{% extends "base.html" %} {% block page-title %}Sign up for Snipt Pro{% endblock %} {% block body-class %}{{ block.super }} static signup pro pro-signup{% endblock %} {% block extra-scripts %} {% endblock %} {% block js %} {{ block.super }} {% if debug %} Stripe.setPublishableKey('pk_test_cgknmaWRMQeJt2adEdvH3T9l'); {% else %} Stripe.setPublishableKey('pk_live_gUO2nCl7dhx6j0posz6gnbhA'); {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumb %}
  • Snipt Pro
  • {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if request.GET.declined %}
    {{ request.GET.declined }} You have not been charged. Please try again.
    {% endif %}
    Go Pro for just $5/month.

    As a paid Snipt member you'll unlock the ability to post private snipts, have unrestricted access to the app, API, custom-domain blogging, instant chat support, and more.

    Group discounts available. Email support@snipt.net for details.

    {% if not request.user.is_authenticated %} {% elif request.user.profile.is_pro %} {% else %}
    Please wait…
    Visa MasterCard Discover American Express
    {% csrf_token %}
    Secure by default. Every Snipt page is secure.
    Your credit card is stored securely with Stripe and we use Stripe.js for maximum security.
    Prefer to pay with PayPal? Email support@snipt.net.
    {% endif %}
    {% endblock %} {% block analytics %} {% if not debug %} window.ll('tagScreen', 'Pro signup view'); {% endif %} {% endblock %}