if status is-interactive and not status is-login and test -z "$TMUX" exec tmux new-session end function fish_prompt echo (set_color purple)"$hostname% " end function fish_right_prompt echo (set_color green)(pwd) end function fish_greeting echo "Word of the moment: "(shuf -n1 /usr/share/dict/words) | awk -f ~/src/scripts/mid.awk col=$COLUMNS end function rebuild $HOME/src/scripts/rebuild.rkt $argv end function cheat.sh -d 'Grabs a sheet from cheat.sh' -a arg curl cheat.sh/$arg end complete -c cheat.sh -xa '(curl -s cheat.sh/:list)' function ql -d 'Changes directory to a quicklink' -a name if not set -q quicklink_$name name echo (set_color red)"error: no quicklink named $name"(set_color normal) return end set name quicklink_$name cd $$name end function ql-r -w ql -d 'Removes a quicklink' -a name if not set -q name echo (set_color red)"error: not enough arguments"(set_color normal) return end set -Ue quicklink_$name end function ql-s -d 'Saves the working directory as a quicklink' -a name if not set -q name echo (set_color red)"error: not enough arguments"(set_color normal) return end set -U quicklink_$name $PWD end complete -c ql -xa '(set -U | rg -or \'$1\' \'^quicklink_(.+) \')' ## EOF