from __future__ import with_statement import os from fabric.api import * from dwfab.misc import growl as _growl UPLOADS_DIR = 'media/uploads' APPS_TO_SYNC = [ 'contenttypes', 'auth', 'redirects', 'sites', ] def prod(): '''Run on the production site.''' env.env_name = 'production' env.hosts = [''] env.process_name = 'beta_snipt' env.site_path = '/var/www/beta-snipt' env.venv_path = '/home/nick/virtualenvs/beta-snipt' env.site_url = '' env.uploads_path = env.site_path + '/' + UPLOADS_DIR def _python(cmd): return env.venv_path.rstrip('/') + '/bin/python ' + cmd def _lpython(cmd): return os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV').rstrip('/') + '/bin/python ' + cmd def _pip(cmd): return env.venv_path.rstrip('/') + '/bin/pip ' + cmd def pull_uploads(): '''Copy the uploads from the site to your local machine.''' require('uploads_path', provided_by=['prod']) sudo('chmod -R a+r "%s"' % env.uploads_path) rsync_command = r"""rsync -av -e 'ssh -p %s' %s@%s:%s %s""" % ( env.port, env.user,, env.uploads_path.rstrip('/') + '/', UPLOADS_DIR.rstrip('/') ) print local(rsync_command, capture=False) def pull_data(): '''Copy the data from the site to your local machine.''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) require('venv_path', provided_by=['prod']) for app in APPS_TO_SYNC: local(_lpython(' reset --noinput %s' % app)) local(_lpython(' migrate --fake %s' % app)) for app in APPS_TO_SYNC: with cd(env.site_path): sudo(_python(' dumpdata --format=json --indent=2 --natural ' + '%s > snipt-fixtures-%s.json' % (app, app))) get('%s/snipt-fixtures-%s.json' % (env.site_path, app), 'snipt-fixtures-%s.json' % app) local(_lpython(' loaddata snipt-fixtures-%s.json' % app)) def pull_all(): '''Copy the uploads and data from the site to your local machine.''' pull_uploads() pull_data() _growl('Snipt: Pull Complete', 'The database and uploads have been refreshed.') def reindex(): require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) with cd(env.site_path): sudo(_python(' rebuild_index --noinput')) def syncdb(): '''Run syncdb.''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) require('venv_path', provided_by=['prod']) with cd(env.site_path): sudo(_python(' syncdb')) def migrate(): '''Run any needed migrations.''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) require('venv_path', provided_by=['prod']) with cd(env.site_path): sudo(_python(' migrate')) def requirements(): '''Copy local requirements.txt to the site and install requirements.''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) require('venv_path', provided_by=['prod']) with cd(env.site_path): put('requirements.txt', 'requirements.txt') run(_pip('install -r requirements.txt')) run('hg revert requirements.txt') def retag(): '''Check which revision the site is at and update the local tag. Useful if someone else has deployed (which makes your production/staging local tag incorrect. ''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) require('env_name', provided_by=['prod']) with cd(env.site_path): current = run('hg id --rev . --quiet').strip(' \n+') local('hg tag --local --force %s --rev %s' % (env.env_name, current)) def deploy(rev='.'): '''Deploy your current revision to the site. You can also specify a different revision to deploy by passing an argument: fab stag deploy:1a2cc06d You can use your local revision numbers as arguments -- the full hash will be looked up and used. ''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) rev = local('hg id --rev %s --quiet' % rev).strip(' \n+') local('hg push --rev %s' % rev) with cd(env.site_path): run('hg tag --local --force previous') run('hg pull --rev %s' % rev) run('hg update --rev %s' % rev) retag() syncdb() migrate() restart() check() def deploy_template(rev='.'): '''Deploy your current revision to the site, without restarting the server. You can also specify a different revision to deploy by passing an argument: fab stag deploy:1a2cc06d You can use your local revision numbers as arguments -- the full hash will be looked up and used. ''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) rev = local('hg id --rev %s --quiet' % rev).strip(' \n+') local('hg push --rev %s' % rev) with cd(env.site_path): run('hg tag --local --force previous') run('hg pull --rev %s' % rev) run('hg update --rev %s' % rev) retag() check() def rollback(): '''Roll the site back to the version it was at before the last deployment. Things may break if migrations were made between the versions. TODO: Fix this. ''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) with cd(env.site_path): run('hg update previous') retag() restart() check() def check(): '''Check that the home page of the site returns an HTTP 200. If it does, a normal growl message is sent. If it does not, a warning is issued and a sticky growl message is sent. ''' require('site_url', provided_by=['prod']) if not '200 OK' in run('curl --silent -I "%s"' % env.site_url): warn("Something is wrong (we didn't get a 200 response)!") _growl('Snipt: DEPLOYMENT ERROR', 'Something went wrong. Please investigate.', sticky=True) else: _growl('Snipt: Deployment Complete', 'Deployment finished, site is working.') def restart(): '''Restart the site's gunicorn server.''' require('site_path', provided_by=['prod']) require('process_name', provided_by=['prod']) sudo('supervisorctl restart %s' % env.process_name) with cd(env.site_path): sudo('chmod a+r media/css/*.css')