/* Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002-2009 John Fitzgibbons and others Copyright (C) 2010-2014 QuakeSpasm developers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "q_defs.h" #include "bgmusic.h" void (*vid_menucmdfn)(void); //johnfitz void (*vid_menudrawfn)(void); void (*vid_menukeyfn)(int32_t key); enum m_state_e m_state; void M_Menu_Main_f(void); void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(void); void M_Menu_Load_f(void); void M_Menu_Save_f(void); void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(void); void M_Menu_Setup_f(void); void M_Menu_Net_f(void); void M_Menu_LanConfig_f(void); void M_Menu_GameOptions_f(void); void M_Menu_Search_f(void); void M_Menu_ServerList_f(void); void M_Menu_Options_f(void); void M_Menu_Keys_f(void); void M_Menu_Video_f(void); void M_Menu_Help_f(void); void M_Menu_Quit_f(void); void M_Main_Draw(void); void M_SinglePlayer_Draw(void); void M_Load_Draw(void); void M_Save_Draw(void); void M_MultiPlayer_Draw(void); void M_Setup_Draw(void); void M_Net_Draw(void); void M_LanConfig_Draw(void); void M_GameOptions_Draw(void); void M_Search_Draw(void); void M_ServerList_Draw(void); void M_Options_Draw(void); void M_Keys_Draw(void); void M_Video_Draw(void); void M_Help_Draw(void); void M_Quit_Draw(void); void M_Main_Key(int32_t key); void M_SinglePlayer_Key(int32_t key); void M_Load_Key(int32_t key); void M_Save_Key(int32_t key); void M_MultiPlayer_Key(int32_t key); void M_Setup_Key(int32_t key); void M_Net_Key(int32_t key); void M_LanConfig_Key(int32_t key); void M_GameOptions_Key(int32_t key); void M_Search_Key(int32_t key); void M_ServerList_Key(int32_t key); void M_Options_Key(int32_t key); void M_Keys_Key(int32_t key); void M_Video_Key(int32_t key); void M_Help_Key(int32_t key); void M_Quit_Key(int32_t key); bool m_entersound; // play after drawing a frame, so caching // won't disrupt the sound bool m_recursiveDraw; enum m_state_e m_return_state; bool m_return_onerror; char m_return_reason [32]; #define StartingGame (m_multiplayer_cursor == 1) #define JoiningGame (m_multiplayer_cursor == 0) #define IPXConfig (m_net_cursor == 0) #define TCPIPConfig (m_net_cursor == 1) void M_ConfigureNetSubsystem(void); /* ================ M_DrawCharacter Draws one solid graphics character ================ */ void M_DrawCharacter(int32_t cx, int32_t line, int32_t num) { Draw_Character(cx, line, num); } void M_Print(int32_t cx, int32_t cy, const char *str) { while(*str) { M_DrawCharacter(cx, cy, (*str) + 128); str++; cx += 8; } } void M_PrintWhite(int32_t cx, int32_t cy, const char *str) { while(*str) { M_DrawCharacter(cx, cy, *str); str++; cx += 8; } } void M_DrawTransPic(int32_t x, int32_t y, qpic_t *pic) { Draw_Pic(x, y, pic); //johnfitz -- simplified becuase centering is handled elsewhere } void M_DrawPic(int32_t x, int32_t y, qpic_t *pic) { Draw_Pic(x, y, pic); //johnfitz -- simplified becuase centering is handled elsewhere } void M_DrawTransPicTranslate(int32_t x, int32_t y, qpic_t *pic, int32_t top, int32_t bottom) //johnfitz -- more parameters { Draw_TransPicTranslate(x, y, pic, top, bottom); //johnfitz -- simplified becuase centering is handled elsewhere } void M_DrawTextBox(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t lines) { qpic_t *p; int32_t cx, cy; int32_t n; // draw left side cx = x; cy = y; p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_tl.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy, p); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_ml.lmp"); for(n = 0; n < lines; n++) { cy += 8; M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy, p); } p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_bl.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy + 8, p); // draw middle cx += 8; while(width > 0) { cy = y; p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_tm.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy, p); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_mm.lmp"); for(n = 0; n < lines; n++) { cy += 8; if(n == 1) p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_mm2.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy, p); } p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_bm.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy + 8, p); width -= 2; cx += 16; } // draw right side cy = y; p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_tr.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy, p); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_mr.lmp"); for(n = 0; n < lines; n++) { cy += 8; M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy, p); } p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/box_br.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(cx, cy + 8, p); } //============================================================================= int32_t m_save_demonum; /* ================ M_ToggleMenu_f ================ */ void M_ToggleMenu_f(void) { m_entersound = true; if(key_dest == key_menu) { if(m_state != m_main) { M_Menu_Main_f(); return; } IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; return; } if(key_dest == key_console) { Con_ToggleConsole_f(); } else { M_Menu_Main_f(); } } //============================================================================= /* MAIN MENU */ int32_t m_main_cursor; #define MAIN_ITEMS 5 void M_Menu_Main_f(void) { if(key_dest != key_menu) { m_save_demonum = cls.demonum; cls.demonum = -1; } IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_main; m_entersound = true; } void M_Main_Draw(void) { int32_t f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/ttl_main.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); M_DrawTransPic(72, 32, Draw_CachePic("gfx/mainmenu.lmp")); f = (int32_t)(realtime * 10) % 6; M_DrawTransPic(54, 32 + m_main_cursor * 20, Draw_CachePic(va("gfx/menudot%" PRIi32 ".lmp", f + 1))); } void M_Main_Key(int32_t key) { switch(key) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; cls.demonum = m_save_demonum; if(cls.demonum != -1 && !cls.demoplayback && cls.state != ca_connected) CL_NextDemo(); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(++m_main_cursor >= MAIN_ITEMS) m_main_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(--m_main_cursor < 0) m_main_cursor = MAIN_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: m_entersound = true; switch(m_main_cursor) { case 0: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(); break; case 1: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(); break; case 2: M_Menu_Options_f(); break; case 3: M_Menu_Help_f(); break; case 4: M_Menu_Quit_f(); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* SINGLE PLAYER MENU */ int32_t m_singleplayer_cursor; #define SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS 3 void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_singleplayer; m_entersound = true; } void M_SinglePlayer_Draw(void) { int32_t f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); M_DrawTransPic(72, 32, Draw_CachePic("gfx/sp_menu.lmp")); f = (int32_t)(realtime * 10) % 6; M_DrawTransPic(54, 32 + m_singleplayer_cursor * 20, Draw_CachePic(va("gfx/menudot%" PRIi32 ".lmp", f + 1))); } void M_SinglePlayer_Key(int32_t key) { switch(key) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_Main_f(); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(++m_singleplayer_cursor >= SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS) m_singleplayer_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(--m_singleplayer_cursor < 0) m_singleplayer_cursor = SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: m_entersound = true; switch(m_singleplayer_cursor) { case 0: if(sv.active) if(!SCR_ModalMessage("Are you sure you want to\nstart a new game?\n", 0.0f)) break; IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; if(sv.active) Cbuf_AddText("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText("maxplayers 1\n"); Cbuf_AddText("deathmatch 0\n"); //johnfitz Cbuf_AddText("coop 0\n"); //johnfitz Cbuf_AddText("map start\n"); break; case 1: M_Menu_Load_f(); break; case 2: M_Menu_Save_f(); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* LOAD/SAVE MENU */ int32_t load_cursor; // 0 < load_cursor < MAX_SAVEGAMES #define MAX_SAVEGAMES 20 /* johnfitz -- increased from 12 */ char m_filenames[MAX_SAVEGAMES][SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH + 1]; int32_t loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES]; void M_ScanSaves(void) { int32_t i, j; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; FILE *f; int32_t version; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) { strcpy(m_filenames[i], "--- UNUSED SLOT ---"); loadable[i] = false; q_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/s%" PRIi32 ".sav", com_gamedir, i); f = fopen(name, "r"); if(!f) continue; fscanf(f, "%" PRIi32 "\n", &version); fscanf(f, "%79s\n", name); strncpy(m_filenames[i], name, strsizeof(m_filenames[i])); // change _ back to space for(j = 0; j < SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH; j++) { if(m_filenames[i][j] == '_') m_filenames[i][j] = ' '; } loadable[i] = true; fclose(f); } } void M_Menu_Load_f(void) { m_entersound = true; m_state = m_load; IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; M_ScanSaves(); } void M_Menu_Save_f(void) { if(!sv.active) return; if(cl.intermission) return; if(svs.maxclients != 1) return; m_entersound = true; m_state = m_save; IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; M_ScanSaves(); } void M_Load_Draw(void) { int32_t i; qpic_t *p; p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_load.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * i, m_filenames[i]); // line cursor M_DrawCharacter(8, 32 + load_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); } void M_Save_Draw(void) { int32_t i; qpic_t *p; p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_save.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * i, m_filenames[i]); // line cursor M_DrawCharacter(8, 32 + load_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); } void M_Load_Key(int32_t k) { switch(k) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(); break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: S_LocalSound("misc/menu2.wav"); if(!loadable[load_cursor]) return; m_state = m_none; IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; // Host_Loadgame_f can't bring up the loading plaque because too much // stack space has been used, so do it now SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(); // issue the load command Cbuf_AddText(va("load s%" PRIi32 "\n", load_cursor)); return; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor--; if(load_cursor < 0) load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor++; if(load_cursor >= MAX_SAVEGAMES) load_cursor = 0; break; } } void M_Save_Key(int32_t k) { switch(k) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(); break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: m_state = m_none; IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; Cbuf_AddText(va("save s%" PRIi32 "\n", load_cursor)); return; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor--; if(load_cursor < 0) load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); load_cursor++; if(load_cursor >= MAX_SAVEGAMES) load_cursor = 0; break; } } //============================================================================= /* MULTIPLAYER MENU */ int32_t m_multiplayer_cursor; #define MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS 3 void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_multiplayer; m_entersound = true; } void M_MultiPlayer_Draw(void) { int32_t f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); M_DrawTransPic(72, 32, Draw_CachePic("gfx/mp_menu.lmp")); f = (int32_t)(realtime * 10) % 6; M_DrawTransPic(54, 32 + m_multiplayer_cursor * 20, Draw_CachePic(va("gfx/menudot%" PRIi32 ".lmp", f + 1))); if(ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) return; M_PrintWhite((320 / 2) - ((27 * 8) / 2), 148, "No Communications Available"); } void M_MultiPlayer_Key(int32_t key) { switch(key) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_Main_f(); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(++m_multiplayer_cursor >= MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS) m_multiplayer_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(--m_multiplayer_cursor < 0) m_multiplayer_cursor = MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: m_entersound = true; switch(m_multiplayer_cursor) { case 0: if(ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) M_Menu_Net_f(); break; case 1: if(ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable) M_Menu_Net_f(); break; case 2: M_Menu_Setup_f(); break; } } } //============================================================================= /* SETUP MENU */ int32_t setup_cursor = 4; int32_t setup_cursor_table[] = {40, 56, 80, 104, 140}; char setup_hostname[16]; char setup_myname[16]; int32_t setup_oldtop; int32_t setup_oldbottom; int32_t setup_top; int32_t setup_bottom; #define NUM_SETUP_CMDS 5 void M_Menu_Setup_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_setup; m_entersound = true; Q_strcpy(setup_myname, cl_name.string); Q_strcpy(setup_hostname, hostname.string); setup_top = setup_oldtop = ((int32_t)cl_color.value) >> 4; setup_bottom = setup_oldbottom = ((int32_t)cl_color.value) & 15; } void M_Setup_Draw(void) { qpic_t *p; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); M_Print(64, 40, "Hostname"); M_DrawTextBox(160, 32, 16, 1); M_Print(168, 40, setup_hostname); M_Print(64, 56, "Your name"); M_DrawTextBox(160, 48, 16, 1); M_Print(168, 56, setup_myname); M_Print(64, 80, "Shirt color"); M_Print(64, 104, "Pants color"); M_DrawTextBox(64, 140 - 8, 14, 1); M_Print(72, 140, "Accept Changes"); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/bigbox.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(160, 64, p); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/menuplyr.lmp"); M_DrawTransPicTranslate(172, 72, p, setup_top, setup_bottom); M_DrawCharacter(56, setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); if(setup_cursor == 0) M_DrawCharacter(168 + 8 * strlen(setup_hostname), setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 10 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); if(setup_cursor == 1) M_DrawCharacter(168 + 8 * strlen(setup_myname), setup_cursor_table [setup_cursor], 10 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); } void M_Setup_Key(int32_t k) { switch(k) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); setup_cursor--; if(setup_cursor < 0) setup_cursor = NUM_SETUP_CMDS - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); setup_cursor++; if(setup_cursor >= NUM_SETUP_CMDS) setup_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: if(setup_cursor < 2) return; S_LocalSound("misc/menu3.wav"); if(setup_cursor == 2) setup_top = setup_top - 1; if(setup_cursor == 3) setup_bottom = setup_bottom - 1; break; case K_RIGHTARROW: if(setup_cursor < 2) return; forward: S_LocalSound("misc/menu3.wav"); if(setup_cursor == 2) setup_top = setup_top + 1; if(setup_cursor == 3) setup_bottom = setup_bottom + 1; break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: if(setup_cursor == 0 || setup_cursor == 1) return; if(setup_cursor == 2 || setup_cursor == 3) goto forward; // setup_cursor == 4 (OK) if(Q_strcmp(cl_name.string, setup_myname) != 0) Cbuf_AddText(va("name \"%s\"\n", setup_myname)); if(Q_strcmp(hostname.string, setup_hostname) != 0) Cvar_Set("hostname", setup_hostname); if(setup_top != setup_oldtop || setup_bottom != setup_oldbottom) Cbuf_AddText(va("color %" PRIi32 " %" PRIi32 "\n", setup_top, setup_bottom)); m_entersound = true; M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(); break; case K_BACKSPACE: if(setup_cursor == 0) { if(strlen(setup_hostname)) setup_hostname[strlen(setup_hostname) - 1] = 0; } if(setup_cursor == 1) { if(strlen(setup_myname)) setup_myname[strlen(setup_myname) - 1] = 0; } break; } if(setup_top > 13) setup_top = 0; if(setup_top < 0) setup_top = 13; if(setup_bottom > 13) setup_bottom = 0; if(setup_bottom < 0) setup_bottom = 13; } void M_Setup_Char(int32_t k) { int32_t l; switch(setup_cursor) { case 0: l = strlen(setup_hostname); if(l < 15) { setup_hostname[l + 1] = 0; setup_hostname[l] = k; } break; case 1: l = strlen(setup_myname); if(l < 15) { setup_myname[l + 1] = 0; setup_myname[l] = k; } break; } } bool M_Setup_TextEntry(void) { return (setup_cursor == 0 || setup_cursor == 1); } //============================================================================= /* NET MENU */ int32_t m_net_cursor; int32_t m_net_items; const char *net_helpMessage [] = { /* .........1.........2.... */ " Novell network LANs ", " or Windows 95 DOS-box. ", " ", "(LAN=Local Area Network)", " Commonly used to play ", " over the Internet, but ", " also used on a Local ", " Area Network. " }; void M_Menu_Net_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_net; m_entersound = true; m_net_items = 2; if(m_net_cursor >= m_net_items) m_net_cursor = 0; m_net_cursor--; M_Net_Key(K_DOWNARROW); } void M_Net_Draw(void) { int32_t f; qpic_t *p; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); f = 32; if(ipxAvailable) p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/netmen3.lmp"); else p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/dim_ipx.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(72, f, p); f += 19; if(tcpipAvailable) p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/netmen4.lmp"); else p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/dim_tcp.lmp"); M_DrawTransPic(72, f, p); f = (320 - 26 * 8) / 2; M_DrawTextBox(f, 96, 24, 4); f += 8; M_Print(f, 104, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 0]); M_Print(f, 112, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 1]); M_Print(f, 120, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 2]); M_Print(f, 128, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 3]); f = (int32_t)(realtime * 10) % 6; M_DrawTransPic(54, 32 + m_net_cursor * 20, Draw_CachePic(va("gfx/menudot%" PRIi32 ".lmp", f + 1))); } void M_Net_Key(int32_t k) { again: switch(k) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(); break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(++m_net_cursor >= m_net_items) m_net_cursor = 0; break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if(--m_net_cursor < 0) m_net_cursor = m_net_items - 1; break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: m_entersound = true; M_Menu_LanConfig_f(); break; } if(m_net_cursor == 0 && !ipxAvailable) goto again; if(m_net_cursor == 1 && !tcpipAvailable) goto again; } //============================================================================= /* OPTIONS MENU */ enum { OPT_CUSTOMIZE = 0, OPT_CONSOLE, // 1 OPT_DEFAULTS, // 2 OPT_SCALE, OPT_SCRSIZE, OPT_GAMMA, OPT_CONTRAST, OPT_MOUSESPEED, OPT_SBALPHA, OPT_SNDVOL, OPT_MUSICVOL, OPT_MUSICEXT, OPT_ALWAYRUN, OPT_INVMOUSE, OPT_ALWAYSMLOOK, OPT_LOOKSPRING, OPT_LOOKSTRAFE, OPT_VIDEO, // This is the last before OPTIONS_ITEMS OPTIONS_ITEMS }; enum { ALWAYSRUN_OFF = 0, ALWAYSRUN_VANILLA, ALWAYSRUN_QUAKESPASM, ALWAYSRUN_ITEMS }; #define SLIDER_RANGE 10 int32_t options_cursor; void M_Menu_Options_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_options; m_entersound = true; } void M_AdjustSliders(int32_t dir) { int32_t curr_alwaysrun, target_alwaysrun; float f, l; S_LocalSound("misc/menu3.wav"); switch(options_cursor) { case OPT_SCALE: // console and menu scale l = ((vid.width + 31) / 32) / 10.0; f = scr_conscale.value + dir * .1; if(f < 1) f = 1; else if(f > l) f = l; Cvar_SetValue("scr_conscale", f); Cvar_SetValue("scr_menuscale", f); Cvar_SetValue("scr_sbarscale", f); break; case OPT_SCRSIZE: // screen size f = scr_viewsize.value + dir * 10; if(f > 120) f = 120; else if(f < 30) f = 30; Cvar_SetValue("viewsize", f); break; case OPT_GAMMA: // gamma f = vid_gamma.value - dir * 0.05; if(f < 0.5) f = 0.5; else if(f > 1) f = 1; Cvar_SetValue("gamma", f); break; case OPT_CONTRAST: // contrast f = vid_contrast.value + dir * 0.1; if(f < 1) f = 1; else if(f > 2) f = 2; Cvar_SetValue("contrast", f); break; case OPT_MOUSESPEED: // mouse speed f = sensitivity.value + dir * 0.5; if(f > 11) f = 11; else if(f < 1) f = 1; Cvar_SetValue("sensitivity", f); break; case OPT_SBALPHA: // statusbar alpha f = scr_sbaralpha.value - dir * 0.05; if(f < 0) f = 0; else if(f > 1) f = 1; Cvar_SetValue("scr_sbaralpha", f); break; case OPT_MUSICVOL: // music volume f = bgmvolume.value + dir * 0.1; if(f < 0) f = 0; else if(f > 1) f = 1; Cvar_SetValue("bgmvolume", f); break; case OPT_MUSICEXT: // enable external music vs cdaudio Cvar_Set("bgm_extmusic", bgm_extmusic.value ? "0" : "1"); break; case OPT_SNDVOL: // sfx volume f = sfxvolume.value + dir * 0.1; if(f < 0) f = 0; else if(f > 1) f = 1; Cvar_SetValue("volume", f); break; case OPT_ALWAYRUN: // always run if(cl_alwaysrun.value) curr_alwaysrun = ALWAYSRUN_QUAKESPASM; else if(cl_forwardspeed.value > 200) curr_alwaysrun = ALWAYSRUN_VANILLA; else curr_alwaysrun = ALWAYSRUN_OFF; target_alwaysrun = (ALWAYSRUN_ITEMS + curr_alwaysrun + dir) % ALWAYSRUN_ITEMS; if(target_alwaysrun == ALWAYSRUN_VANILLA) { Cvar_SetValue("cl_alwaysrun", 0); Cvar_SetValue("cl_forwardspeed", 400); Cvar_SetValue("cl_backspeed", 400); } else if(target_alwaysrun == ALWAYSRUN_QUAKESPASM) { Cvar_SetValue("cl_alwaysrun", 1); Cvar_SetValue("cl_forwardspeed", 200); Cvar_SetValue("cl_backspeed", 200); } else // ALWAYSRUN_OFF { Cvar_SetValue("cl_alwaysrun", 0); Cvar_SetValue("cl_forwardspeed", 200); Cvar_SetValue("cl_backspeed", 200); } break; case OPT_INVMOUSE: // invert mouse Cvar_SetValue("m_pitch", -m_pitch.value); break; case OPT_ALWAYSMLOOK: if(in_mlook.state & 1) Cbuf_AddText("-mlook"); else Cbuf_AddText("+mlook"); break; case OPT_LOOKSPRING: // lookspring Cvar_Set("lookspring", lookspring.value ? "0" : "1"); break; case OPT_LOOKSTRAFE: // lookstrafe Cvar_Set("lookstrafe", lookstrafe.value ? "0" : "1"); break; } } void M_DrawSlider(int32_t x, int32_t y, float range) { int32_t i; if(range < 0) range = 0; if(range > 1) range = 1; M_DrawCharacter(x - 8, y, 128); for(i = 0; i < SLIDER_RANGE; i++) M_DrawCharacter(x + i * 8, y, 129); M_DrawCharacter(x + i * 8, y, 130); M_DrawCharacter(x + (SLIDER_RANGE - 1) * 8 * range, y, 131); } void M_DrawCheckbox(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t on) { if(on) M_Print(x, y, "on"); else M_Print(x, y, "off"); } void M_Options_Draw(void) { float r, l; qpic_t *p; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_option.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); // Draw the items in the order of the enum defined above: // OPT_CUSTOMIZE: M_Print(16, 32, " Controls"); // OPT_CONSOLE: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_CONSOLE, " Goto console"); // OPT_DEFAULTS: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_DEFAULTS, " Reset config"); // OPT_SCALE: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_SCALE, " Scale"); l = (vid.width / 320.0) - 1; r = l > 0 ? (scr_conscale.value - 1) / l : 0; M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_SCALE, r); // OPT_SCRSIZE: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_SCRSIZE, " Screen size"); r = (scr_viewsize.value - 30) / (120 - 30); M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_SCRSIZE, r); // OPT_GAMMA: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_GAMMA, " Brightness"); r = (1.0 - vid_gamma.value) / 0.5; M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_GAMMA, r); // OPT_CONTRAST: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_CONTRAST, " Contrast"); r = vid_contrast.value - 1.0; M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_CONTRAST, r); // OPT_MOUSESPEED: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_MOUSESPEED, " Mouse Speed"); r = (sensitivity.value - 1) / 10; M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_MOUSESPEED, r); // OPT_SBALPHA: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_SBALPHA, " Statusbar alpha"); r = (1.0 - scr_sbaralpha.value) ; // scr_sbaralpha range is 1.0 to 0.0 M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_SBALPHA, r); // OPT_SNDVOL: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_SNDVOL, " Sound Volume"); r = sfxvolume.value; M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_SNDVOL, r); // OPT_MUSICVOL: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_MUSICVOL, " Music Volume"); r = bgmvolume.value; M_DrawSlider(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_MUSICVOL, r); // OPT_MUSICEXT: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_MUSICEXT, " External Music"); M_DrawCheckbox(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_MUSICEXT, bgm_extmusic.value); // OPT_ALWAYRUN: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_ALWAYRUN, " Always Run"); if(cl_alwaysrun.value) M_Print(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_ALWAYRUN, "quakespasm"); else if(cl_forwardspeed.value > 200.0) M_Print(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_ALWAYRUN, "vanilla"); else M_Print(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_ALWAYRUN, "off"); // OPT_INVMOUSE: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_INVMOUSE, " Invert Mouse"); M_DrawCheckbox(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_INVMOUSE, m_pitch.value < 0); // OPT_ALWAYSMLOOK: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_ALWAYSMLOOK, " Mouse Look"); M_DrawCheckbox(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_ALWAYSMLOOK, in_mlook.state & 1); // OPT_LOOKSPRING: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_LOOKSPRING, " Lookspring"); M_DrawCheckbox(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_LOOKSPRING, lookspring.value); // OPT_LOOKSTRAFE: M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_LOOKSTRAFE, " Lookstrafe"); M_DrawCheckbox(220, 32 + 8 * OPT_LOOKSTRAFE, lookstrafe.value); // OPT_VIDEO: if(vid_menudrawfn) M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * OPT_VIDEO, " Video Options"); // cursor M_DrawCharacter(200, 32 + options_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); } void M_Options_Key(int32_t k) { switch(k) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_Main_f(); break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: m_entersound = true; switch(options_cursor) { case OPT_CUSTOMIZE: M_Menu_Keys_f(); break; case OPT_CONSOLE: m_state = m_none; Con_ToggleConsole_f(); break; case OPT_DEFAULTS: if(SCR_ModalMessage("This will reset all controls\n" "and stored cvars. Continue? (y/n)\n", 15.0f)) { Cbuf_AddText("resetcfg\n"); Cbuf_AddText("exec default.cfg\n"); } break; case OPT_VIDEO: M_Menu_Video_f(); break; default: M_AdjustSliders(1); break; } return; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); options_cursor--; if(options_cursor < 0) options_cursor = OPTIONS_ITEMS - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); options_cursor++; if(options_cursor >= OPTIONS_ITEMS) options_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: M_AdjustSliders(-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: M_AdjustSliders(1); break; } if(options_cursor == OPTIONS_ITEMS - 1 && vid_menudrawfn == NULL) { if(k == K_UPARROW) options_cursor = OPTIONS_ITEMS - 2; else options_cursor = 0; } } //============================================================================= /* KEYS MENU */ const char *bindnames[][2] = { {"+attack", "attack"}, {"impulse 10", "next weapon"}, {"impulse 12", "prev weapon"}, {"+jump", "jump / swim up"}, {"+forward", "walk forward"}, {"+back", "backpedal"}, {"+left", "turn left"}, {"+right", "turn right"}, {"+speed", "run"}, {"+moveleft", "step left"}, {"+moveright", "step right"}, {"+strafe", "sidestep"}, {"+lookup", "look up"}, {"+lookdown", "look down"}, {"centerview", "center view"}, {"+mlook", "mouse look"}, {"+klook", "keyboard look"}, {"+moveup", "swim up"}, {"+movedown", "swim down"} }; #define NUMCOMMANDS (sizeof(bindnames)/sizeof(bindnames[0])) static int32_t keys_cursor; static bool bind_grab; void M_Menu_Keys_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_keys; m_entersound = true; } void M_FindKeysForCommand(const char *command, int32_t *threekeys) { int32_t count; int32_t j; int32_t l; char *b; threekeys[0] = threekeys[1] = threekeys[2] = -1; l = strlen(command); count = 0; for(j = 0; j < MAX_KEYS; j++) { b = keybindings[j]; if(!b) continue; if(!strncmp(b, command, l)) { threekeys[count] = j; count++; if(count == 3) break; } } } void M_UnbindCommand(const char *command) { int32_t j; int32_t l; char *b; l = strlen(command); for(j = 0; j < MAX_KEYS; j++) { b = keybindings[j]; if(!b) continue; if(!strncmp(b, command, l)) Key_SetBinding(j, NULL); } } extern qpic_t *pic_up, *pic_down; void M_Keys_Draw(void) { int32_t i, x, y; int32_t keys[3]; const char *name; qpic_t *p; p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); if(bind_grab) M_Print(12, 32, "Press a key or button for this action"); else M_Print(18, 32, "Enter to change, backspace to clear"); // search for known bindings for(i = 0; i < (int32_t)NUMCOMMANDS; i++) { y = 48 + 8 * i; M_Print(16, y, bindnames[i][1]); M_FindKeysForCommand(bindnames[i][0], keys); if(keys[0] == -1) { M_Print(140, y, "???"); } else { name = Key_KeynumToString(keys[0]); M_Print(140, y, name); x = strlen(name) * 8; if(keys[1] != -1) { name = Key_KeynumToString(keys[1]); M_Print(140 + x + 8, y, "or"); M_Print(140 + x + 32, y, name); x = x + 32 + strlen(name) * 8; if(keys[2] != -1) { M_Print(140 + x + 8, y, "or"); M_Print(140 + x + 32, y, Key_KeynumToString(keys[2])); } } } } if(bind_grab) M_DrawCharacter(130, 48 + keys_cursor * 8, '='); else M_DrawCharacter(130, 48 + keys_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); } void M_Keys_Key(int32_t k) { char cmd[80]; int32_t keys[3]; if(bind_grab) { // defining a key S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); if((k != K_ESCAPE) && (k != '`')) { sprintf(cmd, "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", Key_KeynumToString(k), bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); Cbuf_InsertText(cmd); } bind_grab = false; IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); // deactivate because we're returning to the menu return; } switch(k) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_Options_f(); break; case K_LEFTARROW: case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); keys_cursor--; if(keys_cursor < 0) keys_cursor = NUMCOMMANDS - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); keys_cursor++; if(keys_cursor >= (int32_t)NUMCOMMANDS) keys_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: // go into bind mode case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: M_FindKeysForCommand(bindnames[keys_cursor][0], keys); S_LocalSound("misc/menu2.wav"); if(keys[2] != -1) M_UnbindCommand(bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); bind_grab = true; IN_Activate(); // activate to allow mouse key binding break; case K_BACKSPACE: // delete bindings case K_DEL: S_LocalSound("misc/menu2.wav"); M_UnbindCommand(bindnames[keys_cursor][0]); break; } } //============================================================================= /* VIDEO MENU */ void M_Menu_Video_f(void) { (*vid_menucmdfn)(); //johnfitz } void M_Video_Draw(void) { (*vid_menudrawfn)(); } void M_Video_Key(int32_t key) { (*vid_menukeyfn)(key); } //============================================================================= /* HELP MENU */ int32_t help_page; #define NUM_HELP_PAGES 6 void M_Menu_Help_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_help; m_entersound = true; help_page = 0; } void M_Help_Draw(void) { M_DrawPic(0, 0, Draw_CachePic(va("gfx/help%" PRIi32 ".lmp", help_page))); } void M_Help_Key(int32_t key) { switch(key) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_Main_f(); break; case K_UPARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: m_entersound = true; if(++help_page >= NUM_HELP_PAGES) help_page = 0; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: m_entersound = true; if(--help_page < 0) help_page = NUM_HELP_PAGES - 1; break; } } //============================================================================= /* QUIT MENU */ int32_t msgNumber; enum m_state_e m_quit_prevstate; bool wasInMenus; void M_Menu_Quit_f(void) { if(m_state == m_quit) return; wasInMenus = (key_dest == key_menu); IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_quit_prevstate = m_state; m_state = m_quit; m_entersound = true; msgNumber = rand() & 7; } void M_Quit_Key(int32_t key) { if(key == K_ESCAPE) { if(wasInMenus) { m_state = m_quit_prevstate; m_entersound = true; } else { IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; } } } void M_Quit_Char(int32_t key) { switch(key) { case 'n': case 'N': if(wasInMenus) { m_state = m_quit_prevstate; m_entersound = true; } else { IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; } break; case 'y': case 'Y': IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_console; Host_Quit_f(); break; default: break; } } bool M_Quit_TextEntry(void) { return true; } void M_Quit_Draw(void) { static char const msg1[] = ENGINE_NAME " " VERSION; static char const msg2[] = "FIXME: make this customizable"; static char const msg3[] = "Press y to quit"; int32_t boxlen; if(wasInMenus) { m_state = m_quit_prevstate; m_recursiveDraw = true; M_Draw(); m_state = m_quit; } boxlen = q_max(strsizeof(msg1), q_max(strsizeof(msg2), strsizeof(msg3))) + 1; if(boxlen & 1) boxlen++; M_DrawTextBox(160 - 4 * (boxlen + 2), 76, boxlen, 4); M_Print(160 - 4 * strsizeof(msg1), 88, msg1); M_Print(160 - 4 * strsizeof(msg2), 96, msg2); M_PrintWhite(160 - 4 * strsizeof(msg3), 104, msg3); } //============================================================================= /* LAN CONFIG MENU */ int32_t lanConfig_cursor = -1; int32_t lanConfig_cursor_table [] = {72, 92, 124}; #define NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS 3 int32_t lanConfig_port; char lanConfig_portname[6]; char lanConfig_joinname[22]; void M_Menu_LanConfig_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_lanconfig; m_entersound = true; if(lanConfig_cursor == -1) { if(JoiningGame && TCPIPConfig) lanConfig_cursor = 2; else lanConfig_cursor = 1; } if(StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2) lanConfig_cursor = 1; lanConfig_port = DEFAULTnet_hostport; sprintf(lanConfig_portname, "%" PRIu32 "", lanConfig_port); m_return_onerror = false; m_return_reason[0] = 0; } void M_LanConfig_Draw(void) { qpic_t *p; int32_t basex; const char *startJoin; const char *protocol; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); basex = (320 - p->width) / 2; M_DrawPic(basex, 4, p); if(StartingGame) startJoin = "New Game"; else startJoin = "Join Game"; if(IPXConfig) protocol = "IPX"; else protocol = "TCP/IP"; M_Print(basex, 32, va("%s - %s", startJoin, protocol)); basex += 8; M_Print(basex, 52, "Address:"); if(IPXConfig) M_Print(basex + 9 * 8, 52, my_ipx_address); else M_Print(basex + 9 * 8, 52, my_tcpip_address); M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port"); M_DrawTextBox(basex + 8 * 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0] - 8, 6, 1); M_Print(basex + 9 * 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], lanConfig_portname); if(JoiningGame) { M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "Search for local games..."); M_Print(basex, 108, "Join game at:"); M_DrawTextBox(basex + 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[2] - 8, 22, 1); M_Print(basex + 16, lanConfig_cursor_table[2], lanConfig_joinname); } else { M_DrawTextBox(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1] - 8, 2, 1); M_Print(basex + 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "OK"); } M_DrawCharacter(basex - 8, lanConfig_cursor_table [lanConfig_cursor], 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); if(lanConfig_cursor == 0) M_DrawCharacter(basex + 9 * 8 + 8 * strlen(lanConfig_portname), lanConfig_cursor_table [0], 10 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); if(lanConfig_cursor == 2) M_DrawCharacter(basex + 16 + 8 * strlen(lanConfig_joinname), lanConfig_cursor_table [2], 10 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); if(*m_return_reason) M_PrintWhite(basex, 148, m_return_reason); } void M_LanConfig_Key(int32_t key) { int32_t l; switch(key) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_Net_f(); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); lanConfig_cursor--; if(lanConfig_cursor < 0) lanConfig_cursor = NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); lanConfig_cursor++; if(lanConfig_cursor >= NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS) lanConfig_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: if(lanConfig_cursor == 0) break; m_entersound = true; M_ConfigureNetSubsystem(); if(lanConfig_cursor == 1) { if(StartingGame) { M_Menu_GameOptions_f(); break; } M_Menu_Search_f(); break; } if(lanConfig_cursor == 2) { m_return_state = m_state; m_return_onerror = true; IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; Cbuf_AddText(va("connect \"%s\"\n", lanConfig_joinname)); break; } break; case K_BACKSPACE: if(lanConfig_cursor == 0) { if(strlen(lanConfig_portname)) lanConfig_portname[strlen(lanConfig_portname) - 1] = 0; } if(lanConfig_cursor == 2) { if(strlen(lanConfig_joinname)) lanConfig_joinname[strlen(lanConfig_joinname) - 1] = 0; } break; } if(StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2) { if(key == K_UPARROW) lanConfig_cursor = 1; else lanConfig_cursor = 0; } l = Q_atoi(lanConfig_portname); if(l > 65535) l = lanConfig_port; else lanConfig_port = l; sprintf(lanConfig_portname, "%" PRIu32 "", lanConfig_port); } void M_LanConfig_Char(int32_t key) { int32_t l; switch(lanConfig_cursor) { case 0: if(key < '0' || key > '9') return; l = strlen(lanConfig_portname); if(l < 5) { lanConfig_portname[l + 1] = 0; lanConfig_portname[l] = key; } break; case 2: l = strlen(lanConfig_joinname); if(l < 21) { lanConfig_joinname[l + 1] = 0; lanConfig_joinname[l] = key; } break; } } bool M_LanConfig_TextEntry(void) { return (lanConfig_cursor == 0 || lanConfig_cursor == 2); } //============================================================================= /* GAME OPTIONS MENU */ typedef struct { const char *name; const char *description; } level_t; level_t levels[] = { {"start", "Entrance"}, // 0 {"e1m1", "Slipgate Complex"}, // 1 {"e1m2", "Castle of the Damned"}, {"e1m3", "The Necropolis"}, {"e1m4", "The Grisly Grotto"}, {"e1m5", "Gloom Keep"}, {"e1m6", "The Door To Chthon"}, {"e1m7", "The House of Chthon"}, {"e1m8", "Ziggurat Vertigo"}, {"e2m1", "The Installation"}, // 9 {"e2m2", "Ogre Citadel"}, {"e2m3", "Crypt of Decay"}, {"e2m4", "The Ebon Fortress"}, {"e2m5", "The Wizard's Manse"}, {"e2m6", "The Dismal Oubliette"}, {"e2m7", "Underearth"}, {"e3m1", "Termination Central"}, // 16 {"e3m2", "The Vaults of Zin"}, {"e3m3", "The Tomb of Terror"}, {"e3m4", "Satan's Dark Delight"}, {"e3m5", "Wind Tunnels"}, {"e3m6", "Chambers of Torment"}, {"e3m7", "The Haunted Halls"}, {"e4m1", "The Sewage System"}, // 23 {"e4m2", "The Tower of Despair"}, {"e4m3", "The Elder God Shrine"}, {"e4m4", "The Palace of Hate"}, {"e4m5", "Hell's Atrium"}, {"e4m6", "The Pain Maze"}, {"e4m7", "Azure Agony"}, {"e4m8", "The Nameless City"}, {"end", "Shub-Niggurath's Pit"}, // 31 {"dm1", "Place of Two Deaths"}, // 32 {"dm2", "Claustrophobopolis"}, {"dm3", "The Abandoned Base"}, {"dm4", "The Bad Place"}, {"dm5", "The Cistern"}, {"dm6", "The Dark Zone"} }; //MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic levels level_t hipnoticlevels[] = { {"start", "Command HQ"}, // 0 {"hip1m1", "The Pumping Station"}, // 1 {"hip1m2", "Storage Facility"}, {"hip1m3", "The Lost Mine"}, {"hip1m4", "Research Facility"}, {"hip1m5", "Military Complex"}, {"hip2m1", "Ancient Realms"}, // 6 {"hip2m2", "The Black Cathedral"}, {"hip2m3", "The Catacombs"}, {"hip2m4", "The Crypt"}, {"hip2m5", "Mortum's Keep"}, {"hip2m6", "The Gremlin's Domain"}, {"hip3m1", "Tur Torment"}, // 12 {"hip3m2", "Pandemonium"}, {"hip3m3", "Limbo"}, {"hip3m4", "The Gauntlet"}, {"hipend", "Armagon's Lair"}, // 16 {"hipdm1", "The Edge of Oblivion"} // 17 }; //PGM 01/07/97 added rogue levels //PGM 03/02/97 added dmatch level level_t roguelevels[] = { {"start", "Split Decision"}, {"r1m1", "Deviant's Domain"}, {"r1m2", "Dread Portal"}, {"r1m3", "Judgement Call"}, {"r1m4", "Cave of Death"}, {"r1m5", "Towers of Wrath"}, {"r1m6", "Temple of Pain"}, {"r1m7", "Tomb of the Overlord"}, {"r2m1", "Tempus Fugit"}, {"r2m2", "Elemental Fury I"}, {"r2m3", "Elemental Fury II"}, {"r2m4", "Curse of Osiris"}, {"r2m5", "Wizard's Keep"}, {"r2m6", "Blood Sacrifice"}, {"r2m7", "Last Bastion"}, {"r2m8", "Source of Evil"}, {"ctf1", "Division of Change"} }; typedef struct { const char *description; int32_t firstLevel; int32_t levels; } episode_t; episode_t episodes[] = { {"Welcome to Quake", 0, 1}, {"Doomed Dimension", 1, 8}, {"Realm of Black Magic", 9, 7}, {"Netherworld", 16, 7}, {"The Elder World", 23, 8}, {"Final Level", 31, 1}, {"Deathmatch Arena", 32, 6} }; //MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes episode_t hipnoticepisodes[] = { {"Scourge of Armagon", 0, 1}, {"Fortress of the Dead", 1, 5}, {"Dominion of Darkness", 6, 6}, {"The Rift", 12, 4}, {"Final Level", 16, 1}, {"Deathmatch Arena", 17, 1} }; //PGM 01/07/97 added rogue episodes //PGM 03/02/97 added dmatch episode episode_t rogueepisodes[] = { {"Introduction", 0, 1}, {"Hell's Fortress", 1, 7}, {"Corridors of Time", 8, 8}, {"Deathmatch Arena", 16, 1} }; int32_t startepisode; int32_t startlevel; int32_t maxplayers; bool m_serverInfoMessage = false; double m_serverInfoMessageTime; void M_Menu_GameOptions_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_gameoptions; m_entersound = true; if(maxplayers == 0) maxplayers = svs.maxclients; if(maxplayers < 2) maxplayers = svs.maxclientslimit; } int32_t gameoptions_cursor_table[] = {40, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 112, 120}; #define NUM_GAMEOPTIONS 9 int32_t gameoptions_cursor; void M_GameOptions_Draw(void) { qpic_t *p; int32_t x; M_DrawTransPic(16, 4, Draw_CachePic("gfx/qplaque.lmp")); p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); M_DrawTextBox(152, 32, 10, 1); M_Print(160, 40, "begin game"); M_Print(0, 56, " Max players"); M_Print(160, 56, va("%" PRIi32 "", maxplayers)); M_Print(0, 64, " Game Type"); if(coop.value) M_Print(160, 64, "Cooperative"); else M_Print(160, 64, "Deathmatch"); M_Print(0, 72, " Teamplay"); if(rogue) { const char *msg; switch((int32_t)teamplay.value) { case 1: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break; case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break; case 3: msg = "Tag"; break; case 4: msg = "Capture the Flag"; break; case 5: msg = "One Flag CTF"; break; case 6: msg = "Three Team CTF"; break; default: msg = "Off"; break; } M_Print(160, 72, msg); } else { const char *msg; switch((int32_t)teamplay.value) { case 1: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break; case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break; default: msg = "Off"; break; } M_Print(160, 72, msg); } M_Print(0, 80, " Skill"); if(skill.value == 0) M_Print(160, 80, "Easy difficulty"); else if(skill.value == 1) M_Print(160, 80, "Normal difficulty"); else if(skill.value == 2) M_Print(160, 80, "Hard difficulty"); else M_Print(160, 80, "Nightmare difficulty"); M_Print(0, 88, " Frag Limit"); if(fraglimit.value == 0) M_Print(160, 88, "none"); else M_Print(160, 88, va("%" PRIi32 " frags", (int32_t)fraglimit.value)); M_Print(0, 96, " Time Limit"); if(timelimit.value == 0) M_Print(160, 96, "none"); else M_Print(160, 96, va("%" PRIi32 " minutes", (int32_t)timelimit.value)); M_Print(0, 112, " Episode"); // MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes if(hipnotic) M_Print(160, 112, hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].description); // PGM 01/07/97 added rogue episodes else if(rogue) M_Print(160, 112, rogueepisodes[startepisode].description); else M_Print(160, 112, episodes[startepisode].description); M_Print(0, 120, " Level"); // MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes if(hipnotic) { M_Print(160, 120, hipnoticlevels[hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].description); M_Print(160, 128, hipnoticlevels[hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name); } // PGM 01/07/97 added rogue episodes else if(rogue) { M_Print(160, 120, roguelevels[rogueepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].description); M_Print(160, 128, roguelevels[rogueepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name); } else { M_Print(160, 120, levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].description); M_Print(160, 128, levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name); } // line cursor M_DrawCharacter(144, gameoptions_cursor_table[gameoptions_cursor], 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); if(m_serverInfoMessage) { if((realtime - m_serverInfoMessageTime) < 5.0) { x = (320 - 26 * 8) / 2; M_DrawTextBox(x, 138, 24, 4); x += 8; M_Print(x, 146, " More than 4 players "); M_Print(x, 154, " requires using command "); M_Print(x, 162, "line parameters; please "); M_Print(x, 170, " see techinfo.txt. "); } else { m_serverInfoMessage = false; } } } void M_NetStart_Change(int32_t dir) { int32_t count; float f; switch(gameoptions_cursor) { case 1: maxplayers += dir; if(maxplayers > svs.maxclientslimit) { maxplayers = svs.maxclientslimit; m_serverInfoMessage = true; m_serverInfoMessageTime = realtime; } if(maxplayers < 2) maxplayers = 2; break; case 2: Cvar_Set("coop", coop.value ? "0" : "1"); break; case 3: count = (rogue) ? 6 : 2; f = teamplay.value + dir; if(f > count) f = 0; else if(f < 0) f = count; Cvar_SetValue("teamplay", f); break; case 4: f = skill.value + dir; if(f > 3) f = 0; else if(f < 0) f = 3; Cvar_SetValue("skill", f); break; case 5: f = fraglimit.value + dir * 10; if(f > 100) f = 0; else if(f < 0) f = 100; Cvar_SetValue("fraglimit", f); break; case 6: f = timelimit.value + dir * 5; if(f > 60) f = 0; else if(f < 0) f = 60; Cvar_SetValue("timelimit", f); break; case 7: startepisode += dir; //MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic count if(hipnotic) count = 6; //PGM 01/07/97 added rogue count //PGM 03/02/97 added 1 for dmatch episode else if(rogue) count = 4; else count = 7; if(startepisode < 0) startepisode = count - 1; if(startepisode >= count) startepisode = 0; startlevel = 0; break; case 8: startlevel += dir; //MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes if(hipnotic) count = hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].levels; //PGM 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes else if(rogue) count = rogueepisodes[startepisode].levels; else count = episodes[startepisode].levels; if(startlevel < 0) startlevel = count - 1; if(startlevel >= count) startlevel = 0; break; } } void M_GameOptions_Key(int32_t key) { switch(key) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_Net_f(); break; case K_UPARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); gameoptions_cursor--; if(gameoptions_cursor < 0) gameoptions_cursor = NUM_GAMEOPTIONS - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); gameoptions_cursor++; if(gameoptions_cursor >= NUM_GAMEOPTIONS) gameoptions_cursor = 0; break; case K_LEFTARROW: if(gameoptions_cursor == 0) break; S_LocalSound("misc/menu3.wav"); M_NetStart_Change(-1); break; case K_RIGHTARROW: if(gameoptions_cursor == 0) break; S_LocalSound("misc/menu3.wav"); M_NetStart_Change(1); break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: S_LocalSound("misc/menu2.wav"); if(gameoptions_cursor == 0) { if(sv.active) Cbuf_AddText("disconnect\n"); Cbuf_AddText("listen 0\n"); // so host_netport will be re-examined Cbuf_AddText(va("maxplayers %" PRIu32 "\n", maxplayers)); SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(); if(hipnotic) Cbuf_AddText(va("map %s\n", hipnoticlevels[hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name)); else if(rogue) Cbuf_AddText(va("map %s\n", roguelevels[rogueepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name)); else Cbuf_AddText(va("map %s\n", levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name)); return; } M_NetStart_Change(1); break; } } //============================================================================= /* SEARCH MENU */ bool searchComplete = false; double searchCompleteTime; void M_Menu_Search_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_search; m_entersound = false; slistSilent = true; slistLocal = false; searchComplete = false; NET_Slist_f(); } void M_Search_Draw(void) { qpic_t *p; int32_t x; p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); x = (320 / 2) - ((12 * 8) / 2) + 4; M_DrawTextBox(x - 8, 32, 12, 1); M_Print(x, 40, "Searching..."); if(slistInProgress) { NET_Poll(); return; } if(! searchComplete) { searchComplete = true; searchCompleteTime = realtime; } if(hostCacheCount) { M_Menu_ServerList_f(); return; } M_PrintWhite((320 / 2) - ((22 * 8) / 2), 64, "No Quake servers found"); if((realtime - searchCompleteTime) < 3.0) return; M_Menu_LanConfig_f(); } void M_Search_Key(int32_t key) { (void)key; } //============================================================================= /* SLIST MENU */ int32_t slist_cursor; bool slist_sorted; void M_Menu_ServerList_f(void) { IN_Deactivate(modestate == MS_WINDOWED); key_dest = key_menu; m_state = m_slist; m_entersound = true; slist_cursor = 0; m_return_onerror = false; m_return_reason[0] = 0; slist_sorted = false; } void M_ServerList_Draw(void) { int32_t n; qpic_t *p; if(!slist_sorted) { slist_sorted = true; NET_SlistSort(); } p = Draw_CachePic("gfx/p_multi.lmp"); M_DrawPic((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p); for(n = 0; n < hostCacheCount; n++) M_Print(16, 32 + 8 * n, NET_SlistPrintServer(n)); M_DrawCharacter(0, 32 + slist_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int32_t)(realtime * 4) & 1)); if(*m_return_reason) M_PrintWhite(16, 148, m_return_reason); } void M_ServerList_Key(int32_t k) { switch(k) { case K_ESCAPE: case K_BBUTTON: M_Menu_LanConfig_f(); break; case K_SPACE: M_Menu_Search_f(); break; case K_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); slist_cursor--; if(slist_cursor < 0) slist_cursor = hostCacheCount - 1; break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: S_LocalSound("misc/menu1.wav"); slist_cursor++; if(slist_cursor >= hostCacheCount) slist_cursor = 0; break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ABUTTON: S_LocalSound("misc/menu2.wav"); m_return_state = m_state; m_return_onerror = true; slist_sorted = false; IN_Activate(); key_dest = key_game; m_state = m_none; Cbuf_AddText(va("connect \"%s\"\n", NET_SlistPrintServerName(slist_cursor))); break; default: break; } } //============================================================================= /* Menu Subsystem */ void M_Init(void) { Cmd_AddCommand("togglemenu", M_ToggleMenu_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_main", M_Menu_Main_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_singleplayer", M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_load", M_Menu_Load_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_save", M_Menu_Save_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_multiplayer", M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_setup", M_Menu_Setup_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_options", M_Menu_Options_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_keys", M_Menu_Keys_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_video", M_Menu_Video_f); Cmd_AddCommand("help", M_Menu_Help_f); Cmd_AddCommand("menu_quit", M_Menu_Quit_f); } void M_Draw(void) { if(m_state == m_none || key_dest != key_menu) return; if(!m_recursiveDraw) { if(scr_con_current) { Draw_ConsoleBackground(); S_ExtraUpdate(); } Draw_FadeScreen(); //johnfitz -- fade even if console fills screen } else { m_recursiveDraw = false; } GL_SetCanvas(CANVAS_MENU); //johnfitz switch(m_state) { case m_none: break; case m_main: M_Main_Draw(); break; case m_singleplayer: M_SinglePlayer_Draw(); break; case m_load: M_Load_Draw(); break; case m_save: M_Save_Draw(); break; case m_multiplayer: M_MultiPlayer_Draw(); break; case m_setup: M_Setup_Draw(); break; case m_net: M_Net_Draw(); break; case m_options: M_Options_Draw(); break; case m_keys: M_Keys_Draw(); break; case m_video: M_Video_Draw(); break; case m_help: M_Help_Draw(); break; case m_quit: M_Quit_Draw(); break; case m_lanconfig: M_LanConfig_Draw(); break; case m_gameoptions: M_GameOptions_Draw(); break; case m_search: M_Search_Draw(); break; case m_slist: M_ServerList_Draw(); break; } if(m_entersound) { S_LocalSound("misc/menu2.wav"); m_entersound = false; } S_ExtraUpdate(); } void M_Keydown(int32_t key) { switch(m_state) { case m_none: return; case m_main: M_Main_Key(key); return; case m_singleplayer: M_SinglePlayer_Key(key); return; case m_load: M_Load_Key(key); return; case m_save: M_Save_Key(key); return; case m_multiplayer: M_MultiPlayer_Key(key); return; case m_setup: M_Setup_Key(key); return; case m_net: M_Net_Key(key); return; case m_options: M_Options_Key(key); return; case m_keys: M_Keys_Key(key); return; case m_video: M_Video_Key(key); return; case m_help: M_Help_Key(key); return; case m_quit: M_Quit_Key(key); return; case m_lanconfig: M_LanConfig_Key(key); return; case m_gameoptions: M_GameOptions_Key(key); return; case m_search: M_Search_Key(key); break; case m_slist: M_ServerList_Key(key); return; } } void M_Charinput(int32_t key) { switch(m_state) { case m_setup: M_Setup_Char(key); return; case m_quit: M_Quit_Char(key); return; case m_lanconfig: M_LanConfig_Char(key); return; default: return; } } bool M_TextEntry(void) { switch(m_state) { case m_setup: return M_Setup_TextEntry(); case m_quit: return M_Quit_TextEntry(); case m_lanconfig: return M_LanConfig_TextEntry(); default: return false; } } void M_ConfigureNetSubsystem(void) { // enable/disable net systems to match desired config Cbuf_AddText("stopdemo\n"); if(IPXConfig || TCPIPConfig) net_hostport = lanConfig_port; }