# Game TODO ``` string G_SkillName(); int G_SkillPropertyInt(int p); double G_SkillPropertyFloat(int p); deprecated("3.8") vector3, int G_PickDeathmatchStart(); deprecated("3.8") vector3, int G_PickPlayerStart(int pnum, int flags = 0); ``` - `G_SkillName` The name of the skill in play. - `G_SkillPropertyInt` Returns a skill property. `p` may be: | Name | | ---- | | `SKILLP_ACSRETURN` | | `SKILLP_AUTOUSEHEALTH` | | `SKILLP_DISABLECHEATS` | | `SKILLP_EASYBOSSBRAIN` | | `SKILLP_EASYKEY` | | `SKILLP_FASTMONSTERS` | | `SKILLP_INFIGHT` | | `SKILLP_NOPAIN` | | `SKILLP_PLAYERRESPAWN` | | `SKILLP_RESPAWNLIMIT` | | `SKILLP_RESPAWN` | | `SKILLP_SLOWMONSTERS` | | `SKILLP_SPAWNFILTER` | - `G_SkillPropertyFloat` Returns a skill property. `p` may be: | Name | | ---- | | `SKILLP_AGGRESSIVENESS` | | `SKILLP_AMMOFACTOR` | | `SKILLP_ARMORFACTOR` | | `SKILLP_DAMAGEFACTOR` | | `SKILLP_DROPAMMOFACTOR` | | `SKILLP_FRIENDLYHEALTH` | | `SKILLP_HEALTHFACTOR` | | `SKILLP_MONSTERHEALTH` | | `SKILLP_KICKBACKFACTOR` | - `G_PickDeathmatchStart` Note: This function is deprecated and `LevelLocals::PickDeathmatchStart` should be used instead. Returns the position and angle of a random death-match start location. - `G_PickPlayerStart` Note: This function is deprecated and `LevelLocals::PickPlayerStart` should be used instead. Returns the position and angle of a player start for player `pnum`. `flags` may be: | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | `PPS_FORCERANDOM` | Always picks a random player spawn for this player. | | `PPS_NOBLOCKINGCHECK` | Does not check if an object is blocking the player spawn. |