# Snipt # Deploying to Heroku - Clone the repo. - `heroku create` - `heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev` - `heroku addons:add searchbox` - `heroku addons:create postmark:10k` - `heroku addons:open postmark` -> use an email you control - `heroku config:add POSTMARK_EMAIL=` - `heroku config:add DEBUG=False` - `heroku config:add SECRET_KEY=` - `git push heroku` - `heroku run python manage.py migrate` - `heroku run python manage.py createsuperuser` - Visit yourapp.herokuapp.com and login with the user you just created. If you want to disable user-facing signup: - `heroku config:set DISABLE_SIGNUP=true` If you want to enable Disqus comments: - `heroku config:set DISQUS_SHORTNAME=whatever`