#!/usr/bin/env fish function fish_prompt set _stat $status echo -n (set_color 70a9ff)(date +%H:%M:%S) echo -n (set_color normal)( if test $_stat -eq 0 echo '@' else echo '!' end) echo -n ( if test $_agw_chroot set_color f54f4c else set_color c792ea end)$hostname echo (set_color normal)"% " end function fish_right_prompt echo -n (set_color c3e88d)(pwd) echo (set_color normal) end function fish_greeting if test -f /usr/share/dict/words && test (which shuf) && test (which ruby) set_color c50ed2 echo -n "Word of the moment: "(shuf -n1 /usr/share/dict/words) | ruby -e 'puts $stdin.read.center ARGV[0].to_i' $COLUMNS set_color normal end end ## EOF