
64 lines
2.6 KiB

{% load humanize %}
<article class="snipt {% if not snipt.public %}private-snipt{% endif %} {% if snipt.get_line_count > 8 and not detail %}expandable{% endif %}">
<div class="number">#{{ }}</div>
<div class="group">
<div class="container">
<h2>{{ snipt.lexer_name }}</h2>
<h1><a href="{{ snipt.get_absolute_url }}">{{ snipt.title }}</a></h1>
<section class="code {% if %}{{ }}{% else %}autumn{% endif %}">
{{ snipt.get_stylized|safe }}
{% if snipt.get_line_count > 8 and not detail %}
<a href="#" class="expand">
<span class="expand">Expand</span>
<span class="collapse">Collapse</span>
<span class="lines">({{ snipt.get_line_count }} lines)</span>
{% endif %}
<div class="raw">{{ snipt.code }}</div>
<div class="ruler top-x"></div>
<div class="ruler bottom-x"></div>
<ul class="options">
{% if snipt.user == request.user %}
<a class="edit" href="#">Edit</a>
{% endif %}
<a class="embed" href="#">Embed</a>
<a class="copy" href="#"><span class="do">Copy</span><span class="done">Copied!</span></a>
<section class="tags">
<h2>{{ snipt.tags.all|length }} tag{{ snipt.tags.all|pluralize }}</h2>
{% for tag in snipt.sorted_tags %}
<li {% if forloop.counter > 4 and not detail %}class="hidden"{% endif %}>
{% if public %}
<a href="/public/tag/{{ tag.slug }}/">{{ tag }}</a>
{% else %}
<a href="/{{ snipt.user.username }}/tag/{{ tag.slug }}/">{{ tag }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<ul class="attrs">
<li class="author"><a href="{{ snipt.user.get_absolute_url }}">{{ snipt.user.username }}</a></li>
<li class="created">{{ snipt.created|naturalday }}</li>
{% block comments %}{% endblock %}