = 33, }; enum { TE_SPIKE, TE_SUPERSPIKE, TE_GUNSHOT, TE_EXPLOSION, TE_TAREXPLOSION, TE_LIGHTNING1, TE_LIGHTNING2, TE_WIZSPIKE, TE_KNIGHTSPIKE, TE_LIGHTNING3, TE_LAVASPLASH, TE_TELEPORT, }; // sound channels // channel 0 never willingly overrides // other channels(1-7) allways override a playing sound on that channel enum { CHAN_AUTO, CHAN_WEAPON, CHAN_VOICE, CHAN_ITEM, CHAN_BODY, }; enum { ATTN_NONE, ATTN_NORM, ATTN_IDLE, ATTN_STATIC, }; // update types enum { UPDATE_GENERAL, UPDATE_STATIC, UPDATE_BINARY, UPDATE_TEMP, }; // entity effects enum { EF_BRIGHTFIELD = 1, EF_MUZZLEFLASH = 2, EF_BRIGHTLIGHT = 4, EF_DIMLIGHT = 8, }; // messages enum { MSG_BROADCAST, // unreliable to all MSG_ONE, // reliable to one(msg_entity) MSG_ALL, // reliable to all MSG_INIT, // write to the init string }; enum { AS_STRAIGHT = 1, AS_SLIDING, AS_MELEE, AS_MISSILE, }; enum { WORLD_MEDIEVAL, WORLD_METAL, WORLD_BASE, }; enum { PRO_NONE, // alphabetically sorted, based on pronoun.is and what i've seen used PRO_FAE, PRO_HE, PRO_IT, PRO_SHE, PRO_THEY, PRO_XEY, PRO_ZE_H, PRO_ZE_Z, PRO_MAX, }; enum { DOOR_START_OPEN = 1, DOOR_DONT_LINK = 4, DOOR_GOLD_KEY = 8, DOOR_SILVER_KEY = 16, DOOR_TOGGLE = 32, }; enum { SECRET_OPEN_ONCE = 1, // stays open SECRET_1ST_LEFT = 2, // 1st move is left of arrow SECRET_1ST_DOWN = 4, // 1st move is down from arrow SECRET_NO_SHOOT = 8, // only opened by trigger SECRET_YES_SHOOT = 16, // shootable even if targeted }; enum { COUNTER_NOMESSAGE = 1, }; enum { MULTIPLE_NOTOUCH = 1, }; enum { TELE_PLAYER_ONLY = 1, TELE_SILENT = 2, }; enum { PUSH_ONCE = 1, }; enum { ZOMBIE_SPAWN_CRUCIFIED = 1, }; enum { PLAT_LOW_TRIGGER = 1, }; enum { LIGHT_START_OFF = 1, }; enum { SPIKESHOOTER_SUPER = 1, SPIKESHOOTER_LASER = 2, }; enum { HEALTH_ROTTEN = 1, HEALTH_MEGA = 2, }; enum { AMMO_BIG = 1, }; enum { AMTYPE_SHELLS = 1, AMTYPE_NAILS, AMTYPE_ROCKETS, AMTYPE_CELLS, }; enum { SIGIL_1 = 1, SIGIL_2 = 2, SIGIL_3 = 4, SIGIL_4 = 8, }; enum { SF_CHEATS = 1, SF_LIVES_BEG = 1, SF_LIVES_END = 3, SF_LIVES_MSK = 14, SF_DIST_AMMO = 16, }; #pragma noref 0 // globals -------------------------------------------------------------------| float movedist; float gameover; // set when a rule exits string string_null; // null string, nothing should be held here entity newmis; // launch_spike sets this after spawning it entity activator; // the entity that activated a trigger or brush entity damage_attacker; // set by T_Damage float framecount; float skill; float enemy_vis, enemy_infront, enemy_range; float enemy_yaw; entity lastspawn; entity multi_ent; float multi_damage; entity shub; entity le1, le2; float lightning_end; float hknight_type; entity bodyque_head; float modelindex_eyes, modelindex_player; float intermission_running; float intermission_exittime; string nextmap; entity sight_entity; float sight_entity_time; // super co-op additions float sf_cheats; float sf_lives; float sf_dist_ammo; float player_respawned; float all_players_are_dead; float ext_con_set; // fields --------------------------------------------------------------------| // world fields .string wad; .string map; .float worldtype; .string killtarget; // quakeed fields .float light_lev; // not used by game, but parsed by light util .float style; // monster ai .void() th_stand; .void() th_walk; .void() th_run; .void() th_missile; .void() th_melee; .void(entity attacker, float damage) th_pain; .void() th_die; .entity oldenemy; // mad at this player before taking damage .float speed; .float lefty; .float search_time; .float attack_state; // player only fields .float walkframe; .float attack_finished; .float pain_finished; .float invincible_finished; .float invisible_finished; .float super_damage_finished; .float radsuit_finished; .float invincible_time, invincible_sound; .float invisible_time, invisible_sound; .float super_time, super_sound; .float rad_time; .float fly_sound; .float axhitme; /* set to time+0.2 whenever a client fires a weapon or takes damage. Used to * alert monsters that otherwise would let the player go */ .float show_hostile; .float jump_flag; // player jump flag .float swim_flag; // player swimming sound flag .float air_finished; // when time > air_finished, start drowning .float bubble_count; // keeps track of the number of bubbles .string deathtype; // keeps track of how the player died // object stuff .string mdl; .vector mangle; // angle at start .float t_length, t_width; // doors, etc .vector dest, dest1, dest2; .float wait; // time from firing to restarting .float delay; // time from activation to firing .entity trigger_field; // door's trigger entity .string noise4; // A monster will leave its stand state and head towards it's .movetarget when // time > .pausetime. .float pausetime; // The next path spot to walk toward. If .enemy, ignore .movetarget. // When an enemy is killed, the monster will try to return to it's path. .entity movetarget; // doors .float aflag; .float dmg; // damage done by door when hit // misc .float cnt; // misc flag // subs .void() think1; .vector finaldest, finalangle; // triggers .float count; // for counting triggers // plats / doors / buttons .float lip; .float state; .vector pos1, pos2; // top and bottom positions .float height; // sounds .float waitmin, waitmax; .float distance; .float volume; .float hit_z; .float dmgtime; .float inpain; .float healamount, healtype; // super co-op additions .float pronoun; .float lives; // functions -----------------------------------------------------------------| // subs.qc void(float normal) SUB_AttackFinished; void(vector tdest, float tspeed, void() func) SUB_CalcMove; void(entity ent, vector tdest, float tspeed, void() func) SUB_CalcMoveEnt; void(vector destangle, float tspeed, void() func) SUB_CalcAngleMove; void() SUB_CalcMoveDone; void() SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone; void(void() thinkst) SUB_CheckRefire; void() SUB_Null; void(entity attacker, float damage) SUB_PainNull; void() SUB_UseTargets; void() SUB_Remove; // combat.qc float(entity e, float healamount, float ignore) T_Heal; // health function float(entity targ, entity inflictor) CanDamage; void() T_MissileTouch; void(entity bomb, entity attacker, float rad, entity ignore) T_RadiusDamage; void(entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage) T_Damage; void(entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage) T_Damage; // weapons.qc void(float wep) W_ChangeWeapon; void() W_CycleWeaponReverse; void() W_CycleWeapon; void() W_FireAxe; void() W_FireShotgun; void() W_FireSuperShotgun; void() W_FireRocket; void() W_FireLightning; void() W_FireGrenade; void(float ox) W_FireSpikes; void() W_FireSuperSpikes; float() W_BestWeapon; void() W_SetCurrentAmmo; void() W_WeaponFrame; // items.qc string() Key1Name; string() Key2Name; void() army_fire; float() DemonCheckAttack; void() Demon_JumpTouch; void(float side) Demon_Melee; float() DogCheckAttack; void() dog_leap1; void() dog_run1; void() ShalHome; void() ShalMissile; void() ShalMissileTouch; float(entity targ, entity attacker) SameTeam; void() DecodeLevelParms; void(entity ent) CopyToBodyQue; void() InitBodyQue; void() SuperDamageSound; void() ai_face; void() armor_touch; void() bubble_bob; void() bubble_remove; void() button_return; void() button_wait; void() door_go_down; void() door_go_up; void() fd_secret_done; void() fd_secret_move1; void() fd_secret_move2; void() fd_secret_move3; void() fd_secret_move4; void() fd_secret_move5; void() fd_secret_move6; void() finale_1; void() finale_2; void() finale_3; void() finale_4; void() fire_fly; void() fire_touch; void() health_touch; void() item_megahealth_rot; void() make_bubbles; void() monster_death_use; void() movetarget_f; void() powerup_touch; void() set_suicide_frame; void(vector org, vector dir) launch_spike; void() spike_touch; void() superspike_touch; void() swimmonster_start; void() t_movetarget; void() train_next; void(entity targ, entity attacker) ClientObituary; void(float num_bubbles) DeathBubbles; void(vector dest) ChooseTurn; void(vector org, vector vec) LaunchLaser; void(vector org, vector vel, float damage) SpawnBlood; void() BecomeExplosion; void() hknight_char_a1; void() hknight_run1; void() ogre_smash1; void() ogre_swing1; void() plat_center_touch; void() plat_crush; void() plat_go_down; void() plat_go_up; void() plat_outside_touch; void() plat_trigger_use; void() knight_atk1; void() knight_bow1; void() knight_bow6; void() knight_runatk1; void() knight_walk1; void() PlayerDie; void() player_axe1; void() player_axeb1; void() player_axec1; void() player_axed1; void() player_die_ax1; void() player_diea1; void() player_dieb1; void() player_diec1; void() player_died1; void() player_diee1; void() player_light1; void() player_nail1; void(entity attacker, float damage) player_pain; void() player_rocket1; void() player_run; void() player_run; void() player_shot1; void() player_stand1; void() sham_smash1; void() sham_swingl1; void() sham_swingr1; void() sham_swingr1; void() tbaby_jump1; void() tbaby_jump5; float() WizardCheckAttack; void() wiz_run1; void() wiz_side1; void(vector org) spawn_tfog; void(vector org, entity death_owner) spawn_tdeath; void() info_player_start; void() func_train_find; void(vector p) boss_missile; // EOF