# WBStartStruct Information passed into the `StatusScreen` class when an intermission starts. ``` struct WBStartStruct { WBPlayerStruct Plyr[MAXPLAYERS]; int PNum; int Finished_Ep; int Next_Ep; string Current; string Next; string NextName; textureid LName0; textureid LName1; int MaxFrags; int MaxItems; int MaxKills; int MaxSecret; int ParTime; int SuckTime; int TotalTime; } ``` ### `Plyr` The `WBPlayerStruct` for each player. ### `PNum` The index of the player to show stats for. ### `Finished_Ep` The cluster of the finished map, minus one. ### `Next_Ep` The cluster of the next map, minus one. ### `Current` The name of the map that was finished. ### `Next` The name of the next map. ### `NextName` The printable name of the next map. ### `LName0` Texture ID of the level name of the map that was finished. ### `LName1` Texture ID of the level name of the map being entered. ### `MaxFrags` Unknown purpose, not actually used by any part of the engine. ### `MaxItems` The maximum number of acquired items in the map. ### `MaxKills` The maximum number of killed monsters in the map. ### `MaxSecret` The maximum number of found secrets in the map. ### `ParTime` The par time of the map, in ticks. ### `SuckTime` The suck time of the map, in minutes. ### `TotalTime` The total time for the whole game, in ticks.