# Snipt This is the codebase for the website, [Snipt.net](https://snipt.net/). # Running the Django app locally with Vagrant Install [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) and either [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) or [VMWare Fusion](http://www.vmware.com/products/fusion). 1. Clone the repo. 2. `cp settings_local.py-template settings_local.py` 3. Edit local settings (choose a database password - you'll be prompted for it). 4. `make vagrant` 5. Visit [http://local.snipt.net:8080/](http://local.snipt.net:8080/). # Deploying to a VM 1. Clone the repo. 2. `cp settings_local.py-template settings_local_server.py` 3. Edit local server settings (choose a database password - you'll be prompted for it). 4. Manually change the VM IP address in the Makefile. 5. `make server` # Deploying to Heroku 1. Clone the repo. 2. `heroku create` 3. `heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev` 4. `heroku addons:add searchbox` 8. `heroku config:add DEBUG=False` 9. `heroku config:add POSTMARK_API_KEY=` 12. `heroku config:add SECRET_KEY=` 13. `heroku config:add STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=` 14. `heroku config:add USE_SSL=False` 15. `git push heroku` 16. `heroku run python manage.py syncdb` 17. `heroku run python manage.py migrate` Any problems / questions / bugs, [create an issue](https://github.com/nicksergeant/snipt/issues). Thanks! :)