Marrub 2018-02-08 13:00:46 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 841a8461a0
commit e75e4dc4df
1 changed files with 90 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ Table of Conents
* [Structure definitions](#structure-definitions)
* [Enumeration definitions](#enumeration-definitions)
* [Constant definitions](#constant-definitions)
* [Static array definitions](#static-array-definitions)
* [Include directives](#include-directives)
* [Types](#types)
* [Expressions and Operators](#expressions-and-operators)
* [Statements](#statements)
* [Member declarations](#member-declarations)
* [Method definitions](#method-definitions)
* [API](#api)
@ -77,20 +80,6 @@ Class flags
| `native` | Class is from the engine. Do not use in user code. |
| `version("ver")` | Restricted to version *ver*. Do not use in user code. |
Class content
Class contents are an optional list of various things logically contained within the class, including:
- Member declarations
- Static array declarations
- State definitions
- Default definitions
- Property definitions
- Enumeration definitions
- Structure definitions
- Constant definitions
Examples: Class headers
@ -131,6 +120,75 @@ int m_mymember;
// end of file
Class content
Class contents are an optional list of various things logically contained within the class, including:
- Member declarations
- Method definitions
- Property definitions
- Default blocks
- State definitions
- Enumeration definitions
- Structure definitions
- Constant definitions
- Static array definitions
Property definitions
Property definitions are used within classes to define defaultable attributes on actors. They are not valid on classes not derived from Actor.
When registered, a property will be available in the `default` block as `ClassName.PropertyName`. Properties can be given multiple members to initialize.
Property definitions take the form `property Name: Member list...;`.
Properties defined in ZScript are usable from DECORATE.
Default blocks
Default blocks are used on classes derived from Actor to create an overridable list of defaults to properties, allowing for swift creation of flexible actor types.
In DECORATE, this is everything that isn't in the `states` block, but in ZScript, for syntax flexibility purposes, it must be enclosed in a block with `default` at the beginning, formed:
Default statement list...
Default statements include flags and properties. Flags are the same as DECORATE, though sub-actor flags require their prefix, and can optionally be followed by a semicolon. Properties are the same as DECORATE, with a terminating semicolon required.
State definitions
These are the same as DECORATE, but states require terminating semicolons. Double quotes around `####` and `----` are no longer required.
Examples: Property definitions
A class with some properties:
class MyCoolActor : Actor
MyCoolActor.MyCoolMember 5000;
MyCoolActor.MyCoolMemberList 501, 502;
int m_myCoolMember;
int m_coolMember1, m_coolMember2;
property MyCoolMember: m_myCoolMember;
property MyCoolMemberList: m_coolMember1, m_coolMember2;
Structure definitions
@ -168,6 +226,7 @@ Structure content
Structure contents are an optional list of various things logically contained within the structure, including:
- Member declarations
- Method definitions
- Enumeration definitions
- Constant definitions
@ -251,6 +310,11 @@ Making an integer constant from a double:
const MyCoolInt = int(777.7777);
Static array definitions
Include directives
@ -339,7 +403,7 @@ Other types
| `spriteid` | Similar to `int`, but holds a sprite identifier. |
| `state` | A reference to an actor state. |
| `statelabel` | The name of an actor state. Similar to `name`. |
| `void` | Alias for `None`. Unknown purpose. |
<!--| `void` | Alias for `None`. Unknown purpose. |-->
Fixed-size arrays
@ -789,13 +853,23 @@ bool spawned;
Static array statements
Static arrays can be declared as normal as a statement.
Static arrays can be defined normally as a statement.
Null statements
A null statement does nothing, and is formed `;`. It is similar to an empty compound statement.
Member declarations
Method definitions