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# Snipt
2014-10-20 08:50:04 -07:00
# Deploying to Heroku
2016-11-03 09:21:22 -07:00
2016-11-01 12:15:56 -07:00
- Clone the repo.
- `heroku create`
- `heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev`
- `heroku addons:add searchbox`
- `heroku addons:create postmark:10k`
- `heroku addons:open postmark` -> use an email you control
- `heroku config:add POSTMARK_EMAIL=<email_from_above>`
- `heroku config:add SECRET_KEY=`
- `git push heroku`
- `heroku run python migrate`
- `heroku run python createsuperuser`
- Visit and login with the user you just created.
2016-11-02 13:14:56 -07:00
If you want to disable user-facing signup:
- `heroku config:set DISABLE_SIGNUP=true`
2016-11-02 13:22:23 -07:00
If you want to enable Disqus comments:
- `heroku config:set DISQUS_SHORTNAME=whatever`
2016-11-03 06:49:20 -07:00
If you want to enable Django's DEBUG mode:
- `heroku config:add DEBUG=False`
If you want to enable SSL (after you've configured your Heroku SSL cert):
- `heroku config:add USE_SSL=False`