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While ZScript does not have proper user-facing generics, Array is one such type that does have a (hard-coded) type parameter. It mirrors the internal TArray type exactly. Note that all Object types monomorphize to the same implementation and structures cannot be stored in arrays due to no polymorphic variant of TArray existing in the engine.

struct Array<Type>
   uint Max() const;
   uint Size() const;

   void Append(array<Type> other);
   void Copy(array<Type> other);
   void Move(array<Type> other);

   void Clear();
   void Delete(uint index, int deletecount = 1);
   bool Pop();

   uint Find(Type item) const;
   void Grow(uint amount);
   void Insert(uint index, Type item);
   uint Push(Type item);
   uint Reserve(uint amount);
   void Resize(uint amount);
   void ShrinkToFit();
  • Max

    Returns the amount of allocated objects in the array.

  • Size

    Returns the amount of constructed objects in the array.

  • Clear

    Clears out the entire array, possibly destroying all objects in it.

  • Delete

    Removes count objects starting at index, possibly destroying them. Moves objects after index + count to the left.

  • Pop

    Removes the last item in the array, possibly destroying it. Returns false if there are no items in the array to begin with.

  • Append

    Value-copies another array's contents and places them into this array at the end.

  • Copy

    Value-copies another array's contents into this array. The contents of other are preserved. This operation can be extremely taxing in some cases.

  • Move

    Moves another array's contents into this array. The contents of other are left indeterminate and shall not be used. This operation is extremely fast as it only copies pointers but must be used carefully to avoid error.

  • Find

    Finds the index of item in the array, or Size if it couldn't be found.

  • Grow

    Ensures the array can hold at least amount new members, growing the allocated object amount if necessary.

  • Insert

    Inserts item at index. Moves objects after index to the right.

  • Push

    Places item at the end of the array, calling Grow if necessary.

  • Reserve

    Adds amount new empty-constructed objects at the end of the array, increasing Size and calling Grow if necessary. Value types are initialized to zero and reference types to null.

  • Resize

    Adds or removes objects based on amount. If it is less than Size then objects are destroyed, if it is more then objects are empty-constructed. New objects follow the same initialization rules as Reserve.

  • ShrinkToFit

    Shrinks Max to Size. Does not mutate any objects in the array.