# Snipt This is the codebase for the website, [Snipt.net](https://snipt.net/). It's a relatively well-kept Django app, so you shouldn't have too many problems getting a local copy running. # Running the Django app 1. Clone the repo. 2. Setup a virtualenv. 3. `pip install -r requirements.txt` 4. `pip install --index-url https://code.stripe.com --upgrade stripe` 4. Copy local_settings-template.py to local_settings.py and edit the settings. 5. Comment out [this line](https://github.com/nicksergeant/snipt/blob/master/snipts/models.py#L19) from `snipts/models.py` 6. `python manage.py syncdb` 7. `python manage.py migrate` 8. Uncomment the line in `snipt/models.py` 9. `python manage.py runserver` Any problems / questions / bugs, [create an issue](https://github.com/nicksergeant/snipt/issues). Thanks! :)