{% extends "base.html" %} {% load humanize %} {% block sub-header %}{% endblock %} {% block keyboard-shortcuts %}{% endblock %} {% block inline-js %}{% endblock %} {% block snipt-templates %}{% endblock %} {% block preload %}{% endblock %} {% block main-edit %}{% endblock %} {% block body-class %}homepage{% endblock %} {% block html-class %}homepage{% endblock %} {% block css %} {% endblock %} {% block header %}


The publishing platform for coders.

Store, share, blog, learn.

{% endblock %} {% block main %}

{{ users_count|intcomma }} coders in over 120 countries have stored {{ snipts_count|intcomma }} snipts, in 145 languages.

{% if request.user.is_authenticated %} My snipts {% else %} Sign up {% endif %}
{% for coder in coders %} {{ coder.username }} {% endfor %}

Built for coders.

Store private code snippets.

Your snipts are private by default, making them perfect for storing and organizing code you never want to forget.

Fast, code-focused blogging.

A full blog in seconds: mark a snipt as "Blog Post", and blog with ease. Markdown support built-in. Your domain, or ours.

Browse, search, learn.

Browse and search through public snipts to learn new approaches and best practices.

{% endblock %}