/** * @name Pixelcord * @author Hyblocker * @version 3.2.7 * @description Material Design Theme with numerous enhancements for Discord * @source https://github.com/hyblocker/pixelcord * @updateUrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyblocker/pixelcord/main/Pixelcord.theme.css */ /* SETTINGS */ /* Enhancements | Modal Blur - Blurs the black tinted background behind modals like image previews if enabled */ /* @import url(https://hyblocker.github.io/pixelcord/modules/enhancements/background_blur.css); */ /* Functions | Collapsing channels list - Channels list collapses and uncollapses on hover, giving you more room to read */ /* @import url(https://hyblocker.github.io/pixelcord/modules/functions/hover_channels.css); */ /* Functions | Collapsing members list - Members list collapses and uncollapses on hover, giving you more room to read */ /* @import url(https://hyblocker.github.io/pixelcord/modules/functions/hover_members.css); */ /* Functions | macOS Buttons - Replaces window buttons with macOS style buttons (Windows) */ /* @import url(https://hyblocker.github.io/pixelcord/modules/functions/macos_buttons.css); */ /* EXTERNAL MODULES */ /* Add-Ons | Discolored - Colorize Discord's boring SVGs! */ @import url(https://nyri4.github.io/Discolored/main.css); /* Add-Ons | Google Emojis */ /* @import url(https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Themes/EmojiReplace/base/Google.css); */ /* Add-Ons | BadgesEverywhere - Colored Badges */ @import url(https://mr-miner1.github.io/Better-Badges/src/badges.css); /* Add-Ons | BadgesEverywhere - White Badges */ /* @import url(https://mr-miner1.github.io/Better-Badges/src/whitebadges.css); */ /* DO NOT REMOVE */ @import url(https://hyblocker.github.io/pixelcord/dist.css); /* VARIABLES */ [data-popout-root].newBrand, html.newBrand, :root { --snackbar-bg: #333; --snackbar-shadow: 0 3px 5px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0 6px 10px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0 1px 18px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 12%); --snackbar-radius: 4px; --snackbar-height: 32px; --snackbar-padding: 14px 16px; --switch-knob-color: #ECECEC; --switch-slider-color: rgba(135, 135, 135,0.65); --button-radius: 4px; --background-blur-intensity: 10px; --chatbox-top-padding: 16px; --header-weight: 600; --subtitle-weight: 500; --section-weight: 900; --font-header: "Google Sans", "Migu 1M", sans-serif; --font-code: "Roboto Mono", monospace; --font-primary: var(--font-header); --font-secondary: var(--font-header); --font-display: var(--font-header); --card-padding: 12px; --channels-width: 300px; --pip-width: 320px; --pip-radius: 12px; --tooltip-bg: #2a2a2a; --tooltip-text: #ffffff; --checkbox-size: 15px; --settings-list-width: 316px; --settings-padding: 8px; --settings-header-height: 84px; --members-width: 240px; --mouseX: 0px; --mouseY: 0px; } .theme-light { --accent: var(--primary-700); --accent-selected-highlight: rgba(28, 116, 233, 12%); --accent-highlight: var(--primary-500); --accent-text: white; --text-semidark: rgb(149, 149, 149); --baseline: #f8f9fa; --chip: #D7D7D7; --chip-active: #D7D7D7; --chip-text: #363536; --navdrawer-color: white; --navdrawer-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); --navdrawer-active: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); --navdrawer-separator: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); --combobox-outline: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); --title-color: #606060; --list-color: #202124; --logo-color: #202124; --header-color: #202124; --interactive-muted: #8f929c; --channels-default: #46494c; --ripple-default: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36); --danger: rgb(255, 70, 70); --danger-highlight: rgb(255, 118, 118); --online: #43b581; --online-highlight: #66c296; --idle: #faa61a; --dnd: var(--danger); --stream: #643da7; --offline: #636b75; } .callContainer-36WRfH, .theme-dark { --accent: var(--primary-400); --accent-selected-highlight: rgba(52, 164, 255, 12%); --accent-highlight: var(--primary-200); --accent-text: white; --baseline: #272a2b; --chip: #595A5E; --chip-active: #595A5E; --chip-text: white; --navdrawer-color: #222222; --navdrawer-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); --navdrawer-active: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); --navdrawer-separator: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); --combobox-outline: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); --title-color: #aaa; --list-color: #fff; --logo-color: #fff; --header-color: #fff; --interactive-muted: #6b6b6b; --channels-default: #9b9fa5; --ripple-default: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.36); --danger: rgb(207, 102, 121); --danger-highlight: rgb(255, 118, 118); --online: #66c296; --online-highlight: #43b581; --idle: #fbec52; --dnd: var(--danger); --stream: #9176c1; --offline: #868d96; } :root { --chip-height: 16px; } * { text-transform: none !important; } code { font-family: monospace !important; } .chat-3bRxxu .message-2qnXI6:hover { outline: 1px solid #5a5a5a; } .botTagRegular-2HEhHi, .botTagInvert-18-95s { background: none; }