(function(Site) { var Snipt = snipt.module('snipt'); Backbone.oldSync = Backbone.sync; Backbone.Model.prototype.idAttribute = 'resource_uri'; var addSlash = function(str) { return str + ((str.length > 0 && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '/') ? '' : '/'); }; Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) { options.headers = _.extend({ 'Authorization': 'ApiKey ' + window.user + ':' + window.api_key }, options.headers); return Backbone.oldSync(method, model, options); }; Backbone.Model.prototype.url = function() { var url = this.id; if (!url) { url = this.urlRoot; url = url || this.collection && (_.isFunction(this.collection.url) ? this.collection.url() : this.collection.url); if (url && this.has('id')) { url = addSlash(url) + this.get('id'); } } url = url && addSlash(url); if (typeof url === 'undefined') { url = '/api/private/snipt/'; this.unset('id', {'silent': true}); this.unset('user', {'silent': true}); } return url || null; }; Site.SiteView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: 'body', initialize: function(opts) { this.$body = $(this.el); this.$html = $('html'); this.$html_body = this.$body.add(this.$html); this.$aside_main = $('aside.main', this.$body); this.$aside_nav = $('aside.nav', this.$body); this.$teams_nav = $('li.teams-nav', this.$body); this.$add_snipt = $('li.add-snipt', this.$body); this.$aside_nav_ul = $('ul', this.$aside_nav); this.$search_form = $('form.search', this.$body); this.$search_query = $('input#search-query', this.$body); this.$search_page_query = $('input.search-query', this.$body); this.$search_queries = this.$search_query.add(this.$search_page_query); this.$snipts = $('section#snipts article.snipt', this.$body); this.$modals = $('div.modal', this.$snipts); this.$main_edit = $('section#main-edit'); this.$main = $('section#main'); this.$keyboard_shortcuts = $('#keyboard-shortcuts', this.$body); this.keyboardShortcuts(); this.inFieldLabels(); var SniptListView = Snipt.SniptListView; this.snipt_list = new SniptListView({ 'snipts': this.$snipts }); var that = this; this.$body.click(function() { if (!window.ui_halted && !window.from_modal && window.$selected) { window.$selected.trigger('deselect'); } if (window.from_modal) { window.from_modal = false; } that.$aside_nav.removeClass('open'); that.$teams_nav.removeClass('open'); that.$add_snipt.removeClass('open'); }); this.$aside_nav_ul.click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $search_queries = this.$search_queries; $search_queries.focus(function() { if (window.$selected) { $selected.trigger('deselect'); } }); this.$body.on('click', 'a.close', function() { $(this).parent().parent().modal('hide'); window.ui_halted = false; return false; }); this.$keyboard_shortcuts.on('hidden', function() { window.ui_halted = false; }); if (this.$body.hasClass('login')) { $('input#id_username').focus(); } // Highlight any Markdown code. $('div.markdown pre code').each(function(i, e) { hljs.highlightBlock(e); }); window.ui_halted = false; }, events: { 'showKeyboardShortcuts': 'showKeyboardShortcuts', 'click a.mini-profile': 'toggleMiniProfile', 'click a.teams-nav': 'toggleTeamsNav' }, keyboardShortcuts: function() { var $body = this.$body; var that = this; $search_queries = this.$search_queries; $search_page_query = this.$search_page_query; $search_query = this.$search_query; $document = $(document); $document.bind('keydown', '/', function(e) { if (!window.ui_halted) { e.preventDefault(); if ($body.hasClass('search')) { $search_page_query.focus(); } else { $search_query.focus(); } } }); $document.bind('keydown', 'Ctrl+h', function(e) { if (!window.ui_halted) { window.ui_halted = true; $body.trigger('showKeyboardShortcuts'); } else { if (that.$keyboard_shortcuts.is(':visible')) { that.$keyboard_shortcuts.modal('hide'); } } }); this.$search_queries.bind('keydown', 'esc', function(e) { if (!window.ui_halted) { e.preventDefault(); this.blur(); } }); }, showKeyboardShortcuts: function() { this.$keyboard_shortcuts.modal('toggle'); }, toggleMiniProfile: function(e) { this.$aside_nav.toggleClass('open'); return false; }, toggleTeamsNav: function(e) { this.$teams_nav.toggleClass('open'); return false; }, inFieldLabels: function () { $('div.infield label', this.$body).inFieldLabels({ fadeDuration: 200 }); } }); })(snipt.module('site'));