# Directories {{{ function l tree --dirsfirst -ChFL 1 $args end function ll tree --dirsfirst -ChFupDaL 1 $args end # }}} # Directories {{{ set -g -x fish_greeting '' set -g -x EDITOR vim # }}} # Git and Mercurial functions {{{ function gca git commit -a $argv end function gco git checkout $argv end function gd git diff HEAD end function gl git pull $argv end function gp git push $argv end function gst git status $argv end # }}} # Programs {{{ function logs sudo supervisorctl tail -f snipt stdout end function run sudo supervisorctl restart snipt sudo supervisorctl tail -f snipt stdout end function rs sudo supervisorctl restart snipt end function ssc sudo supervisorctl $argv end function wo workon (cat .venv) $argv end # }}} # Prompt {{{ set -x fish_color_command 005fd7\x1epurple set -x fish_color_search_match --background=purple function prompt_pwd --description 'Print the current working directory, shortend to fit the prompt' echo $PWD | sed -e "s|^$HOME|~|" end function virtualenv_prompt if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ] printf '\033[0;37m(%s) ' (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") $argv end end function fish_prompt z --add "$PWD" echo ' ' printf '\033[0;31m%s\033[0;37m on ' (whoami) printf '\033[0;31m%s ' (hostname -f) printf '\033[0;32m%s' (prompt_pwd) echo virtualenv_prompt printf '\033[0;37m> ' end # }}} # Virtualenv {{{ set -x WORKON_HOME '/var/www/.virtualenvs' source ~/.config/fish/virtualenv.fish # }}} # Z {{{ source /etc/z.fish function j z $argv end # }}}