# Line Also known as a "linedef." A line segment with two sides and two vertices. ``` struct Line play { readonly Sector BackSector, FrontSector; readonly double BBox[4]; readonly vector2 Delta; readonly Side Sidedef[2]; readonly Vertex V1, V2; readonly uint PortalIndex; readonly uint PortalTransferred; double Alpha; uint Flags; int ValidCount; uint Activation; int Args[5]; int LockNumber; int Special; int Index(); bool Activate(Actor activator, int side, int type); bool RemoteActivate(Actor activator, int side, int type, vector3 pos); Line GetPortalDestination(); bool IsLinePortal(); bool IsVisualPortal(); double GetUDMFFloat(name nm); int GetUDMFInt(name nm); string GetUDMFString(name nm); } ``` - `BackSector`, `FrontSector` The sector of the front and back sides of this line. - `BBox` The top, bottom, left and right of the line, respective to array index. - `Delta` Equivalent to `V2 - V1`. - `V1`, `V2` Returns the start and end points of this line segment, respectively. - `Sidedef` The front and back sides of this line, 0 and 1 respectively. The aliases `Line.Front` and `Line.Back` are provided as well. - `PortalIndex` TODO - `PortalTransferred` TODO - `Alpha` Alpha of the middle texture on both sides. - `Flags` Any combination of the following bit flags: | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | `ML_3DMIDTEX_IMPASS` | Middle texture will collide with projectiles and allow them to pass through. | | `ML_3DMIDTEX` | Middle texture can be collided with and walked on as if it were a thin sector. | | `ML_ADDTRANS` | Middle textures are drawn with additive translucency on both sides. | | `ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING` | Line blocks everything. | | `ML_BLOCKHITSCAN` | Line blocks hit scan attacks. | | `ML_BLOCKING` | Line is solid and blocks everything but projectiles and hit scan attacks. | | `ML_BLOCKMONSTERS` | Line blocks non-flying monsters. | | `ML_BLOCKPROJECTILE` | Line blocks projectiles. | | `ML_BLOCKSIGHT` | Line blocks line of sight. | | `ML_BLOCKUSE` | Line blocks use actions. | | `ML_BLOCK_FLOATERS` | Line blocks flying monsters. | | `ML_BLOCK_PLAYERS` | Line blocks players. | | `ML_CHECKSWITCHRANGE` | Checks the activator's vertical position as well as horizontal before activating. | | `ML_CLIP_MIDTEX` | Applies `WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX` to both sides. | | `ML_DONTDRAW` | Never shown on the auto-map. | | `ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM` | Lower texture is unpegged on both sides. | | `ML_DONTPEGTOP` | Upper texture is unpegged on both sides. | | `ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY` | Special can only be activated from the front side. | | `ML_MAPPED` | Always shown on the auto-map. | | `ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE` | Monsters may activate this line. | | `ML_RAILING` | Line is a railing that can be jumped over. | | `ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL` | Special may be activated multiple times. | | `ML_SECRET` | Line will be shown as one-sided on the auto-map. | | `ML_SOUNDBLOCK` | Blocks sound propagation after two lines with this flag. | | `ML_TWOSIDED` | Line has a back side. | | `ML_WRAP_MIDTEX` | Applies `WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX` to both sides. | | `ML_ZONEBOUNDARY` | Reverb zone boundary. | - `ValidCount` Don't use this. - `Activation` TODO - `Args` Arguments of the line's special action. - `LockNumber` TODO - `Special` Number of the special action to be executed when this line is activated. - `Index` Returns the index of this line. - `Activate` TODO - `RemoteActivate` TODO - `GetPortalDestination` TODO - `IsLinePortal` TODO - `IsVisualPortal` TODO - `GetUDMFFloat`, `GetUDMFInt`, `GetUDMFString` Gets a named UDMF property attached to this linedef.