emacs: fixes for windows to function

an 2022-06-07 19:22:58 -06:00
parent d3b0cb8668
commit e9d9dfbe2c
1 changed files with 12 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
;; packages
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/marrub/src/use-package")
(add-to-list 'load-path (locate-user-emacs-file "use-package"))
(require 'use-package))
;; theme
@ -404,13 +404,14 @@
:after (dirvish undo-tree)
:demand t
:hook ((evil-local-mode . turn-on-undo-tree-mode))
(setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
(setq evil-cjk-emacs-word-boundary t
evil-cross-lines t
evil-mode-line-format 'after
evil-shift-width 3
evil-vsplit-window-right t
evil-want-keybinding nil
evil-indent-convert-tabs nil
evil-normal-state-tag "~"
evil-insert-state-tag "i"
@ -433,8 +434,9 @@
;; visuals
(setq agw-ligature-path (locate-user-emacs-file "ligature.el"))
(use-package ligature
:load-path "/home/marrub/src/ligature.el"
:load-path agw-ligature-path
@ -444,13 +446,13 @@
"##" "#{" "#[" "]#" "#(" "#?" "#_(" "#_" "#:" "#!" "#=" "^="
"<$>" "<$" "$>" "<+>" "<+" "+>" "<*>" "<*" "*>" "</>" "</" "/>"
"<!--" "<#--" "-->" "--" "->>" "<<-" "<-" "<=<" "=<<" "<<="
"<==>" "<==" "<=>" "==>" "=>>" ">=>" ">>=" ">=" ">>-" "-<<" ">->"
">-" "<-<" "-<" "<-|" "<=|" "<=" "<->" "|=>" "|->" "->" "=>" "|="
"|-" "<~~" "<~>" "<~" "~~>" "~~" "~>" "~-" "-~" "~@" "[||]" "|]"
"[|" "|}" "{|" "[<" ">]" "<|>" "|||>" "<|||" "||>" "<||" "|>"
"<|" "||" "..." "..<" ".." ".=" ".?" ":::" "::=" "::" ":=" ":?"
":?>" "///" "//" "/*" "*/" "//=" "/==" "==" "/=" "@_" "__" "<<"
"<==>" "<==" "<=>" "==>" "=>>" ">=>" ">>=" ">=" ">>-" "-<<"
">->" ">-" "<-<" "-<" "<-|" "<=|" "<=" "<->" "|=>" "|->" "->"
"=>" "|=" "|-" "<~~" "<~>" "<~" "~~>" "~~" "~>" "~-" "-~" "~@"
"[||]" "|]" "[|" "|}" "{|" "[<" ">]" "<|>" "|||>" "<|||" "||>"
"<||" "|>" "<|" "||" "..." "..<" ".." ".=" ".?" ":::" "::="
"::" ":=" ":?" ":?>" "///" "//" "/*" "*/" "//=" "/==" "==" "/="
"@_" "__" "<<" ">>"))
(global-ligature-mode 't))
(use-package simple