require 'open-uri' require 'json' # # ===== WARNING ===== # # !!! INCOMING SPAGHETTI !!! # # - BE PRAYING # - BE PRAYING # - BE PRAYING # class Mod_DoomRLA < Vrobot4::Module::Module def self.type "DoomRLA" end Vrobot4::Module.add_module_type self, server: "Discord" AType = ["Melee", "Ranged", "Special"].freeze DType = ["Melee", "Bullet", "Fire", "Plasma", "Piercing", "Holy", "Unholy", "Special"].freeze def initialize info super register :c_weaponinfo, "weaponinfo", "Prints DRLA weapon info." register :c_monsterinfo, "monsterinfo", "Prints DRLA monster info." register :c_reloadinfo, "reloadinfo", "", roles: "h" reload_info end def c_weaponinfo m, argv name = argv.join(" ") w = {|wep| wep if wep["Name"].casecmp? name}[0] raise ArgumentError, "Weapon not found" if w == nil t = "%s %s damage\n" % [w["Damage"], w["DamageType"]] t << "%s shots\n" % [w["Shots"]] if w["Shots"].to_i > 1 t << "Uses %s %s\n" % [w["AmmoUsage"], w["AmmoType"]] \ if w["AmmoType"] != "None" t << "%s capacity\n" % [w["Capacity"]] if w["Capacity"] t << "\n" t << "%s explosion damage, %s radius\n" % [w["ExplosionDamage"], w["ExplosionRadius"]] if w["ExplosionDamage"] t << "Traits: %s\n" % [w["Traits"]] if w["Traits"] != "N/A" t << "Assembly: %s with %s\n" % [w["Assembly"], w["AssemblyItem"]] \ if w["Assembly"] t << "%s" % [w["Description"]] if w["Description"] m.chan.real.send_embed do |embed| embed.title = "[%s] %s" % [w["Rarity"], w["Name"]] embed.description = t end end def c_monsterinfo m, argv name = argv.join(" ") mi = do |mon| mon if mon["Name"].casecmp? name or mon["Tags"].split(", ").include? name end raise ArgumentError, "No monsters found" if mi == nil mi.first(3).each do |w| t = "%i Health\n" % [w["Health"]] t << "Resistances: %s\n" % [w["Resistances"]] t << "Drops: %s\n" % [w["ItemDrops"]] if w["ItemDrops"] t << "%s" % [w["Description"]] if w["Description"] t << "\n" w["Attacks"].each do |a| t << "\n[%s] %s\n" % [AType[a["AttackType"]], a["Name"]] t << "%s %s damage\n" % [a["Damage"], DType[a["DamageType"]]] t << "%s explosion damage, %s radius\n" % [a["ExplosionDamage"], a["ExplosionRadius"]] \ if a["ExplosionDamage"] t << "%s shots\n" % [a["Shots"]] if a["Shots"].to_i > 1 t << "%s\n" % a["Description"] if a["Description"] end m.chan.real.send_embed do |embed| embed.title = "[%s] %s" % [w["Difficulty"], w["Name"]] embed.title << " %s" % [w["Weapon"]] if w["Weapon"] embed.image = \ url: w["Sprite"] if w.key? "Sprite" embed.description = t end end end def c_reloadinfo m, argv reload_info end private def reload_info @winfo = JSON.parse(open(@info["wep_info"]).read) @minfo = JSON.parse(open(@info["mon_info"]).read) end end ## EOF