{% extends "base.html" %} {% block page-title %}Sign up for Snipt Pro{% endblock %} {% block body-class %}{{ block.super }} static pro pro-signup{% endblock %} {% block extra-scripts %} {% endblock %} {% block js %} {{ block.super }} Stripe.setPublishableKey('pk_dHS5OwimSS1q73HB1YejiNfw37eI3'); {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumb %}
  • Snipt Pro
  • / Sign up
  • {% endblock %} {% block content %}

    Snipt Pro signup

    Please wait…
    You're awesome.
    Visa MasterCard Discover American Express
    {% csrf_token %}
    Secure by default. Every page on Snipt is secured with HTTPS.
    Your credit card is stored securely with Stripe and we use Stripe.js for maximum security (view the source).
    {% endblock %}