virtual-machines: split up MacEmu configs and use a script for launching them

an 2019-07-27 10:17:47 -04:00
rodzic f4c60d366b
commit 977397ad00
7 zmienionych plików z 64 dodań i 62 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
displaycolordepth 0
disk /mnt/s/vm/MacEmu/OS7
screen win/800/600
seriala /dev/ttyS0
serialb /dev/ttyS1
ether enp1s0
udptunnel false
udpport 6066
rom /mnt/s/osmedia/Apple MacOS/ROMs OldWorld/512KB ROMs/1989-09 - 368CADFE - Mac IIci.ROM
bootdrive 0
bootdriver 0
ramsize 67108864
frameskip 1
modelid 5
cpu 4
fpu true
nocdrom false
nosound true
noclipconversion false
nogui false
jit true
jitfpu true
jitdebug false
jitcachesize 8192
jitlazyflush true
jitinline true
keyboardtype 5
keycodes true
keycodefile /usr/share/BasiliskII/keycodes
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
dsp /dev/dsp
mixer /dev/mixer
ignoresegv false
idlewait false

scripts/fish/macemu Normal file
Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# vim: syntax=fish:
function macemu -d "Frontend to SheepShaver and BasiliskII" -a arch cfg
switch "$arch"
case m68k
set config ~/.basilisk_ii_prefs
set executable BasiliskII
case ppc
set config ~/.sheepshaver_prefs
set executable SheepShaver
chmod u+w $config
cat $_agw_dir_rc/virtual-machines/MacEmu-common > $config
cat $_agw_dir_rc/virtual-machines/MacEmu-common-$arch >> $config
cat $_agw_dir_rc/virtual-machines/MacEmu-$cfg >> $config
chmod -w $config
## EOF

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1 @@
disk /mnt/s/vm/MacEmu/OS7

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1 @@
disk /mnt/s/vm/MacEmu/OS9

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,32 +1,22 @@
disk /mnt/s/vm/MacEmu/OS9
extfs /mnt/s/vm/MacEmu/Share
screen win/800/600
windowmodes 0
screenmodes 0
seriala /dev/ttyS0
serialb /dev/ttyS1
rom /mnt/s/osmedia/Apple MacOS/ROMs NewWorld/1999-05-14 - Mac OS ROM 1.6.rom
bootdrive 0
bootdriver 0
ramsize 1073741824
dsp /dev/dsp
ether enp1s0
extfs /mnt/s/vm/MacEmu/Share
frameskip 1
gfxaccel true
ignoresegv false
jit true
keyboardtype 5
keycodefile /usr/share/BasiliskII/keycodes
keycodes true
mixer /dev/mixer
mousewheellines 3
mousewheelmode 1
nocdrom false
noclipconversion false
nogui false
nonet false
nosound false
nogui false
noclipconversion false
ignoresegv false
ignoreillegal false
jit true
jit68k false
keyboardtype 5
ether slirp
keycodes true
keycodefile /usr/share/BasiliskII/keycodes
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
dsp /dev/dsp
mixer /dev/mixer
ignoresegv false
idlewait true
screen win/800/600
seriala /dev/ttyS0
serialb /dev/ttyS1

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
cpu 4
displaycolordepth 0
fpu true
idlewait false
jitcachesize 16384
jitdebug false
jitfpu true
jitinline true
jitlazyflush true
modelid 5
ramsize 67108864
rom /mnt/s/osmedia/Apple MacOS/ROMs OldWorld/512KB ROMs/1989-09 - 368CADFE - Mac IIci.ROM
udpport 6066
udptunnel false

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
gfxaccel true
idlewait true
ignoreillegal false
jit68k false
ramsize 1073741824
rom /mnt/s/osmedia/Apple MacOS/ROMs NewWorld/1999-05-14 - Mac OS ROM 1.6.rom
screenmodes 0
windowmodes 0