an marrub
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marrub pushed to master at marrub/void-packages

2019-10-28 03:37:22 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/void-packages

2019-10-28 03:16:27 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/void-packages

2019-10-27 11:18:48 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/void-packages

2019-10-26 18:54:25 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

  • 23c2dd5a9c computers/cain: add xquickdir command

2019-10-26 00:20:57 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/void-packages

2019-10-26 00:20:06 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

2019-10-25 22:37:14 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/void-packages

2019-10-25 22:25:04 -07:00

marrub created repository marrub/void-packages

2019-10-25 22:24:48 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

2019-10-24 21:15:17 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/vim-qt-cpp

2019-10-24 20:36:27 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/vim-quakec

2019-10-24 20:35:53 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

2019-10-24 20:29:59 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

2019-10-24 10:21:37 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at packages/alpine-git

  • 53b761a995 forgot to un-remove without-tcl and disable-shared

2019-10-23 10:13:22 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at packages/alpine-git

2019-10-22 17:54:32 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at packages/bsnes-plus-git

2019-10-22 12:15:32 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

  • 923e76b94a rain/rebuild-pkgs: add tor-browser (forgot to add this ages ago)

2019-10-19 13:43:00 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

2019-10-19 12:09:43 -07:00

marrub pushed to master at marrub/scripts

2019-10-19 10:20:23 -07:00