/* * Copyright 2017 Jos van den Oever * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "parseJson.h" #include "helper.h" #include #include #include #include BindingTypeProperties simpleType(BindingType type, const char* name, const char* init) { return { .type = type, .name = name, .cppSetType = name, .cSetType = name, .rustType = name, .rustTypeInit = init }; } QList& bindingTypeProperties() { static QList p; if (p.empty()) { QList f; f.append(simpleType(BindingType::Bool, "bool", "true")); f.append({ .type = BindingType::UChar, .name = "quint8", .cppSetType = "quint8", .cSetType = "quint8", .rustType = "u8", .rustTypeInit = "0", }); f.append({ .type = BindingType::Int, .name = "qint32", .cppSetType = "qint32", .cSetType = "qint32", .rustType = "i32", .rustTypeInit = "0", }); f.append({ .type = BindingType::UInt, .name = "quint32", .cppSetType = "uint", .cSetType = "uint", .rustType = "u32", .rustTypeInit = "0" }); f.append({ .type = BindingType::ULongLong, .name = "quint64", .cppSetType = "quint64", .cSetType = "quint64", .rustType = "u64", .rustTypeInit = "0" }); f.append({ .type = BindingType::Float, .name = "float", .cppSetType = "float", .cSetType = "float", .rustType = "f32", .rustTypeInit = "0.0" }); f.append({ .type = BindingType::QString, .name = "QString", .cppSetType = "const QString&", .cSetType = "qstring_t", .rustType = "String", .rustTypeInit = "String::new()" }); f.append({ .type = BindingType::QByteArray, .name = "QByteArray", .cppSetType = "const QByteArray&", .cSetType = "qbytearray_t", .rustType = "Vec", .rustTypeInit = "Vec::new()" }); p = f; } return p; } BindingTypeProperties parseBindingType(const QString& value) { for (auto type: bindingTypeProperties()) { if (value == type.name) { return type; } } QTextStream err(stderr); err << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "'%1' is not a supported type. Use one of\n").arg(value); for (auto i: bindingTypeProperties()) { if (i.name == i.rustType) { err << " " << i.rustType << "\n"; } else { err << " " << i.name << " (" << i.rustType << ")\n"; } } err.flush(); exit(1); } Property parseProperty(const QString& name, const QJsonObject& json) { Property p; p.name = name; p.type = parseBindingType(json.value("type").toString()); p.write = json.value("write").toBool(); p.optional = json.value("optional").toBool(); p.rustByValue = json.value("rustByValue").toBool(); return p; } Qt::ItemDataRole parseItemDataRole(const QString& s) { const QString name = s.left(1).toUpper() + s.mid(1) + "Role"; int v = QMetaEnum::fromType() .keyToValue(name.toUtf8()); if (v >= 0) { return (Qt::ItemDataRole)v; } QTextStream err(stderr); err << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "%1 is not a valid role name.\n").arg(s); err.flush(); exit(1); } ItemProperty parseItemProperty(const QString& name, const QJsonObject& json) { ItemProperty ip; ip.name = name; ip.type = parseBindingType(json.value("type").toString()); ip.write = json.value("write").toBool(); ip.optional = json.value("optional").toBool(); ip.rustByValue = json.value("rustByValue").toBool(); QJsonArray roles = json.value("roles").toArray(); for (auto r: roles) { QList l; for (auto v: r.toArray()) { l.append(parseItemDataRole(v.toString())); } ip.roles.append(l); } return ip; } Object parseObject(const QString& name, const QJsonObject& json) { Object o; o.name = name; QString type = json.value("type").toString(); if (type == "List") { o.type = ObjectType::List; } else if (type == "Tree") { o.type = ObjectType::Tree; } else { o.type = ObjectType::Object; } const QJsonObject& properties = json.value("properties").toObject(); for (const QString& key: properties.keys()) { o.properties.append(parseProperty(key, properties[key].toObject())); } QTextStream err(stderr); const QJsonObject& itemProperties = json.value("itemProperties").toObject(); if (o.type != ObjectType::Object && itemProperties.size() == 0) { err << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "No item properties are defined for %1.\n").arg(o.name); err.flush(); exit(1); } else if (o.type == ObjectType::Object && itemProperties.size() > 0) { err << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "%1 is an Object and should not have itemProperties.").arg(o.name); err.flush(); exit(1); } o.columnCount = 0; for (const QString& key: itemProperties.keys()) { ItemProperty p = parseItemProperty(key, itemProperties[key].toObject()); o.columnCount = qMax(o.columnCount, p.roles.size()); o.itemProperties.append(p); } return o; } Configuration parseConfiguration(const QString& path) { QFile configurationFile(path); const QDir base = QFileInfo(configurationFile).dir(); QTextStream err(stderr); if (!configurationFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { err << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cannot read %1.\n").arg(configurationFile.fileName()); err.flush(); exit(1); } const QByteArray data(configurationFile.readAll()); QJsonParseError error; const QJsonDocument doc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &error)); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { err << error.errorString(); err.flush(); exit(1); } const QJsonObject o = doc.object(); Configuration c; c.cppFile = QFileInfo(base, o.value("cppFile").toString()); QDir(c.cppFile.dir()).mkpath("."); c.hFile = QFileInfo(c.cppFile.dir(), c.cppFile.completeBaseName() + ".h"); const QJsonObject& object = o.value("objects").toObject(); for (const QString& key: object.keys()) { bindingTypeProperties().append({ .type = BindingType::Object, .name = key, .cppSetType = key, .cSetType = key, .rustType = key, .rustTypeInit = "", }); } for (const QString& key: object.keys()) { Object o = parseObject(key, object[key].toObject()); c.objects.append(o); } const QJsonObject rust = o.value("rust").toObject(); c.rustdir = QDir(base.filePath(rust.value("dir").toString())); c.interfaceModule = rust.value("interfaceModule").toString(); c.implementationModule = rust.value("implementationModule").toString(); return c; }