/* Copyright (C) 2015 Graham Sanderson, All Rights Reserved */ #include "extdll.h" #include "eiface.h" #include "util.h" #include "game.h" #include "gslua.h" #include "lua/lua.hpp" #define MAX_LUA_LIB_FUNCS 200 #define MAX_LUA_LIB_GLOBALS 200 extern lua_State *g_L; extern BOOL g_bLuaInitialized; static const luaL_Reg gsLib_METHODS[] = { { "Print_Console", LUA_PrintConsole }, { NULL, NULL } }; typedef enum { LTYPE_INT, LTYPE_STR } gsLuaType; typedef union { int i; const char *str; } gsLuaGlobal; typedef struct gsLuaRegGlobal { const char *name; gsLuaGlobal value; gsLuaType type; } gsLuaRegGlobal; static gsLuaRegGlobal const gsLib_GLOBALS[] = { { "at_notice", at_notice, LTYPE_INT }, { "at_console", at_console, LTYPE_INT }, { "at_aiconsole", at_aiconsole, LTYPE_INT }, { "at_warning", at_warning, LTYPE_INT }, { "at_error", at_error, LTYPE_INT }, { "at_logged", at_logged, LTYPE_INT }, { NULL } }; // --- Init/quit --- #define LuaError(...) (ALERT(at_error, __VA_ARGS__), g_bLuaInitialized = FALSE, LuaQuit(), g_L = NULL) void LuaInit(void) { g_L = luaL_newstate(); g_bLuaInitialized = TRUE; ALERT(at_console, "[HLua] Lua initialized.\n"); LuaRegisterFunctions(); LuaRegisterGlobals(); if(luaL_dostring(g_L, "Print_Console(at_console, \"[HLua::Lua] Initialization success!\");") == TRUE) { LuaError("[HLua] Failed initial Lua test. Stopping Lua.\n"); return; } LuaParseScripts(); } void LuaQuit(void) { lua_close(g_L); ALERT(at_console, "[HLua] Lua shutdown.\n"); } void LuaCheckNull(void const *vpToCheck) { if (vpToCheck == NULL) { LuaError("[HLua] Null pointer exception!\n"); } } // --- Misc functions --- void LuaRunScript(char *szFileName) { if(luaL_dofile(g_L, szFileName) == TRUE) { LuaError("[HLua] Failed to run script %s\nLua: %s\n", szFileName, lua_tostring(g_L, -1)); } } void LuaParseScripts(void) { FILE *fScripts; char szLn[1024]; char szFilenamePulledOutOfMyAss[MAX_PATH]; char szAlsoPulledOutOfMyAss[MAX_PATH]; GET_GAME_DIR(szAlsoPulledOutOfMyAss); strcat(szAlsoPulledOutOfMyAss, "/lua"); CreateDirectory(szAlsoPulledOutOfMyAss, NULL); strcpy(szFilenamePulledOutOfMyAss, szAlsoPulledOutOfMyAss); strcat(szFilenamePulledOutOfMyAss, "/scripts.txt"); fScripts = fopen(szFilenamePulledOutOfMyAss, "r"); if(fScripts == NULL) { LuaError("[HLua] Failed to open lua/scripts.txt!\n"); return; } while(fgets(szLn, 1024, fScripts) != NULL) { BOOL bContinue = FALSE; if(szLn[0] == '\r' || szLn[0] == '\n') continue; char ch = szLn[0], pvch = szLn[0]; for(int i = 1; ch != '\0'; pvch = ch, ch = szLn[i++]) { if(i == 1) continue; if(pvch == '/' && ch == '/') { bContinue = TRUE; break; } if(ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { szLn[i-1] = '\0'; break; } } if(bContinue == TRUE) continue; char szSeriouslyIHaveALotOfThingsInMyAss[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szSeriouslyIHaveALotOfThingsInMyAss, szAlsoPulledOutOfMyAss); strcat(szSeriouslyIHaveALotOfThingsInMyAss, szLn); LuaRunScript(szSeriouslyIHaveALotOfThingsInMyAss); } } // --- Binded lua functions and globals --- void LuaRegisterFunctions(void) { int i; ALERT(at_console, "[HLua] Registering functions.\n"); for(i = 0; i < MAX_LUA_LIB_FUNCS; i++) { if(gsLib_METHODS[i].name == NULL && gsLib_METHODS[i].func == NULL) break; lua_register(g_L, gsLib_METHODS[i].name, gsLib_METHODS[i].func); } ALERT(at_console, "[HLua] Register success, got %d functions.\n", i); } void LuaRegisterGlobals(void) { int i; ALERT(at_console, "[HLua] Registering globals.\n"); for(i = 0; i < MAX_LUA_LIB_GLOBALS; i++) { if(gsLib_GLOBALS[i].name == NULL) break; switch(gsLib_GLOBALS[i].type) { case LTYPE_INT: lua_pushnumber(g_L, gsLib_GLOBALS[i].value.i); break; case LTYPE_STR: lua_pushstring(g_L, gsLib_GLOBALS[i].value.str); break; default: LuaError("[HLua] Invalid type in global initializer!\n"); return; } lua_setglobal(g_L, gsLib_GLOBALS[i].name); } ALERT(at_console, "[HLua] Global registry success, put out %d globals.\n", i); } int LUA_PrintConsole(lua_State *L) { const char *szToWrite = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); ALERT_TYPE eType = (ALERT_TYPE)luaL_checkinteger(L, 1); LuaCheckNull(szToWrite); ALERT(eType, "%s\n", szToWrite); return 0; }