Fork 0

54 lines
1.3 KiB

#define Much int i=0;puts("Much "
#define I "I "
#define marvelled "marvelled this ungaily fowl "
#define this "this "
#define ungaily
#define fowl
#define to "to "
#define hear "hear discourse so "
#define discourse
#define so
#define plainly "plainly,")
#define Though fputs
#define its ("Though its answer little meaning --", stdout);
#define answer
#define little
#define meaning func(i
#define relevancy ); puts(" little relevancy"
#define bore " bore;")
#define The void func(int i) {\
if(i== -1)puts(" --");if(i== -2)puts(",");} int
#define Raven main() {
#define For fputs("For"
#define we " we "
#define cannot "cannot "
#define help "help "
#define agreeing "agreeing "
#define that "that "
#define no "no "
#define sublunary "sublunary "
#define being "being\n"
#define Ever "Ever "
#define yet "yet "
#define was "was "
#define blessed "blessed "
#define with "with "
#define seeing "seeing "
#define bird "bird "
#define above "above "
#define his "his "
#define chamber "chamber "
#define door "door",stdout); func((i
#define Bird )); fputs("Bird "
#define or "or "
#define beast "beast "
#define upon "upon "
#define the "the "
#define sculptured "sculptured "
#define bust "bust "
#define With i++)); fputs("With "
#define such "such "
#define name "name as "
#define as "as "
#define Nevermore "Nevermore\n", stdout);}