#!/usr/bin/env racket #lang racket/base (require "rebuild-pkgs.rkt") (require racket/cmdline) (require racket/format) (require racket/system) (require racket/port) (define home (find-system-path 'home-dir)) (define cwd current-directory) (define (sys cmd) (eprintf "(~v) ~v\n" (cwd) cmd) (unless (system cmd) (eprintf "error in rebuild, aborting\n") (exit 1))) (define (str-or-empty hash key str) (if (hash-ref hash key #f) str "")) (define (higan-make args) (sys (~a "make -j12 -C " args " uninstall")) (sys (~a "make -j12 -C " args " clean")) (sys (~a "make -j12 -C " args " all")) (sys (~a "make -j12 -C " args " install"))) (define (default-pkg-url pkg) (~a "https://aur.archlinux.org/" pkg ".git")) (define (get-latest-tag) (define latest (with-output-to-string (λ () (sys "git rev-list --tags --max-count=1")))) (with-output-to-string (λ () (sys (~a "git describe --tags " latest))))) (define (build-pkg pkg opts) (parameterize ([cwd (build-path home "bin")]) (let ([makepkg-args (~a "-isrLcCf --noconfirm" (str-or-empty opts 'asdeps " --asdeps") (str-or-empty opts 'force " -f") (str-or-empty opts 'skipinteg " --skipinteg"))] [clone-url (hash-ref opts 'url (default-pkg-url pkg))] [special-handling (hash-ref opts 'handle 'none)] [branch (hash-ref opts 'branch "master")] [pkg-dir (build-path (cwd) (symbol->string pkg))]) (unless (directory-exists? pkg-dir) (sys (~a "git clone -b " branch " " clone-url))) (parameterize ([cwd pkg-dir]) (sys "git pull") (case special-handling ['none (sys (~a "makepkg " makepkg-args))] ['higan-shaders (let ([loc "~/.local/share/higan"]) (sys (~a "mkdir -p " loc "/shaders")) (sys (~a "cp -r ./* " loc "/shaders")) ; they forgot to change the directory! (sys (~a "cp -r " loc "/Video\\ Shaders/* " loc "/shaders")))] ['higan (sys "git fetch --tags") (sys (~a "git checkout " (get-latest-tag))) (higan-make "higan target=higan") (higan-make "icarus") (sys "make -j12 -C shaders install")] [else (raise-argument-error 'build-pkg "(or/c 'none 'higan)" special-handling)]))))) (define (resume-from-pkg input-pkg [pkg-list all-packages]) (let ([package (car pkg-list)]) (if (equal? package input-pkg) pkg-list (resume-from-pkg input-pkg (cdr pkg-list))))) (let* ([resume-from (make-parameter null)] [cmdline-pkgs (command-line #:once-each ["--resume-from" pkg "Resume compiling from a package." (resume-from pkg)] #:args pkgs (map string->symbol pkgs))] [pkgs (if (null? cmdline-pkgs) (let ([input-package (resume-from)]) (if (null? input-package) all-packages (resume-from-pkg (string->symbol input-package)))) cmdline-pkgs)]) (for ([package pkgs]) (build-pkg package (hash-ref package-options package (hash))))) ;; EOF