extern crate cc; use super::{generate_bindings, read_bindings_file, Config}; use regex::Regex; use serde_xml_rs::deserialize; use std::env::var; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct RCC { qresource: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct QResource { prefix: String, file: Vec, } /// Parse the qrc file, panic if it fails. fn read_qrc(qrc: &Path) -> RCC { let bytes = ::std::fs::read(qrc).expect(&format!("Could not read {}", qrc.display())); let mut rcc: RCC = deserialize(&bytes[..]).expect(&format!("could not parse {}", qrc.display())); for qresource in &mut rcc.qresource { for file in &mut qresource.file { let mut p = qrc.parent().unwrap().to_path_buf(); p.push(&file); *file = p; } } rcc } /// Get the list of files that are listed in the qrc file. fn qrc_to_input_list<'a>(qrc: &'a Path, rcc: &'a RCC) -> Vec<&'a Path> { let mut list = Vec::new(); list.push(qrc); for qresource in &rcc.qresource { for file in &qresource.file { list.push(file); } } list } /// Run a commmand and return the standard output if the command ran ok. /// Otherwise print an error and exit this program. fn run(cmd: &str, command: &mut Command) -> Vec { eprintln!("running: {:?}", command); match command.output() { Err(e) => eprintln!( "Could not run {}. Make sure {} is in your path: {}", cmd, cmd, e ), Ok(output) => { io::stderr() .write(&output.stderr) .expect("Could not write to stderr."); if output.status.success() { return output.stdout; } match output.status.code() { None => eprintln!("Process {} terminated by signal.", cmd), Some(code) => eprintln!("{} exited with status code: {}", cmd, code), } } } ::std::process::exit(-1); } /// Query a Qt environment variable via qmake. fn qmake_query(var: &str) -> String { let v = String::from_utf8(run("qmake", Command::new("qmake").args(&["-query", var]))) .expect("qmake output was not valid UTF-8"); v.trim().to_string() } fn qt_include_path() -> PathBuf { let qt_include_path = PathBuf::from(qmake_query("QT_INSTALL_HEADERS")); if qt_include_path.exists() { return qt_include_path; } // NixOS workaround: get value from CMAKE env variable let path = var("CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH").expect("CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH is not set"); let paths = path.split(':'); for path in paths { if path.contains("qtbase") { return path.into(); } } panic!("Could not find QT_INSTALL_HEADERS") } struct Version { major: u8, minor: u8, patch: u8, } /// Return the qt version number as an integer. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panic if the value could not be parsed. fn parse_qt_version(qt_version: &str) -> Version { let re = Regex::new(r"(\d)\.(\d{1,2})(\.(\d{1,2}))").unwrap(); match re.captures(&qt_version) { None => panic!("Cannot parse Qt version number {}", qt_version), Some(cap) => Version { major: cap[1].parse::().unwrap(), minor: cap[2].parse::().unwrap(), patch: cap .get(4) .map(|m| m.as_str()) .unwrap_or("0") .parse::() .unwrap(), }, } } /// Check for a minimal Qt version. /// /// # Example /// /// ``` /// # use std::env; /// # use rust_qt_binding_generator::build::require_qt_version; /// require_qt_version(5, 1, 0); /// ``` /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the installed version is smaller than the required version or if /// no version of Qt could be determined. pub fn require_qt_version(major: u8, minor: u8, patch: u8) { let qt_version = qmake_query("QT_VERSION"); let version = parse_qt_version(&qt_version); if version.major < major || (version.major == major && (version.minor < minor || (version.minor == minor && version.patch < patch))) { panic!( "Please use a version of Qt >= {}.{}.{}, not {}", major, minor, patch, qt_version ); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum QtModule { Core, Gui, Multimedia, MultimediaWidgets, Network, Qml, Quick, QuickTest, Sql, Test, Widgets, Concurrent, DBus, Help, Location, OpenGL, Positioning, PrintSupport, Svg, WebChannel, WebEngine, WaylandCompositor, X11Extras, Xml, XmlPatterns, Charts, } /// A builder for binding generation and compilation of a Qt application. /// /// Pass options into this `Build` and then run `build` to generate binddings /// and compile the Qt C++ code and resources into a static library. /// This struct is meant to be used in a `build.rs` script. pub struct Build { qt_library_path: PathBuf, qt_include_path: PathBuf, out_dir: PathBuf, build: cc::Build, bindings: Vec, qrc: Vec, h: Vec, cpp: Vec, modules: Vec, link_libs: Vec, } impl Build { /// Create a new `Build` struct. /// /// Initialize the struct with the build output directory. That directory /// is available via the environment variable `OUT_DIR`. /// /// # Example /// /// ``` /// use std::env; /// use rust_qt_binding_generator::build::Build; /// if let Ok(out_dir) = env::var("OUT_DIR") { /// Build::new(&out_dir) /// .bindings("bindings.json") /// .qrc("qml.qrc") /// .cpp("src/main.cpp") /// .compile("my_app"); /// } /// ``` pub fn new>(out_dir: P) -> Build { let qt_include_path = qt_include_path(); let mut build = cc::Build::new(); build .cpp(true) .include(out_dir.as_ref()) .include(&qt_include_path); Build { qt_library_path: qmake_query("QT_INSTALL_LIBS").into(), qt_include_path: PathBuf::from(qt_include_path), out_dir: out_dir.as_ref().to_path_buf(), build, bindings: Vec::new(), qrc: Vec::new(), h: Vec::new(), cpp: Vec::new(), modules: vec![QtModule::Core], link_libs: Vec::new(), } } /// Add a bindings file to be processed. pub fn bindings>(&mut self, path: P) -> &mut Build { self.bindings.push(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()); self } /// Add a qrc file to be processed. /// /// qrc files are Qt Resource files. Files listed in a qrc file are /// compiled into a the binary. Here is an example qrc file that adds a qml /// file. /// ```xml /// /// /// main.qml /// /// /// ``` pub fn qrc>(&mut self, path: P) -> &mut Build { self.qrc.push(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()); self } /// Add a C++ header file to be compiled into the program. pub fn h>(&mut self, path: P) -> &mut Build { self.h.push(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()); self } /// Add a C++ file to be compiled into the program. pub fn cpp>(&mut self, path: P) -> &mut Build { self.cpp.push(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()); self } /// Add the path to the paths includes for headers. pub fn include_path>(&mut self, path: P) -> &mut Build { self.build.include(path); self } /// Link to the specified library. pub fn link_lib>(&mut self, path: P) -> &mut Build { self.link_libs.push(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()); self } fn print_link_libs(&self) { for path in &self.link_libs { if let Some(parent) = path.parent() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", parent.display()); } if let Some(name) = path.file_name().and_then(|a| a.to_str()) { // remove 'lib' prefix and '.so...' suffix let name = if let Some(pos) = name.find('.') { &name[3..pos] } else { &name[3..] }; println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", name); } } } /// Add a Qt module to be linked to the executable pub fn module(&mut self, module: QtModule) -> &mut Build { self.modules.push(module); self } /// Compile the static library. /// /// # Panics /// /// Panics if there is any kind of error. Run `cargo build -vv` to /// get more output while debugging. pub fn compile(&mut self, lib_name: &str) { for binding in &self.bindings { handle_binding(&self.out_dir, binding, &mut self.h, &mut self.cpp); } let mut compile_inputs: Vec<&Path> = Vec::new(); for h in &self.h { compile_inputs.push(h); handle_header(h, &mut self.cpp); } for qrc in &self.qrc { handle_qrc(&self.out_dir, qrc, &mut self.cpp); } for cpp in &self.cpp { compile_inputs.push(cpp); self.build.file(cpp); } // add the Qt module include folders for module in &self.modules { self.build .include(self.qt_include_path.join(&format!("Qt{:?}", module))); } let lib = self.out_dir.join(&format!("lib{}.a", lib_name)); if should_run(&compile_inputs, &[&lib]) { self.build.compile(lib_name); } else { // normally cc::Build outputs this information println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", lib_name); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", self.out_dir.display()); print_cpp_link_stdlib(); } println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", self.qt_library_path.display()); for module in &self.modules { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=Qt5{:?}", module); } self.print_link_libs(); } } // Print the c++ library that cargo should link against // This is used when calling 'cargo build' when no actual recompile is needed. fn print_cpp_link_stdlib() { let target = ::std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); let stdlib = if target.contains("msvc") { None } else if target.contains("apple") || target.contains("freebsd") || target.contains("openbsd") { Some("c++") } else { Some("stdc++") }; if let Some(stdlib) = stdlib { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", stdlib); } } /// Return true if all outputs and exist are older than the given input time. fn are_outputs_up_to_date(paths: &[&Path], input: SystemTime) -> bool { for path in paths { if let Ok(mt) = path.metadata().and_then(|m| m.modified()) { if mt <= input { let duration = input.duration_since(mt).unwrap(); println!( "{} is outdated by {} seconds.", path.display(), duration.as_secs() ); return false; } } else { println!("{} does not exist.", path.display()); return false; } } true } /// Return the youngest/newest mtime for the paths. fn get_youngest_mtime(paths: &[&Path]) -> Result { let mut max = UNIX_EPOCH; for path in paths { let mt = path .metadata() .and_then(|m| m.modified()) .map_err(|e| format!("Error reading file {}: {}.", path.display(), e))?; if mt > max { max = mt; } } Ok(max) } /// Run moc to generate C++ code from a Qt C++ header fn moc(header: &Path, output: &Path) { run("moc", Command::new("moc").arg("-o").arg(output).arg(header)); } /// Run rcc to generate C++ code from a Qt resource file fn rcc(rcfile: &Path, output: &Path) { run("rcc", Command::new("rcc").arg("-o").arg(output).arg(rcfile)); } /// return true if a command should run. /// It returns true if all inputs are present and if any of the inputs is newer /// than the newest output or if the outputs do not exist yet. fn should_run(input: &[&Path], output: &[&Path]) -> bool { // get the youngest input time let input_time = match get_youngest_mtime(input) { Ok(time) => time, Err(e) => panic!(e), }; !are_outputs_up_to_date(output, input_time) } fn get_interface_module_path(config: &Config) -> PathBuf { let mut path = config.rust.dir.join("src"); path.push(&config.rust.interface_module); path.set_extension("rs"); PathBuf::new() } fn handle_binding( out_dir: &Path, bindings_json: &Path, h: &mut Vec, cpp: &mut Vec, ) { let mut config = read_bindings_file(&bindings_json) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not parse {}: {}", bindings_json.display(), e)); let bindings_cpp = out_dir.join(&config.cpp_file); let mut bindings_h = bindings_cpp.clone(); bindings_h.set_extension("h"); config.cpp_file = bindings_cpp.clone(); config.rust.dir = out_dir.join(&config.rust.dir); let interface_rs = get_interface_module_path(&config); if should_run( &[&bindings_json], &[&bindings_h, &bindings_cpp, &interface_rs], ) { generate_bindings(&config).unwrap(); } h.push(bindings_h); cpp.push(bindings_cpp); } fn handle_qrc(out_dir: &Path, qrc_path: &Path, cpp: &mut Vec) { let qrc = read_qrc(qrc_path); let qml_cpp = out_dir.join(format!( "qrc_{}.cpp", qrc_path.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() )); let qrc_inputs = qrc_to_input_list(qrc_path, &qrc); if should_run(&qrc_inputs, &[&qml_cpp]) { rcc(&qrc_path, &qml_cpp); } cpp.push(qml_cpp); } fn handle_header(h: &Path, cpp: &mut Vec) { let moc_file = h.parent().unwrap().join(format!( "moc_{}.cpp", h.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() )); if should_run(&[&h], &[&moc_file]) { moc(&h, &moc_file); } cpp.push(moc_file); }